When Curtis returned from his meeting, Devin had already taken off.

As the evening lights twinkled, Devin wandered to the base of Lyle Advertising Agency. After standing in the brightly lit office building for twenty minutes, the chilly breeze nipping at his neck, Devin couldn't help but think he must be out of his mind to have a thing for Joy, of all people.

Just then, Joy emerged from the building, arm in arm with Austin. Their fingers intertwined, they strolled with a sway, like kids goofing around on the playground. Joy was grinning ear to ear, her steps so buoyant that it was as if she had springs in her shoes.

Suddenly, without any warning, she grabbed Austin and kissed his cheek.

Playing along perfectly, Austin paused just long enough for her lips to land before continuing their walk hand in hand.

'What's so funny?' Devin thought, irked by their display of affection.

A surge of irritation washed over him, and he felt the urge to dash across the street and give Austin a piece of his mind or fists. There was no bad blood between them. Austin had never wronged him.

It dawned on Devin that his desire to throw a punch wasn't about Austin. It was about wanting to be in his place.

At that moment, in the chilling wind, he came to realize that what he felt for Austin wasn't hatred, but jealousy..

He had never seen this side of Joy. It turned out that her mouth wasn't just good for arguing and bickering with him. She could be jumping not to choke you but to kiss you.

Damn, he did like Joy.

He had fallen for a woman who always seemed to be at odds with him, and she had just started dating someone else.

To Devin, who had zero experience in love, that was a disaster.

Standing by a dimly lit bus stop, Joy finally noticed him when she gote close, jumping back in surprise. "Holy smokes! Are you trying to give me a heart attack standing there all silent and broody?"

Devin hadn't planned on being spotted, so he quickly pretended he was passing by. "Feeling guilty about something, are you?"

"Oh, plenty," Joy retorted. "Who hasn't done something they feel guilty about?"

"Hey, Devin," Austin offered warmly, "we were just about to grab some dinner. Join us if you haven't eaten."

Devin replied coldly, "Don't get too cozy. We're not buddies."

Austin wasn't fazed by his rudeness, chuckling instead. "I'd call you

'buddy, but figured you wouldn't like prefer lo

that How would you would nes

address you?"

Devin shot back. "How about 'Dad"?"

"Looking for trouble, huh?" Joy snapped, lunging at him, but Austin quickly stepped in, lifting her off her

feet to the other side to them

apart. .

"Let's not fight. Let's eat," Austin said, holding her with one hand and turning back to Devin. "Coming, Mr. Perez?"

'As if I'd join you,' Devin thought but followed them anyway.

Once at the restaurant, Devin made himself comfortable, tossing the menu to Joy. "Dinner's on me today. Order whatever you like." Devin took charge, and Austin didn't object. However, after they ordered, Austin changed Joy's wine to a hot apple cider.

Devin snorted, asking Joy, "So, being in a relationship means you can't drink now?"

Known for her free-spirited love for a good drink, Joy immediately shot a glare of protest.

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