His Domineering Lover
Chapter 470

The next day, the warm sunlight penetrated the window and shone on the bed where a woman slept in the arms of a man. What a picture! "Morning." Adam woke up and felt happy at the sight of his love. He stroked her soft hair affectionately and greeted her gently.

He found that his wounds had been bandaged. He didn't mind the clumsy dressing, as it was a work of love and care from his woman. "Adam, are you awake? How is your sleep last night?" Tracey, waking up, muttered and habitually rubbed her head in Adam's arms. Adam patted her cheek and said, "Well, because you are here. Thank you."

Last night he was so tired and fell asleep soon. But he didn't feel slimy on his body now, so he guessed Tracey had cleansed himself.

"I served you as you once did to me. No big deal." Tracey felt good and was in high spirits.

Both of them washed up. Then Tracey went through a body check again, and the doctor confirmed her recovery and advised her to eat properly in the future.

Steve sent some changes of clothes to Tracey. Then the three left the hospital, talking and joking.

Adam followed Tracey to her apartment. Steve stayed for a while and went to work. There were only Tracey and Adam left in the apartment.

After looking around the apartment, Adam beckoned Tracey to come over, "Come, T racey."

"What's up, Adam?" Tracey walked to the balcony. Then Adam pulled her into his arms. They lied on the deck chair to enjoy the breeze.

"You were curious about Chelsea, and I will tell you now. A little tip, don't be jealous, because we were not in a relationship."

Based on Tracey's reaction yesterday, Adam decided to warn Tacey before telling the story.

"Who is jealous?"

"What? Someone was so horrible yesterday that I was afraid of being killed." Adam teased, and it was his first time to see Tracey in such a fury. Tracey pouted her lips and did not dare to look into Adam's eyes, "I, not me."

"OK, alright, good. Not you. It was me who was jealous, OK?" Adam found Tracey in embarrassment and awkwardness funny.

Adam gently bit her red lips, and Tracey pushed him away slightly, "Come on, be serious, tell me about Chelsea."

Tracey knew Adam well, and he was good at seduction.

Adam would lead her into the bed with a kiss or a caress. He was skillful.

"That year, I left the Sheng family. I went to the high school at home because of you, as I would like to keep you within my sight."

"And at that time, I started a business, and the college education at home failed my expectation; therefore, I went abroad for further education."

"Still a freshman, I met a cute girl in the college. She is Chelsea."

Tracey felt a little jealous, "It is my first time to hear you describe a girl cute."

Adam scratched her nose and said, "Don't interrupt. Listen."

"OK." Tracey fell silent.

"She had a pair of deep dimples and loved to smile. The dimples on her cheeks appeared whenever she smiled. She has started to pursue me very soon after she entered the university. And she went after me soon after the term began."

"There have been a lot of admirers around me, so I thought Chelsea was one of them."

"Back then, I only thought of you. I would like to hang out with you. And I dreamed of marrying you when you came to age."

"I didn't spare a thought on those admirers. But Chelsea was different."

"How?" Tracey pressed down her jealousy and ask.

"She persisted. No matter how many times I refused her, she came to me with a smiling face the next day. She was so tough, as if nothing could hurt her."

"Then you agreed to be her boyfriend?" Tracey was a little unhappy.

Adam scratched Tracey's nose and said, "What are you talking about? Didn't I promise that I would marry you when you grew up? I was as good as my word."

"I, I was too young to remember that. What happened later? What happened to Chelsea?"

"I once thought Chelsea did like me because she insisted regardless of what I said to her."

"But it was strange that there wasn't the same adoration in her eyes as that of other admirers had. She was candid but also sensitive."

"I could tell no liking from her eyes. If she didn't fall for me, why did she keep going after me?"

"This question had pestered me for a long time, and I began to observe her. I got the answer from an accident."

The story became interesting, and Tracey was fascinated by this mysterious Chelsea.

"What's it?"

"There was a basketball game held by the college that day. Wilson and I were competing with each other in different teams. Wilson was her brother and remained hostile towards me all the time. This feeling is not exclusive to women."

"In the exciting competition, there was a collision between Wilson and me in the tackler. Both of us fell from high and smashed on the ground because of the weights."

"One person ran to us frantically. That was Chelsea." Adam paused here.

"Oh, don't keep me guessing. Tell me what happened. Chelsea helped you up, and then you were punched by Wilson?" Tracey let her imagination run wild.

At this, Adam knocked on Tracey's head, "So you thought me weak?"

"No, I don't think so. Go on."

"The answer surprised me, but seemed reasonable. Chelsea ran to check Wilson first. Wilson suffered epistaxis for my elbow. And I will never forget the expression of Chelsea in which she looked at Wilson and me."

"Right then, the answer popped up in my mind. The one she loved was Wilson, not me. And I was her excuse." Adam smiled bitterly.

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