His Domineering Lover
Chapter 555

Tracey woke up in a daze, along with feeling a bit special. She could still recall how crazy Adam was last night.

She felt even hotter after getting drunk, as if being swallowed by his passion.

Before falling asleep, she was dizzy and soft like cotton. When she woke up just now, she was uncomfortable all over her body.

"You woke up?" A man's hoarse voice sounded.

Tracey blinked her eyes and asked, "Adam, you didn't go to work?" She didn't know what time it was, but she felt that it was already late for Adam to work.

"Today is Sunday. I'll accompany you home. You don't feel well?" Adam asked softly.

Tracey nodded and said, "Yes, I'm a little sick, and I have a headache."

Tracey was sick the last time she got drunk. Adam knew this and held her into his arms with distress. "Look at you, you know you are not good at drinking, why you still drank such a lot." "I was too happy yesterday. Sh*t, I forgot to see Steve off!"

"Don't worry. I have already sent him to the airport after breakfast. He knows you well and he won't blame you." Adam said and pressed Tracey's temple.

Tracey closed her eyes to enjoy the massage. "Adam, why were you so... crazy last night?"

After thinking for a while, she felt that it was more appropriate to use the word "Crazy". After all, she was almost dead in his hot body temperature.

"Probably because I didn't do it for long." Behind Tracey, Adam's eyes glittered. Tracey was distressed for his pain to endure. But Adam had never complained a little as he considered Tracey's tiredness during this period.

"Thank you, Adam." Tracey did not think too much. She took the phone from the side and found that it was turned off. She remembered that she didn't turn it off last night, probably, it was in low power.

When she charged the phone and turned it on, she found it had at least half of power. "Why my phone was off?" Tracey never turned her phone off when she slept.

She got used to staying contacted because she sometimes needed to respond to emergencies, even after midnight. Although Sun had gradually run better, she kept this habit.

"You slept well last night, and I didn't want you to be disturbed by phone. So, I turned it off." Adam originally wanted to switch Tracey's phone to silent mode, but he accidentally saw the message from Neymar. He directly deleted that message. But he thought he didn't do it enough, what if Neymar gave Tracey a call? To be honest, Adam had no idea how to help Tracey out except for turning her phone off. Adam thought Neymar must have experienced struggling quite well before sending that message out. Adam wouldn't give him any chance.

"Thank you for your consideration, Adam." Tracey would never doubt this man's kindness.

"I asked Jane to cook some light porridge for you. You can rest in bed for a while, and I'll bring it up for you later." It's getting late, and Adam thought Tracey should eat something which was good for her stomach.

"Adam, I don't know how I should live without you someday." Tracey chuckled.

Adam had spoiled Tracey to death during these months' getting along, Back then, no matter how terrible Tracey was, she would force herself to leave the bed when it was time for getting up.

Last night she got drunk, later she was having fun with Adam until late after midnight. She only felt like being torn apart.

Adam just rubbed her head and said, "Don't force yourself. It doesn't matter if you indulge yourself occasionally. Today is not a workday."

"Okay." With Adam's persuasion, Tracey continued to lie in the bed with no hesitation. But after a while's struggling, she decided to get up and wash up.

She grabbed her pajamas, finding that her body was full of the marks that Adam left. Most of them were fingerprints, some of them were hickeys.

The color of the hickeys was darker than anyone that Adam had left on her body before. Hickeys were even found on the inner side of Tracey's legs.

"How crazy!" Tracey was amazed secretly. She flushed yet she found her body was dry and clean. Obviously, Adam had done cleaning for her. She quickly put on the pajamas.

When she was washing up, she had been wondering about the baby stuff again. She couldn't figure out that why she never got

pregnant to have sex with Adam during the ovulatory period so many times.

These days were just Tracey' s ovulatory period, and they had sex the whole night last night. "I should have a baby soon." Tracey casually thought about it, but she never seriously doubted the reason. When she finished washing up, Adam had brought her breakfast. Tracey was wearing pajamas with her hair loosely tied up, and no makeup on her face.

She smiled and said, "Wow, it's my favorite porridge. It smells good."

Adam was lost in her smile. How could he not take good care of such an extremely clean smile?

"Adam, do you want to have a try? Why do you look at me like that?" Tracey saw that there was something wrong with Adam's facial expression, as if he was hit in the acupuncture point to stand still. "Nothing. I found you rarely dressed like this. I love your look. I don't eat it. I already had breakfast before you woke up."

"I used to leave early in the morning every day, and I seldom have leisure time like now. You're right, Adam, I should have a good rest." Tracey took a deep breath.

"Of course, you should. You were too busy these days, even much busier than the white collars. Remember, you are the boss of them!"

"Just because I am the boss, I should work harder, otherwise, how do I persuade the workers to follow my lead?" Tracey happily ate the porridge.

Adam sat beside her. Even if he did not do anything but just looked at her, he felt happy enough. "Tracey, will you stay with me forever?"

"What's wrong with you, Adam? Didn't you ask me this question last night?" Although Tracey nearly lost her consciousness last night, she remembered that Adam questioned her like this.

And Tracey answered him again and again patiently. Adam did fear that Tracey would leave.

"I'm good, I just want to cherish our current life, and I don't want you to leave me." Adam said, and Tracey didn't see his lost eyes at the moment when he lowered his head.

"Don't worry, Adam. You love me so much, and I love you so much. Even if you drive me away, I won't leave you." Tracey didn't know the reason why Adam would be so worried about being apart, It might be related to the three-year life of separation before.

"Well, do you have any plans for today?" Adam pretended to ask casually.

"I want to go shopping. I haven't been doing it for a long time."

"You're still in poor health. Have a good rest at home. I'll go shopping with you tomorrow."

"You don't work tomorrow?"

"You don't want me to accompany you tomorrow?"

"Of course, I do."

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