His Domineering Lover
Chapter 458

So Franco didn't lie.

Tracey couldn't demand too much from a stranger, "Got it. Professor has his own plan."

Wilson was upset by that little sad face, as he liked to see her smile.

"Is it important to you?"

"Of course! I have left everything behind to come here. Only Professor Luke is busy." Tracey shrugged her shoulders helplessly as she couldn't always have her way. "If so, I'll teach you," Wilson said coldly.

"You?" Tracey looked up at him. As the president of a listed company, he had once flown a plane and knew how to produce perfume?

Luke felt this suggestion incredible, "Wilson, you hate..."

Ignoring Luke, Wilson looked at Tracey seriously, "I teach you, do you agree or not?"

'Wilson may have learned something from Luke.' With such a hint, Tracey nodded, "Yes, of course."

Wilson finally relaxed at this agreement, as her disappointment upset him greatly.

'Will she leave the US and go back to that man under the refusal?'

Her departure frightened Wilson, so he made such a proposal to make her stay.

Tracey was confused by the surprise of both Chana and Luke on this proposal.

"Great! Miss Xia, you don't know yet. Our Wilson has gifts in perfume. When he was five years old..." Chana was enthusiastic to talk about her son but was interrupted by a cold look from Wilson. "Alright, alright. It is our pleasure to have both Wilson and Miss Xia here for dinner." Chana tried to make them stay for dinner.

"Mrs. Wallace. Thank you very much." Tracey had been anxious to leave, as there was an inevitable embarrassment in the new acquaintance; what was more, Tracey came with empty hands. The eagerness in the eyes of Chana reminded Tracey of Venus, and Tracey knew that Wilson would leave with her at her proposed departure. Tracey decided to stay for Chana.

"The pleasure should be mine. We are a small family, and Luke is busy with his research. I would love to have visitors."

"Well." Tracey felt a stranger like her not in the right place to pry their family problems and didn't pursue the topic.

Tracey didn't enjoy the dinner, as both Chana and Luke were over- enthusiastic and embarrassed Tracey.

Wilson, familiar with their enthusiasm, kept cold all night. This dinner took him more than ten minutes, as Chana kept sending food to his plate. "Miss Xia, do you know that Wilson once enlisted? He eats faster than others," Chana explained.

'Oh, just as I guessed!' Tracey felt glad.

"Is he? And I am almost done."

"Are you? That little? Oh, come on, have some more! You are skinny!" Chana, out of her maternal love, urged Tracey to have more food.

Chana reminded Tracey of her own mother, who showed alienation on purpose in their last meal in a restaurant, not to mention persuading on food. Adam lost his mother when young. Therefore, both Tracey and Adam were desperate for maternal love.

Tracey, under psychological

compensation, didn't refuse the kindness from Chana and tried her best to take all food in.

Tracey had been picky when a child. Venus always chased after her with a bowl, "Sweetheart, try this fish. You will be as fair as this fish if you take it." "No, I'm full."

"Well... What about this chicken? It will benefit you in nutrition."

"Mom, I am full really and can't have anymore." Tracey was mad at this tireless persuasion and would smash the bowl before leaving.

Then her mother left, and Tracey had to dine alone. She began to miss Venus from that day on. And she would like to have two more bowls of rice each meal, only if Venus would come back. But there was no way to go back in time, no matter how regrettable she was.

The persuasion of Chana made the softest memory of Tracey relive, and a drop of tear rolled down her face.

"Are you OK? What's wrong? Don't you like it? It is alright. Don't cry." Chana was shocked by such a sudden cry.

Wilson was checking his messages on the sofa. The moment Chana made the alarm, he turned to Tracey and saw her tearful eyes. Then he got up and strode over.

"Let's go. Done eating." He pulled Tracey with one hand.

Tracey wiped her tears in a hurry and explained, 'Tm sorry, Mrs. Wallace. Just you reminded me of my mother."

"Oh, where's your mother now?" Chana felt sorry for Tracey at the sight of her red eyes.

"My mother used to persuade me to have more food as you did. But I was still too young and picky then."

"I would be mad at her tireless persuasion every time. When she left, I regretted it."

"I would be good if there was one more chance. It has been years, but I still feel regretful."

Tracey's explanation saddened Chana and aroused the sympathies of the surrounding people. "Poor girl, I thought you were upset by my enthusiasm. There, there, it is alright now. Come dine with me frequently if you wish, and I will cook what you like."

Tracey, who longed for maternal love, and Chana, who couldn't see her son all year long, seemed to be a perfect match for each other.

Tracey nodded. Wilson got relieved at her smile, and Chana kept sending food to Tracey's plate as if she tried to make it up for both Tracey and herself.

It was not until night fell that Tracey left the Wallace's, as Chana kept dragging her for chats and was reluctant to set her free. Tracey left her phone number to Chana before leaving.

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