I cringed away from the intrusion and pounded on the closed door.

Cameron shook his head. “We need to run to the car. If we go inside, more will show up and we’ll be trapped. Agreed?”

“Shit, you’re right.” I pulled my hair over my face. Stupidly, I’d left my baller’s cap in the car. “Ready, let’s go.”

Cameron clamped me to him, and we ran.

“Elise, smile for a picture,” the photographer shouted, moving in. “What’s it like being at your dad’s house? Bring back memories of his horrible death?”

I kept my gaze on my feet and hustled down the path and to the sidewalk.

“What happened with Derren?” the photographer continued. “Is he the thief from Banks’ song? Are you having an affair with Leo Banks? Why was Leo defending you?”

Body blocking him, Cameron snatched the door open then handed me inside the back. I landed in the seat and curled away. The tinted glass concealed me, and I heaved a shaky breath, the leather seats cool under my hot hands.

“Come on,” the man urged. “My three-year-old is sick. Just one photo will pay for her surgery. You can save her sight.”

“Leave her alone,” Cameron snarled.

The photographer backed up then darted in again and tried my door. He opened it an inch before Cameron thrust him out of the way.

“Let me make myself clear: fuck off, pal.”

He hit the button on the keys to lock me in, but now, he’d have to round the car and unlock it again to climb in the driver’s side. I grabbed the door handle to stop the man from a second attempt.

The man lifted his camera in front of him like a shield. He sneered at Cameron. “You can’t touch me. Lay one finger on me and I’ll sue.”

Then he side stepped, his focus on the windshield.

With lightning reflexes, Cameron snatched the lens pointing right at me and flipped it. With his other hand, he pressed something on the camera, and a piece fell off.

“My battery!” the photographer bleated.

He ducked to grab the part, and Cameron sprinted around the car then slammed into his seat.

“Hold on tight.” Cameron spun the wheel and accelerated around the man then, with a roar of the engine, we were away.

He threw glances in the mirrors, just like when we’d been pursued in the Highlands. Then, I’d been scared and silent. This time, everything had changed.

“Are ye okay?” Cameron asked.

“Oh my God, you were amazing. What did you do to his camera?”

His lips curved in a smile. “Over the summer, I had training in how to disarm someone pointing a weapon. Same principle applied, except the weapon was a camera. I know from my da where the battery compartment is and how to quickly eject it.”

I snickered a laugh but let him concentrate on the road.

He reached the intersection and continued downhill, his driving precise, careful, and speedy. “How the fuck did they find ye in the space of thirty minutes?”

Christina’s delay tactic. The disappearance of Chad followed by dad’s ex, needing to talk to him. I had no doubt.

“Those assholes,” I bit out. “Christina and Chad. They called me in.”

Cameron nodded once. “Aye. Fuck. I bet you’re right.”

I kept low to the seat, cursing under my breath. “I hate paparazzi. They’re like a pack of rabid dogs. Did you hear what he said about his kid? It’s always that. Or their moms. I used to fall for it, but not anymore.”

“Shite,” Cameron growled. “We’re being followed. I need either a fast road with lots of exits or somewhere more complicated only locals would know about where we can slip away.”

“God.” As best I could, I directed Cameron out of town and onto I-5 north.

On the open stretch of freeway, he put his foot down, weaving through the traffic.

I kept low in my seat, still gripping the door handle. “Are they still behind us?”

“Yep. Two cars.”

I swore some more. Now we were in San Diego and so close to the ocean, I’d wanted to show Cameron around. I loved this city, and being back here with him… It wasn’t anywhere near as bad as I’d expected.

But that had been ruined by my dad’s greedy ex.

The Lincoln swung out as Cameron slid the car across two lanes. He edged in front of a truck, hiding us from our pursuers.

“I am naw going to let them follow us like in Scotland. No fucking chance. We’re going to have to ditch this car,” he gritted out. “Once we’ve shaken these arseholes off, we need to get out of sight and into a new vehicle. Is there anyone ye know who we can call on for help? Friends of your dad’s?”

