His Domineering Lover
Chapter 448

The audience took David's gesture for an announcement of his marriage, and even Lucy blushed and wished so.

"Bro, are you going to announce your wedding date?"

"You fell for Lucy when still a freshman, and now you make your romance a legend."

"I should say you are a perfect match."

"David, congratulations!" Rylan suppressed his displeasure and congratulated.

A heated discussion about the marriage spread over, and the indifference coldness on David's face was completely ignored.

Lucy's heart was pounding, and she called, "David..."

David said coldly, "Yes, I did like Lucy when I was a freshman, but the past is the past, and I've no more illusion about this matter for a long time."

"I hope that there is no misunderstanding among us. I can assure you all here that I, David, will never take a fancy to Lucy in the future." "Lucy will have her own family later, and I am afraid that your nonsense will do bad to her marriage, so I would like to make it clear now the only relationship which exists between Lucy and me is that we were once classmates."

After the declaration, David threw Lucy's hand away. Lucy and the onlookers were stunned by what had happened.

Rylan was angry at the sight of Lucy's aggrieved expression, "David, how can you do this? After all, she's a girl."

"I'm telling the truth. I once told you not to make fun of our relationship, but none of you took my words seriously. I'm doing this for her sake. She'll get married in the future, and those nonsenses will only bring ruins to her life." David said blandly.

Lucy looked at David, who once had blushed when she talked to him and lowered his head to count his own toes when she smiled at him.

Now David looked her in the eyes, but there was no admiration in his eyes. Lucy felt that David was a complete stranger but was attracted by his manly way at the same time.

It was her first time hearing such a determined speech from David, but she decided to mess up with this transformed David immediately.

The atmosphere became tense all of a sudden.

"David is right. I am not his girlfriend. I'm sorry about the mistake."

"We are here to celebrate a birthday, but what are we doing? Please skip my part and move on." Lucy changed the topic to alleviate her own embarrassment as she was anxious to execute her plan. "Yeah, come on, everyone. Come and sit down quickly."

After this clarification, David nodded slightly to Lucy and wished that he would disengage from Lucy forever.

Soon, the atmosphere became lively again. David wasn't good at drinking. But others were happy and drank a lot.

Lucy rolled up her sleeves and played a fingerguessing game with others. She should have been a nightclub queen as she played extremely well in the finger-guessing game and dice rolling. People liked to play with the beauty, so Lucy was busy. David drank with Rylan and became drunk soon.

"No, no, no, no. I have to leave now." David had gone to the bathroom to vomit a few times.

"How could you spoil the fun now! Have some! Come on! I have reserved rooms upstairs. When we are done drinking, we could rest there. No one is leaving!" The party host never showed off, but in fact, he was rich.

There was no interaction between Lucy and David at the party, while others enjoyed the party and forgot the unpleasant episode soon.

Although Lucy was good at games and drinking, she was outnumbered and blushed after drinking.

"I, I can't drink no more. Be your guest." Lucy flashed out, went towards David, flopped down beside him, and fell asleep.

David checked the time and found it was 2 o'clock in the morning. No one intended to leave yet.

Rylan handed over two room cards, "David, Lucy fell asleep, and you don't want to stay here anymore. Why don't you send her to one room and rest in the other room?"

"I don't think it's appropriate for me to do this. You can send her." David wanted to stay away from Lucy.

"Look at these men present, which is the appropriate one? They are like wolves and tigers. They will take advantage of Lucy if they get the opportunity, but Lucy will be safe with you as you have no interest in her."

"Lucy is not your girlfriend, but still a friend, right? Can one leave his friend in the lurch?" Rylan tried to persuade David.

"Then why don't you go?" David asked.

"I wish I could, but I... I'm afraid I will lose control of myself." Rylan glanced at the woman whose chest was half exposed and was honest to David.

"OK, alright, I'll do this for you." David grabbed Lucy by the waist and picked her up. In fact, Lucy was pretending to be drunk.

The way David lifted Lucy required good physical strength and impressed Lucy.

Lucy was in deep sorrow about her previous indifference toward David and now held tightly to him.

She found that under his shirt were strong muscles, not abdominous bellies, those middle-aged married men who she had seduced for money had.

There was no smell of smoke on his body. David led a simple and clean life and seldom drank, while today was an exception.

David seemed more manly after drinking. Lucy wished to be immersed in this warm embrace forever.

David opened the door and put Lucy on the bed. She was wearing a black laced shirt featuring a bare midriff and a miniskirt. The movement made Lucy expose her slim waist, leaving only her chest covered. The miniskirt beneath just covered her underwear. A small move of Lucy would expose the scenery under her skirt. And Lucy was clear how attractive she was then.

At the sight of the seductive Lucy, even the lady-killers would lose control of themselves, not to mention a virgin Otaku like David.

Lucy got excited when fantasizing about what would happen between a man and a woman, both drunk.

She didn't expect David to have such a good figure, completely different from the men she used to meet. Lucy sneakily opened her eyes and sized up David, who was wearing a shirt, a vest, and trousers. He had an ascetic aura. The more Lucy looked at him, the faster her heartbeat was. And Lucy was looking forward to his romantic love actions on herself.

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