His Domineering Lover
Chapter 589

On the one hand, Adam was worried that something would happen to Tracey. On the other hand, he was driven crazy by Bradley's attitude.

Tracey was the apple of his eye. How dare Bradly put a prize on her!

"She's my priceless treasure. Bradley, I'll give you the last chance. Let go of her now, and this is over. Otherwise, I'll deal with you hard!" Adam did not want to get mixed up with gangsters. Most of them were outlaws, and Bradley was more of a gangster than a gangster. He'd walked over a million dead bodies to get here

"The last person who threatened me is dead. Adam, bring it on." Bradley hung up the phone directly.

Adam called him again, but his phone was off.

"Sh*t!" Adam was both anxious and angry. He was wondering if Bradley did something nasty to Tracey, like rape.

The idea stuck in him like a dagger

He wouldn't mind if Tracey was just forced to sleep with another man. The point was, Bradley was a pervert. No woman could have sex with him without getting hurt.

If he hadn't come to Europe, nothing would have happened.

Adam kept blaming himself. It was all his fault.

He wasn't there for Tracey when she needed him the most. It would take him more than ten hours to get back to City A, but he could not wait any longer.

Barbarism must not be met with barbarism. Therefore, he called Caesar.

At this time, Caesar was holding Rose in his arms. She was drunk and he thought he was so gonna get lucky.

Suddenly, his phone rang! The first time, he ignored it. The second time, he declined it. The third time, he gave in.

Because the caller was Adam, Rose's cousin. "If you're just gonna talk to me about unimportant things, we're done." Caesar said in an unpleasant tome. "Caesar, Tracey was taken away by Bradley. I'm in Europe now, and I'm on the way to airport. I'm afraid he will hurt Tracey..." Adam's painful voice sounded. It was the first time that Caesar had felt Adam's panic. Adam was always the calmest to outsiders, but now his voice was filled with fear, tension, and anxiety. Adam's mind was in a mess now. He hated himself for not being able to save Tracey right away.

"Calm down. Tell me what happened. Why would Bradley take Tracey away?" Caesar put the sex thing aside.

Even if Adam was not Rose's cousin, Caesar'd help him because they were friends.

Adam loved Tracey as much as Caesar loved Rose. They both knew what it felt like to lose someone they loved.

Adam quickly told him everything. Caesar said decisively, "Okay, I see. I'll find a way to save her now. Bradley's not a mobster anymore, so he probably wouldn't do anything illegal. Things may not be as bad as you think."

"Well, I'll be at the airport soon. Caesar, you know, Tracey is the only woman I love. I can't live without her.

"You are the only one I can trust now. You must save her! Please!" Adam had never been so humble.

"Don't worry. I will. She'll be fine." Caesar hung up the phone.

Rose was still sleeping soundly. He sighed, bent down to carry her into the bedroom, covered her with a quilt, and kissed her on the forehead. "Rose, wait for me."

Then, he turned around and left. After making a few calls, he saw a lot of men waiting downstairs. "Sir, where are we going?"

"Calrence Manor." Everyone knew who was living there. Caesar's driver was confused. Was Mr. Peterson bringing so many people to com after Mr. Gill?

It didn't make sense, though. Neither of them were gangsters anymore.

Caesar expertly loaded the pistol and put it in his pocket.

The driver was stunned. It seemed that he was right!

Half an hour later, a group of uninvited guests arrived at Calrence Manor. Bradnon hurried upstairs. "Sir, Mr. Peterson is here." "What is he doing here?" Bradley snorted. He and Caesar might not have faced each other head on, but they were enemies.

"He said he was here to see you." Brandon wiped the cold sweat on his forehead. He knew very well it was just an excuse. How could Caesar kindly visit his enemy in the middle of the night?

Bradley looked at Tracey, who was still sleeping. Perhaps it was because of her.

"Just tell him I'm not gonna see him."

"Well... I'm afraid it won't work. He said if you refused to see you, he'd see you his way. Sir, you know how crazy this guy is..."

"Alright, alright. I'll see him." Bradley scratched his head. If he was a tiger to the mob, Caesar was a coyote, who wouldn't give up until he got what he wanted! Although he was not afraid of Caesar, he didn't want to get himself in trouble.

Brandon hurriedly went downstairs and opened the door. Eight black business cars came in the villa.

Bradley asked, "Mr. Peterson, what do you mean by bringing so many people here? I don't remember offending you in any way."

A dozen people dressed in black showed up in the courtyard. They were Bradley's men.

Caesar's men came out of the cars. The huge yard was suddenly full of people. It was like there'd be a shootout the next second. Brandon didn't want a fight. He wanted a peaceful life.

Caesar's face was as cold as ice. "Bradley, I'm sorry to bother you at this hour. I came here for a friend."

Bradley did not expect Adam to be Caesar's friend. It was quite surprising.

"Oh? Who your friend is?"

"It doesn't matter. Tracey is here, right? Bradley, she's not your woman and it's against the law for you to imprison her."

"Against the law? That's funny coming from you."

"Bradley, I don't have much patience. What's it gonna take for you to let her go?"

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