I racked my brain. “Dad had lots of acquaintances but none that close. His best friend moved away a couple of years ago. Wait, he might still have a place around here.” I found my phone then scrolled, seeking the entry for Austin. Then I hit his number.

It rang once, and the man’s warm voice answered. “Elise? Is that you? It’s been so long.”

“Austin, sorry but I need to be short, we’re being chased by photographers. Do you still own your house in La Jolla?”

Dad’s friend gasped. “Chased? Shit! I saw you were in the headlines.”

“We need to get off the road.”

A car pulled forward alongside us, the engine roaring.

“Keep down, they’re right next to us with the camera out the window,” Cameron growled.

He accelerated again, dodging slower cars.

“Right,” Austin continued. “Are you in San Diego? You must be. Yes, I still own the house. But it’s a vacation let now. Hold up, it might be available.”

“Can you check? I’m really sorry to ask.”

The scrabble of tapping followed. Low in my seat, I pictured the older man pushing his glasses up his nose and peering at his screen. “Don’t even. I said come to me if you ever needed anything.” Austin went quiet for a moment. “You’re in luck. It’s vacant for the next two nights.”

“Can we please use it?”

“Sure thing. I’ll block it out. Are you going there now?”

I leaned forward to Cameron. “Austin’s letting us use his house. It has a private garage so we can hide the car there.”

“How far?”

“Stay on this road, there’s an exit for La Jolla in about fifteen minutes.”

Cameron threw another glance at the road behind. “Still there. They’ll see the route we take.”

“I heard that,” Austin said. “Get onto the La Jolla parkway. I’ll talk you through how to get away.”

“Hold up. I’ll put you on loudspeaker.”

Austin rattled out a series of diversions, and Cameron sped on, swerving around other cars.

In the back, I huddled down and let him drive.

With tight control, he handled the big car, the muscles of his forearms tensed.

Seriously sexy. I couldn’t help staring, my fear suspended by knowing he was in charge.

Abruptly, we slowed, then spun onto the exit. From the off-ramp, Cameron hit the gas again and blasted into the link road.

“Did they follow?” I stayed low.

He flicked glances behind. “Naw sure yet. I cannae see them.”

“Good man,” Austin commended. “Who’s at the wheel, Elise? Your bodyguard?”

A grin curved my lips, excitement from the chase in my blood. “Nope. Well, technically yes, but way more.”

“Good to hear.”

“Fuck. One’s right here.” Cameron hauled on the wheel, braking into a skid. “Arsehole came from nowhere onto the junction. He’s trying to block us.”

God, no. This was exactly what happened to Dad.

Cameron grabbed the back of the passenger seat and reversed. Car horns blared.

“This is going to be bumpy. Keep your head down.”

We were in the outskirts of the town—I recognised signs and buildings. Cameron sped into a gas station and out the other side to a wide-open parking lot, the big car hitting the kerb. We bounced onto the road again and took off.

“Shortcut,” Cameron said.

Another car’s horn blared.

I pressed my fingers to my speeding heart. This wasn’t fun anymore.

Despite all his attention being on the road, Cameron still spared a smile for me. “Dinna fret. I’ve got this. Trust me.”

I did. entirely.

A minute later, my getaway driver finally slowed. “I think we lost him. Back at that junction, he tried to block us. So fucking dangerous.”

“Tell me where you are,” Austin said. “I’ll talk you through the last bit of the trip.”

He stayed on the line until we were into La Jolla’s quieter streets. At the coast road, he guided us to one I recognised. Dad and I had stayed here a couple of times. It was large and private, with fences bordering the property right down to the sea. The perfect temporary hideout.

Austin gave the code for the garage, and then we were inside, engine off, hidden.

“We’re here,” I said into the phone, hushed. “We’re safe.”

