His Domineering Lover
Chapter 464

They were good again after the talk. Steve got the porridge to feed Tracey. He blew to cool the porridge in the spoon before sending it to the mouth of Tracey. Tracey was too hungry to chew and devoured ravenously.

"Take it easy, take it easy. It is all yours. If you eat too fast, your stomach will hurt again." Steve felt both sympathy and sorry for Tracey.

Tracey slowed down a little, "I'm starving to death. I'm afraid I'll be dead on the way to catch you if you go any further."

Tracey was grasping the hem of his shirt when eating, as if she was afraid that Steve would escape again.

Steve's mouth curved into a smile for her silly behavior.

"Once, you were in the pot and slept on my bed. And my pants were tainted by your period. I still remember your stupid look when you mistook that I got hurt and bled."

Steve rubbed her little head. In the past three years, there had been lots of fun between them.

Tracey quickly turned her head at the mention of her stupidity, "You wicked one! How could you keep silent about the fact while I am checking your pants with desperation? I was afraid that I hurt you during a drunken fit."

"Oh, I was pleased with your frightened look, different from your cold and indifferent one usually. Do you know that I would like to record your stupid look with my phone then?"

They chatted happily, and the sunlight shining on them gets them warm.

Tracey smiled faintly, and Steve wondered that why he couldn't get over this smiling face, which wasn't the most beautiful one in the world.

He had inebriated himself in the bar and flirted with women, wondering if he could get over Tracey by making out with other women.

Many strange women threw themselves into his arms and tried their best to seduce him.

However, he became soberer when drunk. Because none of them was Tracey, the touches of these women disgusted him, not to mention any further actions. Usually, he ran away with his jacket, like a drowned mouse.

Later, he searched for girls looking similar to Tracey to cure his psychological disorder.

He would take home whoever shared some similarity with Tracey, and some women were more beautiful than Tracey.

Any man would get horny before these sexy women, but Steve was haunted by the fact that they were substitutes, not Tracey.

"Get lost!"

After the women left, he smoked one cigarette after another by the bed. When in hysteria, he decided to fly over to win Tracey back with any kind of means. However, this idea was vetoed when he regained his sense. He didn't have the heart to hurt Tracey after all those sufferings she went through.

Tracey looked into Steve's eyes and said, "Steve, there are lots of women around. Do you like any of them?"

Steve knew what was behind her words, "Mind your own business, and don't worry about me."

"You can't spend your life alone, can you?" Tracey held his hand.

"Only the right one can make your life complete. Tracey, you should know better than me." Steve was serious.

Tracey fell silent. Love was uncontrollable, and practices wouldn't make perfect in it.

Otherwise, how could she did not fall for Steve in the past three years?

"I... just want you to be happy."

"I know. Stop chattering like an old nanny. Look at me, Steve Xiao, will there be a woman who won't fall for me?" Steve tried to liven up the atmosphere. Tracey smiled, "I know women will fall for you, but will you fall for them?"

"Oh, come on, do I deserve to die alone while you two lead a sweet life? My wife must be younger than you."

"When wrinkles take over your faces, my little sweetheart and I will display affection before you two." Steve teased.

He would have sealed his mouth with doubletapes, only if he knew that his prophecy came true.

"Ha, no wonder you have no girlfriend all the time. You like Lolita." Tracey smiled gently, "Rob the cradle, are you strong enough?"

"Have you ever heard of the three features of Lolita? Delicate, soft, and submissive. I like Lolita. Maybe my bride hasn't been born yet, and I don't mind the waiting."

"I have a presentiment that you will die as a bachelor, you freak, tut-tut." Tracey pretended to have goosebumps.

"So, don't push me anymore! I am waiting for the birth of my little sweetheart." Steve tried to ease off the urge from Tracey.

"Okay, okay, let's wait and see your little sweetheart."

"I will hold my bride in the palms of both hands and be good to her only for the rest of my life," Steve said earnestly. Without Adam, Tracey would have been his bride.

"I believe that you are as good as your words.

I will search for your bride for you in the middle and primary schools nearby." Tracey made fun of Steve.

"Not just the middle and primary schools, you should also check the kindergartens." Steve was not joking.

Tracey chuckled and said, "You freak, how could you covet children in the kindergarten!"

Steve raised his eyebrows and asked, "Well, if not so, how could I display affection at an old age?"

"All right, all right. I'll keep an eye on those babies unborn. Then you will get engaged, once they are born."

They teased without scruple, as neither of them took these absurd ideas seriously.

Now the atmosphere became lively again.

And Steve felt warm at heart when looking at the smiling woman.

He didn't give a d*mn about his own marriage, as long as Tracey could be as happy as ever.

The white curtain beside the window was blown up by the wind. And Tracey sneezed for a chill.

"It's windy." Steve got up and closed the window. Tracey looked at the back of Steve whose shadow was stretched by the sunlight. 'Steve, you want me to be happy, and what I wish most is that you can be happy.'

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