Countless fireflies covered the valley and surrounding forest. They swirled in the night sky and made a marvelous sight that even the stars could not match. Bonnie simply could not look away. The fireflies flew out of the jar Ivor held. Bonnie was so surprised and moved that she struggled to describe her feelings. She asked, "When and where did you get these fireflies from?"

"I told you I have a surprise for you. Naturally, I had them prepared much earlier." Ivor took another jar and bragged, "Do you want to see more of them? I have another jar here. I caught all of these for you myself. What do you think? Am I awesome, or am I awesome?"

Ivor bragged so much that it made Bonnie giggle. "Geez, you'll never change, Ivor. You'll always be a kid."

'Did he honestly catch these fireflies for me? How old does he think he is? He's usually so imposing and bossy around other people but that's not apparent now.'

"I can't help it," Ivor said helplessly and sighed. He approached Bonnie and held her shoulder. "I look at you and have these impulses to do things that'll make you happy. I'm spending all my childishness on you."

"Ivor, you're not only immature but also smart-mouthed." Although Bonnie said that, her grin was wider than ever. "Still, I love how thoughtful your gesture is."

"That's what matters the most." Ivor took her hand and led her to the tent. "Let's go inside and see how it feels to lie down and enjoy the night sky."

'Ivor has been preparing for tonight since he reached Verdant Valley Retreat. I don't think he has rested, either.'

With that in mind, Bonnie could not help but worry. "You've been working on this all day. Now's a good chance for you to take a break."

Ivor was overjoyed to hear that. "Bonnie, are you worried about me?"

She tugged at his arm and blushed, asking embarrassedly, "Are you going to keep spouting nonsense? Do you have something better to do, or do you want to lie down?" Ivor smirked when he saw her blushing. "Of course, I want to lie down. Ladies first."

"Okay," Bonnie replied and crawled inside.

Then, Ivor entered and lay down beside her. The couple took in the boundless night sky when Ivor held her hand and intertwined his fingers with hers. "Are you happy, Bonnie?" "Very much so," Bonnie responded. Then, she figured it was not enough to convey her feelings. So, she added, "I'm thrilled."

'He took a long time to prepare for tonight's surprise. My initial response wasn't sincere enough.'

"So am I." Ivor turned and pressed his head against hers. "My days spent with you are always full of endless happiness."

Although Bonnie did not know how to sweet talk, she did not push him away or insult him—that was more than enough to show that she shared Ivor's sentiment.

He must have realized her thoughts because he boldly leaned closer and kissed her cheek. "I'm so lucky to have you, Bonnie."

She blushed so much that even her ears reddened.

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