“The house has security up to its eyeballs from when I lived there. The cameras aren’t on, but I never use them anymore. I’ll text you the instructions for how to activate them. You can hide upstairs and watch the street.”

“Thank you, Austin.”

“My home is your home. I need to head out to work now, but if you need anything, or even for me to cancel the next group booking, yell.”

“You’ve been amazing. We won’t stay long.”

I repeated my gratitude then hung up the call. Cameron was already peering out of the window that looked back on the road. After a minute, the tightness in his shoulders eased.

“We lost them. This was a stroke of genius.”

“Pure luck that Austin still owned it.”

He jogged up the internal steps, opened the door that led into the house, and hollered to see if anyone else was there.

I grabbed our bags from the trunk, but Cameron returned and took them from me. I expected him to carry them to the stairs, but instead he dropped them and reached for me instead.

A rush of breath and a look fuelled by need was my only warning for what was coming next.

He fitted his mouth to mine, and a whole new level of excitement took me under.

I melted into Cameron’s kiss. Energy danced from where our lips touched, spreading through my veins, and I ran my hands around his neck, urging him closer.

My Scot gave up a groan then grabbed one of my hands, drawing it to his chest, over his heart.

It sped. This time I knew what that meant.

“Car chases really do it for you, huh?”

Cameron drew back an inch, his gaze burning. “Protecting ye does, aye. If anyone else had been behind the wheel, I would have been fucking terrified for ye. But this,” he kissed me again, “I’ve wanted to do all day.”

My pulse skittered, echoing his. “Only this?”

In the way I knew he would, Cameron stilled. “No. Not only this. Everything. But only when you’re ready.”

I centred myself and held his gaze. Then I leaned in and took his lips with mine, delivering a slow, purposeful kiss. My blood pounded in my ears. The world fell away.

I knew without a shadow of a doubt that kissing Cameron had ruined all other men for me. We fit perfectly, every move delivering a blaze of feeling. His taste alone made me an addict, begging for more. And the careful way he moved in on me…

Deep down, I wished that he didn’t need to be so careful, but I appreciated it all the more. I couldn’t anticipate when panic might strike, and I still felt like a fraud from my body’s reaction to what happened.

Cameron didn’t treat me that way.

Simultaneously, we slid into a deeper kiss. Our tongues touched, and I moaned at the contact. Cameron pulled me closer to his body.

I grazed my fingertips over his chest, as gentle with him as he was being with me. Then I went lower and hooked his belt loop, bringing his hips to mine. A steel pole of an erection pressed against my belly.

“Fuck.” Cameron broke our mouths apart.

Two nights ago, he’d given me one hell of an orgasm. Now it was payback time.

With both hands, I worked his belt and button undone. No underwear constricted him, and I freed his dick from his jeans.

Then I gave him a long stroke. Cameron drew a sharp breath.

“Back against the car,” I ordered.

He shifted until his ass hit the Lincoln, and I knelt in front of him on the cement floor. Peering up, I got a bolt of lust from his expression alone.

Pure need overrode his usual tight control.

Then I dragged my hand down his dick and brought it to my mouth.

The size of him stretched my lips. I hollowed my cheeks and sucked, using my tongue to work him. With my other hand, I gripped his base, unable to take all of him in one go.

“Princess,” he growled.

I repeated the motion, slowly at first before adding pressure. Cameron groaned again. He dug his fingers into my hair, though made no attempt to take over.

Still, I listened out for every hitch of breath and picked up on every tiny movement he made. This had to be good for him, I needed to make him happy.

Already, I was beyond turned on. Wet. And my nipples tightened to hard buds.

I cupped his balls then pulled gently as I blew him.

“Holy fuck,” Cameron stuttered.

Ha! Success.

Sliding off his dick, I peeked up at him, keeping up the motion with my hands.

“Tell me what you like.”


Pleased, I licked the head of his dick, tonguing the grooves. If I could get him off as fast as he had me, I’d be winning.

