III. The Impact of Her
~ Thirteen ~

’I squinted as I opened my eyes.

‘Slowly, my sight adjusted to the sun’s brightness. Though it was partially blocked by the leaves’ shadows, it still stung. I covered my eyes with my hands as I sat up. I looked around and I saw nothing but the wide open plains. There was only the rustling of leaves above me as the wind blew gently.

’I stood up and not for long, a child’s laughter came from afar. I turned my head and a kite was thrown into the air from the voice’s direction. However, it plummeted back to the ground.

’I reached another hilltop as I walked towards its direction. There, I saw a family. And it was the same family in the castle from one of my previous dreams. I hid behind a nearby tree to get a closer look.

’A little boy was the one who made the attempts to make the kite fly. His parents sat under a tree behind him. They sat comfortable with their other child, the girl.

’The boy tried once more but it fell short. He hung his head low as he returned to his family, defeated. He dragged the kite behind him as he carried a frown.

’The father asked as the boy approached them, “What is the matter?”

’The boy replied as he was about to cry, “The kite. It wouldn’t fly.”

’The father stood and knelt in front of him. He hugged the child and gently rubbed his back. “Oh, my dear boy. Don’t cry dear one. There is no need for tears.”

’The boy sobbed even more as they pulled away, “But, my kite didn’t fly. I wanted it to fly.”

’With a comforting smile, the father replied, “I know you do. But crying won’t solve anything.” He wiped his son’s tears and continued, “I am here and I will help you.”

’The child nodded as he wiped his tears on his own.

’The father encouraged the boy, “Now, why don’t we fly a kite together?”

’The mother interrupted, causing the boys to look at her, “Before that, how about we have something to eat first?”

’The father returned to his son and said, “Your mother is right. We need all the strength that we can get to make your kite soar into the skies.”

‘His son finally let out a smile. He took his father’s hand and returned to their picnic spot to join the mother and daughter.’

To my surprise - and for the better - I wasn’t awakened abruptly by my dream.

I turned to my window and it was morning already. Time flew too fast yesterday. But thankfully, my dream was a calmer one. It still, however, reinforced my thoughts that those dreams were real.

At this point, it was impossible for them to be merely dreams. It all felt too real. I wanted answers and I wanted them now. But as the others had told me, the answers would come at the right time.

As soon as I finished my preparations for breakfast, Gonzalo suddenly arrived. “Your Highness,” he remarked with his eyes wide open.

“Good morning, Gonzalo,” I smiled as I walked towards him.

“Good morning, Your Highness,” he bowed immediately. He continued, baffled, “You are up early today. And you seem to be in a good mood.”

I nodded upon reaching him. “I wouldn’t want to miss breakfast with the family,” I explained with my hands behind me.

His brows furrowed even more. His head tilted as he shifted between surprised and confused. “You are going to join your family for breakfast, Your Highness?” Gonzalo asked, seemingly unsure if he heard me correctly.

“Yes, Gonzalo, I understand that came as a shock to you,” I replied.

“You never joined them for family feasts voluntarily, Your Highness. This surely came as a surprise to me,” Gonzalo explained.

“I know it did but I wanted to try things a little different today,” I smiled. I then asked, “How is my Lady today? Has she recovered?”

“I sent one of the servants to check on her before I came here,” he replied as he put his hands behind his back.

I nodded again as I smiled with satisfaction. “That is good to know. Now, would you kindly accompany me to the dining hall?”

“Of course, Your Highness. Right this way, please,” he said as he walked ahead of me. And I followed him closely.

When we arrived at the dining hall, my family was already eating.

The room was still silent but it didn’t have the hostile atmosphere.

“Good morning, everyone!” I greeted with my hands in the air.

“Robert!” Mother squealed upon my entrance.

I headed over to Mother first. “Good morning, Mother,” I said as I kissed her on her forehead.

“I wasn’t expecting for you to be awake at this time of the morning,” Elizabeth entered the conversation, amazed as I approached her next.

“Yes, it is lovely to see you too, dear sister,” I rolled my eyes and kissed her cheek.

I then walked over to James and lent my hand for a handshake. “Good morning, James.”

Instead of a response, James stood from his seat and pulled me tightly in his arms. He held me as if he hadn’t seen me in years. “Good morning, son.”

I gave him a quick yet light tap on his back to acknowledge his warm welcome. I wanted for him to hold me like a son. This, however, was the first time we shared a hug and it felt unusual, to say the very least. Even the laugh that we had yesterday still confused me.

“Yes, uh, good morning,” I smiled firmly as I nodded. We pulled away and I sat beside Elizabeth.

“We couldn’t be happier to have you with us for breakfast,” James said as my food was served before me.

“This is quite early for my normal time to wake up. So, I thought perhaps having breakfast with the family is the best way to spend the morning,” I smiled casually as I prepared myself to eat.

“And it is wonderful for you to join us, dear brother,” Elizabeth said as she put her hand on mine.

I returned her gentle grin. “I have to admit: it is refreshing to be with the family at the very first part of the day.”


Our peaceful morning was disrupted by a horrifying scream. It was loud enough to be heard all over the castle.

Without a moment to lose, we rose from chairs and folloed the direction of the scream.

The scream led us to the stables.

Upon our arrival, the cooks stood in the middle of the room, huddled over something on the hay-covered floor.

“Let me through,” I grunted as I pushed through the crowd.

And it was something I regretted doing.

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