His Domineering Lover
Chapter 535

"Stop boasting!" Lucy snorted coldly. The lecture from Setlla infuriated Lucy who had been angry for being ignored by Candy tonight.

David called before Setlla finished her advice toward Lucy.

"What's up?"

"Come down. I'll wait for you at the gate of the hotel," David said.

"Okay, I'll be right there." Without asking the reasons, Setlla left.

It was half-past ten, and Setlla didn't know why David came to the hotel. It was a heavy snow, and there was a layer of snow over David's head within ten minutes.

Setlla worried about David, "It's so late, why don't you go home to rest? You should feel tired recently."

"It is Christmas Eve, and I have a present for you." David took out a well-wrapped box. There was a tradition that people exchanged apples on Christmas Eve.

"You came all the way to give me an apple? What a fool!" Setlla wiped off the snowflakes on David's head and shoulders.

The scarf on Setlla's neck made David feel warm, as he thought Setlla wouldn't wear the scarf if she disliked it.

"I want to see your face, good night." David ran away after kissing Setlla on her face.

'How childish!' Setlla touched the cheek where David kissed. David's lips were cool, and it was a light kiss. Setlla still felt warm though the kiss was like a snowflake fell on her cheek. Setlla sent David a message, "It is a heavy snow, be careful."

"OK." David replied quickly.

Setlla opened the box when back in the hotel, and there was a big red apple inside. Setlla took out the apple with a smile, then a bracelet appeared.

Setlla was stunned. It was a bracelet of Tiffany, which she once saw in a shop, and it should be expensive.

Tracey once encouraged Setlla to work hard for her own future, and Setlla knew that there was still a long way to go.

So, Setlla left after shooting a glance at the bracelet. However, David noticed her reaction and bought the bracelet with his salaries, with which he had intended to repay Tracey for the clothes.

But the financial colleague told David that the clothes were a kind of welfare from the company, so David had a sum of money at hand.

David bought the bracelet before Christmas. It was the first time for Setlla to receive such an expensive present. And David knew that Setlla would refuse the bracelet if he gave her face to face, so he hid it under the apple.

There was a small card, which said, "Don't be upset. You are my love and worth the best. This bracelet is a beginning, and I will bring you happiness in the future."

These words were as practical as the character of David, not romantic. They were a common couple in the world.

Not everyone was capable to send limos or villas as presents as Tracey and Adam did. David did his best, and Setlla never demanded those luxuries with this bracelet included.

Everyone would like to present the best to his/ her love. Looking at the card, Setlla felt warm and sweet, like drinking some hot cocoa.

Considering Lucy, Setlla packed up the bracelet carefully before going back to the suite. However, Lucy was not in the suite when Setlla was back.

Setlla was concerned about Lucy; therefore, she made a call, "Where are you?"

"Candy feel like something hot to drink, and I go buy it for her."

"Well, then get it done quickly, and come back as soon as possible. It's cold outside." Although Lucy was annoying, Setlla was still concerned about her colleague at this late hour. "OK." Hanging up the phone, Lucy went into a 24-hour convenience store nearby.

"Miss, may I help you?" The waiter was enthusiastic.

"A glass of hot fresh juice, please."

"Okay. What flavor do you like?"


"Got you."

"Wait... may I have some mango juice in it?" Something occurred to Lucy.

"Of course, Miss. Please wait a moment.

Banana and mango, right?"

"Well, and some milk," Lucy added.


Lucy tried a sip of the juice before going back. It tasted like a banana, as the milk subsided the flavor of mango.

Lucy learned from the profile that Candy was allergic to both mango and some seafood.

The arrogant look of Candy did piss Lucy off, and Lucy was determined to teach Candy a lesson.

'Screw the superstar, damn the perfume launch event, Tracey and Setlla, to the hell with both of you!'

The welfare system of Tracey's company was good, but Lucy was not a backbone like David and Setlla. And Lucy felt fretful whenever David and Setlla displayed affection in public. What was more, Tracey was the president.

'I am done with all this. And it's not a big deal for me to quit. However, if Candy is absent in the event tomorrow for some accident, what comes next?'

'People will complain that they are fooled. How will David look after spending days at this event? And what about Tracey and Setlla?'

Lucy felt happy with these imaginations. She knocked, and Candy opened the door quickly.

Candy had finished washing up. She was still beautiful after removing makeup. Shooting a glance at Lucy, Candy asked, "What drags you?"

Cursing in her heart, Lucy put a smile on her face, "Setlla ran the errand. And she is getting changed for falling over halfway. She asked me to send the juice over."

"OK." Candy seemed fretful. She closed the door after getting hold of the juice.

Lucy almost bumped against the door on her nose. She sneered coldly, 'Wait and see whether you can smile tomorrow!'

Lucy came back with excitement, and Setlla asked, "Why are you so excited?" Given the personality of Lucy, Setlla felt it weird that Lucy felt happy after running an errand at this late hour. "No, I am not."

"By the way, Lucy is allergic to mango. You didn't buy her any mango-flavored food, did you?"

"Of course not. I know my job."

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