His Domineering Lover
Chapter 440

It was not like NE didn't know about Rachel's scandal, so why did he still choose her?

And he was unstable on the phone. He didn't sound as calm as usual. It must have something to do with Rachel.

"Stay out of this. I don't care what you think of Rachel. I want her to be the spokesperson.

"We'll see if I'm wrong!" Now this matter was not about the spokesperson, but pride. NE was desperate to prove himself right.

The call ended. Rachel found that he looked even worse than before.

"William, are you unhappy? I'm sorry... It's all my fault." She tugged his sleeve and apologized.

Nies turned to look at her and asked, "Is it true what they say?"

"Well, can you be more specific?" She didn't know what Adam had told him.

"You were the other woman and you pushed Tracey into the sea." William knew that she loved Sean and was with him now, but he didn't know how she got him.

"Did Adam say something? He is Tracey's boyfriend. Of course he's on Tracey's side." She hurriedly said.

"You didn't answer my question." William just wanted to know if she was indeed a terrible person.

"It's not completely true. I pushed her into the sea by accident. I touched her gently and she fell off her feet.

"There were a lot of people watching. How would I try to murder her when everyone was around? If she died, wouldn't I go jail? I wouldn't be that stupid." Rachel started twisting the facts.

At that time, all she could think about was killing Tracey, so much so that she completely forgot where she was!

"That makes sense. Killing someone in public sounds crazy. Well, then did you drug Tracey's ex and had sex with him?" William continued to ask.

In fact, what he cared about now was not Rachel's private life. He just wanted to know if he made the wrong decision.

Rachel knew how conceited he was. Adam must have just accused him of being wrong, like Tracey did. Conceited people hated to be told they were wrong.

She knew what William wanted to hear, and she would give it to him.

"William, that was a misunderstanding. I was only 18 at that time. How could I possibly have an aphrodisiac? And Tracey was my best friend. I liked Sean, but I didn't intend to break them up.

"I never meant to hurt Tracey. If I'd planned to seduce Sean, why didn't I drug him before he dated Tracey?

"Tracey was turning 18. I'd been staying at her house for a few days, planning her birthday.

"That night, however, Sean got drunk and went into my room by mistake. He thought I was Tracey. I had a terrible struggle in my heart.

"I liked him so much. Do you know what it's like to be unrequited? The moment he held me in his arms, I felt happier than I'd ever felt in my life."

"I was too happy to think. I had no idea I was hurting my best friend. All I could think about was the man I loved."

"He wanted me, and I couldn't say no to him. I knew I was wrong and I planned to leave, but Sean said he would be responsible for me. Later, Tracey went abroad without saying anything."

"She broke up with Sean, so I stayed with him. William, I was wrong, but it was all because I love him too much." Rachel said with a look of grievance, which made William's heart ache. He felt sorry for this girl. "Forget it. There's no telling who's right and who's wrong about relationships. Let's not take about it again." He always thought the triangle was a pain in the ass.

"I know people hate me now. Actually, Tracey was right. Maybe I shouldn't be the spokesperson. I don't want to ruin your work.

'Tm already very happy to meet you again. William, thank you for believing me and standing by my side when everyone pushed me away." Rachel forced a smile.

Seeing the sadness in her eyes, NE frowned. "Everyone pushed you away? What about your husband? You say you love him, but why can't I see any happiness on your face?"

"He doesn't love me. He married me just because he slept with me.

"I thought he would be moved, but it turns out that I was completely wrong.

"There's nothing I can do to impress him. When I was targeted, he just looked on as if he had nothing to do with it. He never cared about my feelings." The more Rachel said, the more wronged she felt. "What? Why did he marry you when he didn't love you? I'll come after him." NE was really annoyed that girl he had liked for so many years was not happy.

When he left this country, he planned to tell her how he felt when he came back. But later she had a crush on another man.

Therefore, he had to hide his feelings. That was why he had been abroad for so many years. He wanted her to be happy, but didn't want to see it, for fear that he would be jealous.

Only then did he know she was living a miserable life.

"Rachel, don't worry. No one can be the spokesperson but you. I'll set the record straight, create a positive public image for you, and get you back in the game. I won't abandon you like your husband." NE was overwhelmed with compassion.

"Thank you, William. You're the best." Rachel threw herself into his arms. All she cared about now was rebuilding her career. NE had connections with a lot of people in show business, and she could use him. "William, if it works, I will definitely repay you." Rachel said in her heart. She knew she was being despicable, but she had no other choice. NE was her last resort.

"Well, it's time to eat. Let me take you to your favorite restaurant." William let go of her.


NE called the waitress, planning to pay the bill. But the waitress said, "Sir, the young lady who left earlier has paid."

NE looked more terrible. Did Tracey think he couldn't afford a meal? Now that she had left, he couldn't even throw money in her face to vent his anger.

"Rachel, let's go." NE left with a bad look on his face. What a bad day! He was so going to teach Tracey a lesson and show her what it was like not to have any orders! He must make her regret offending him!

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