Sienna was beaten to a pulp. She hated Bonnie and wished to rip her to pieces, but considering the former's current situation, she could only yield and apologize to Bonnie.

Sienna got to her knees and bowed, apologizing repeatedly. Meanwhile, Sydney tugged at Gunnar's sleeve and leaned closer, whispering, "Honey, I think Bonnie's an upstanding girl." "You're right. I also see why Dad insists on setting her up with Ivor."

Flynn was within earshot and heard everything they said. He added, "Bonnie's more than upstanding, Mom. You'll see how badass Grandpa is when you learn about her real identity. Ivor has won the lottery."

The couple gazed at him, and one said, "Judging by your tone, you must be hiding something from us. Did you learn some valuable information or something? Is that why you're suddenly treating her so well?" "You're right. I know something but can't tell you guys."

"You think you're tough now? You even learned to keep secrets from us. It looks like you're itching for a beating!" Gunnar yanked at Flynn's ear and dragged him outside.

"Ow! That hurts! You'll rip my ear off! Let go of me!"

"Tell us, now!"

He looked at his father helplessly. "I can't say anything about it, Dad."

"A good beating, it is, then!" Gunnar twisted his son's ear.

"Ouch! You're going to rip my ear off! Let go! I told you I can't say anything about it. Not even Ivor knows, Dad. Grandpa also told me not to spill the beans unless Bonnie's okay with it. Otherwise, he'll break my legs and chop off my manhood!"

Gunnar could only let his son go. "Are you sure you can't say anything?"


"All right, then. We'll know about it eventually. It's just a matter of time."

Sienna returned to her hotel and smashed everything in her room, shocking her agent, Adele. "Calm down, Sienna. Your grandpa did what he did to preserve your family's honor. I'm sure he has his reasons for defending Bonnie."

"I know that! It's just that Grandpa and the others shouldn't have treated me so harshly. Bonnie is just an insignificant commoner. Even if the plan is exposed, she couldn't

have done anything to us. After all,

we're the McLeods!" Content

belongs to

"I don't think that's true. After all, your family carries Arvandor's reputation on their shoulders. If the commoners learn that you guys mobilized the troops and assaulted an innocent citizen, the implications might be far worse.

"You're much smarter than me, Sienna. I'll leave it to you to determine how much worse it could've gotten."

Sienna began to calm down once

she listened to Adele's analysis. The


former said, "That explains why Grandpa sided with Bonnie. The Blackburns support her, but that's only because of Orpheus. There was no need to blow the whole thing out of proportion in the first place."

"That's right. That's why you were so enraged that you couldn't assess it calmly. Like I said, you're much smarter and more experienced than me. Albyou have to do is stay calm. Then, you would've seen the inner workings of the whole thing."

Sienne loved listening to Adele because the latter always knew what to say.

"You're right. I shouldn't get my panties in a bunch. I'm not going to let this slide, either. Still, I can't bulldoze my through it. I can't afford to mobilize such a big troop to handle this. It'll just expose me." "That's true. Hey, I have an idea. I can guarantee your grandpa and the others can't intervene this time."

"What's that? Hurry up and tell me!"

Adele smiled menacingly. "Since you're from the entertainment industry, why don't you use the tricks you learned and turn your fans on her?

"Use them to turn public opinion against Bonnie. That'll ruin her reputation and make her the pathetic, despicable wretch everyone loves to hate. It'll slam her to hell, and she can't return from that."

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