But Cameron had other ideas.

With a sound of urgency, he snapped his hips back then lunged for me, collecting me from the floor. Before I knew it, he’d snatched open the door to the Lincoln and perched me on the seat. Then he sank his fingers into my hair once more and kissed me. At the same moment, his other hand guided mine back to his dick.

He paused for a moment to wrench his shirt over his head, then stood over me, his hands based on the frame of the car. His fevered gaze darted around us as if he was recalling for the first time we were in a garage. “I’m losing my mind. Is this the best place…?”

Now I knew why he’d put me in the car. Aside from being at the right height. “No cameras. C’mere.”

I pulled at the bow at the front of my shorts, then wriggled out of them.

Cameron stepped between my thighs, his fingertips indenting my skin. His touch drifted up over my hips and my belly to under my shirt, trailing fire. I reached back and unsnapped my bra, giving him free rein over my breasts, and he wasted no time. While I struggled out of my remaining clothes, he kissed my throat and chest before licking each of my aching nipples into peaks.

The whole time, he kept one hand on the car’s doorframe, keeping the pressure off me.

Then he kept going south. He dipped his tongue into my navel, and I automatically lay back, bringing my heels to the seat. With a muttered curse, Cameron splayed one hand on my chest and ducked to lavish attention on my clit.

I yelped at the contact, then moaned with the pleasure emanating from his touch. He licked me up and down.

“Your taste…”

He didn’t need to finish the sentence, I knew exactly what he meant.

Just as he had before, Cameron read me like a book. In a minute, I was mewling like a kitten under his attentions. Then he slid a finger inside me and added a second. I bucked my hips involuntarily and let out a moan.

Holy fuck.

Somehow he’d taken over this show after all.

I wanted more.

“Kiss me,” I begged.

He surged up, and our lips met. I tasted myself on his tongue.

At this angle, I could only just reach his dick, so I wrapped my legs around his waist and brought him as close as he could be.

Together, we moved. Smaller actions but precise. The angle of his fingers, the position of his dick at the junction of my legs, it was all too perfect.

My orgasm slammed into me.

At the same second, Cameron growled my name. In my fingers, his dick jerked, and hot come spilled on my stomach.

The liquid touching me…

No. No! Not that.

I jumped back, scrabbling, just like I’d done in the RV. My good feeling evaporated, and sickness took its place.

“Christ.” Cameron staggered back a step then crammed his dick back into his pants.

“Sorry,” I mumbled, my head dizzy.

“No, shite. What did I do?”

“Just…give me a minute.”

Mortified, I swept up the mess, cleaning myself with tissues from my purse. Then I reinstated my bra and top before sliding from the car to retrieve my panties and shorts from the floor.

I couldn’t look at Cameron as I dressed. Didn’t want to see my behaviour reflected in his pity. The tissues went into the trash can, and my mood slunk in with it.

Frustration replaced my surge of panic.

I shouldn’t feel this way. And I couldn’t let Cameron feel bad at all.

I forced my gaze up. Still only in his jeans, he stood by the stairs, his hands gripping the riser at his back. Mixed emotions played out over his expression.

Silently, he waited on me.

I crossed the floor until I reached him. Really, I wanted to thunk my forehead to his chest. “Messed that up, didn’t I?”

He kept his hands behind him but gave a serious head shake in the negative.

I continued. “I don’t mean the reaction. I know what you’re going to say. I can’t help that. But next time I won’t push you away.”

“Tie me up.”

I peeked at him. “What?”

“Next time, restrain my hands. Do whatever ye need to handle it.”

The image flashed over my vision of him with his hands bound, me straddling him. Even still shaken, heat followed the thought.

Though he’d misunderstood what happened. I needed to explain it all.

“We can try that,” I said slowly. “Or the other way around.”

A muscle at Cameron’s jaw worked, but whatever he planned to say got blown out of the water.

As one, both our phones rang loud.

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