We finished the entire sack and we were now left with the half-filled one.

We talked and shared so much about each other. It was as if time stopped, giving us more room to be together. But our joyful conversations were cut short when a soft thunder came from the skies. We looked up and the clouds slowly blocked the sun. Another faint thunder grumbled from afar. The sky continued to grow grey in colour.

‘James must be in an unforgiving mood right now,’ I thought to myself.

“It is best that we leave,” Laura tied the sack and put it back under her seat. “We don’t want to return home soaked with rain water,” she added as we prepared to leave.

“As a prince of the kingdom who is responsible for rain, I understand what you said,” I teased as I sat firmly on my end of the boat.

She then grabbed the oars and fiddled with them as she slid them to the oarlocks. “I hope we will be able to get out of here in time. We are quite deep in this swamp,” she said.

“I can row for us. I can do it faster and you already did it a while ago,” I offered.

“Don’t worry, I can do this,” Laura smiled as she looked at me. “I have done this more than once. Another passenger makes no difference.”

“Are you sure?” I asked.

“Of course,” she nodded. “Now, sit tight and I will get us out of here in no time.”

Laura then rowed with all of her might and speed. I kept my gaze on her, worried that she might strain herself because of the added strength and speed. I also prayed that James would be in a lighter mood so the rain wouldn’t fall.


A while has passed and the skies grew even darker. The thunder moved closer to our direction and clouds seemed heavier than before. At any given time, the rain could fall upon us.

To our luck, the dock was already in sight.

“I told you that I will get us out of here,” Laura said, triumphant.

I returned a smile but it quickly faded as a raindrop fell on my nose.

Laura immediately saw it and rowed even faster. A few more drops followed and in a matter of seconds, the rain poured. “Oh!” she shouted as she continued to row.

I was going to control the rain but it was forbidden to use our magic outside of our realm. And should I try that, James would immediately notice it. Once that happened, he would do everything to trace where it came from.

I turned to the dock, wanting to get there a little faster. Suddenly, a faint giggle came from Laura. I looked at her and as soon as our eyes met, she laughed.

“You still have the nerve to laugh when we’re drenched with rain?!” I asked.

“Why are you taking this situation seriously?!” she asked with a smile. “The least that you can do is to appreciate the rain!”

She continued laughing and amidst my attempt to stop myself, I couldn’t help but join her. To see her this happy, I couldn’t help but marvel at her child-like innocence. This woman was just too precious to be angry at.

A few more rows and we finally reached the dock. I got off first and helped her get out of the boat. I then took it upon myself to tie the boat onto the dock.

“We need to go,” Laura said as soon as the boat was secured.

I then grabbed her hand, stopping her from leaving.

She quickly turned around and asked, “Is there something wrong?”

I looked around and up to the skies. “The rain isn’t that bad,” I then returned to her, “Would you care to dance with me?”

“Dance with you?” her brows furrowed.

I nodded with a smile.

“You want us to dance under the pouring rain?” she repeated the question, confused.

I nodded once more.

“Too much time under the rain may give us a cold,” she explained. “We still need to return home. I don’t know what to tell Grandpa Ben if I went home in this state.”

I stepped forward towards her. She then lowered her head, turning slightly to the right to avoid me. I gently lifted her face, “We are already wet from the rain. What is the point of getting out of it? And you said it yourself: the least that I can do is to enjoy it,” I winked.

Laura smiled and lowered her face again, staring directly at my chest.

“So, would you care to dance with me?” I asked once more.

She took a deep breath and replied, “Can’t we just leave and go home?”

I cupped her face and lifted it by her chin. I leaned in, our foreheads nearly touched. She looked to her left once more. She trembled under my touch. I gently poked her nose and said, “If you want to go home, we shall go home.”

She sighed after holding her breath. She nodded and stepped away from me, walking ahead of me. She might not know of this but a short moment of being close to her, I was safe once more.


Laura and I finally arrived back at the bakery.

She and Leo rode before Lady and I so I could ensure her safety. When we got back, the rain ceased and the sun shone once more. Because of the ride home, our clothes were able to dry themselves a little bit.

As Laura stopped at the front, I hopped off and helped her get down. We walked to the side of the bakery, carefully pulling our horses by their reins.

“Thank you for accompanying me, Robert,” she smiled.

“I should be the one who is grateful,” I moved closer, “I was able to do something memorable with my time.”

She giggled as she removed the lead shank from Leo’s collar. “But still, you made the rain worth it.”

“That reminds me,” I held onto her arm, “Don’t forget to change your clothes.”

She nodded shyly. “I need to prepare for work. You should go home and change as well. You may catch a cold.”

I chuckled. “Don’t you worry, madam,” I gently poked her nose, “I will change my clothes. However, the rain doesn’t make me sick that easily.”

She smiled as we stared at each other for what felt like a long time. If I were given the chance to do so, I would remain standing with her as I held her close. I would never get tired of looking at her. In addition, her eyes would just make you want to stay.

I cleared my throat, which made her look down to her feet. “I will take my leave, then,” I stepped back.

“Absolutely, she nodded as she hid her face from me.

I turned around and walked towards Lady. But before I could proceed further, I stopped. Without any hesitation, I returned to Laura and laid a gentle peck on her cheek.

And the world just stopped.

She looked at me, eyes widened out of surprise.

“I, um… I,” I stuttered as I struggled to say something coherent. “I, uh,” I pointed at Lady as I walked back slowly.

“You need to go,” she helped with a smile.

“Right!” I quickly hopped onto Lady. “I will see you again soon.” After a wave of goodbye, I rode away. And all I could think about was that kiss that I gave her.


I made my way to Mother’s room as I was told by Gonzalo that I needed to see her immediately.

Walking through the hallways, I still couldn’t wrap my head around that kiss. As my lips touched her cheek, it was as soft as I thought it would be. I wanted to smile so bad, my cheeks hurt because I was stopping it. I didn’t want to smile randomly as I sprinted through the halls with Gonzalo.

I might look insane.

As I arrived in front of the door, I put my ear on it but heard nothing. Fearing for the worst, I barged in and as the doors swung open, I couldn’t believe what I saw. “Mother?”

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