His Domineering Lover
Chapter 437

NE didn't know whether the scandal was real, but he was sure that the whole nation was boycotting Rachel. People weren't even gonna pay for her movie, let alone her perfume.

Rachel saw the expression on his face and knew that he wavered. "William, it's not what it looks. Tracey's involved in this, and that's why she's showing you some of the more dramatic news. "You can't deny me just because of her side of story. This scandal is fake, and I want to be the spokesperson because it reminds us of our past.

"Time can not go back, but I will always keep our memories in my heart. William, I think I am your best choice.

"You said it was inspired by our memories. I know you need to make a profit, but aren't our memories more important than money?"

Rachel began to persuade NE with reason and emotion, which made him even more waver.

Tracey was now sure that they had a close relationship. She was just curious. Didn't

Rachel said she was madly in love with Sean? Why was she flirting with another man now?

What would Sean do if he saw his wife so close to her childhood sweetheart?

Anyway, if Adam were Sean, he would definitely go crazy. Adam couldn't even stand the idea of her getting close to her male subordinate.

"This..." NE was very conflicted right now. He didn't know how to choose between interests and Rachel.

"William, didn't you promise to make me your spokesperson?" Rachel said like a spoiled child.

"I know, but..."

"The public attention isn't really on me anymore. Soon they'll forget about this scandal. With all the celebrities in show business, they're not gonna keep looking at me.

"It's been so many days. I think everything has already calmed down. What are you afraid of?" Rachel interrupted him directly.

NE was wavering, and Rachel kept trying to persuade him. This was not a good sign.

"People are paying less attention to you now, but can you guarantee they'll forget the scandal?

"What if people say no to this perfume because of you? Wouldn't that ruin his work?

"NE, please make a decision. I want to hear your answer." Tracey didn't want Rachel to influence him again. It was better to get the answer now.

After careful thinking, NE Said in a heavy tone, "I said I was a businessman and I wanted my perfume to become a hit.

"As Rachel's friend, I should help her. Just as she said, the inspiration for this perfume has something to do with her and me.

"I believe that every woman can understand this kind of emotion. Rachel will be the perfect spokesperson.

"I know how the media loves scandal. Perhaps this scandal will draw more attention to this perfume.

"Aren't celebrities always hyped to advertise their shows? The perfume needs to be advertised, too. "Rachel's focus of everyone's attention.

Having her as a spokesperson not only helps her rebuild her career, but it also helps promote this perfume for free."

It seemed that feelings defeated interests. Even heroes fall for beauties.

Tracey made a decision. "Well, in that case, I don't think we can work together anymore.

"You're right. Having her as a spokesperson helps promote this perfume.

"But is it a good promotion? Do you know how long it's been since the scandal?

"Once she's back in the public eye, she'll be the target.

"There are many ways to make a splash. Don't you worry that your work will be ruined by the wrong splash?

"My company has just started, and I really want to work with you. But I can't take that chance.

"I'd rather have a mediocre company than a ruined one." Tracey's words were serious.

Since NE had made up his mind, she had to quit. She finally knew how crazy a man could be.

She didn't want to get involved in this crazy matter.

"Miss Xia, do you know how many companies want this perfume? It's a good thing for everyone else that you're out of the race. William's perfume always has a buyer." Rachel glanced at Tracey. Rachel had mixed emotions now. On one hand, she was happy because she didn't have to work with Tracey. On the other hand, she

was mad because Tracey turned her down.

"Miss Xia, are you sure? To be honest, if it weren't for Adam, I wouldn't have been here. Do you know how many more established companies want this perfume?"

NE was a little angry. He had never been refused before. Tracey was really young and naive. So what if she had Adam's support? She was gonna pay for her arrogance!

"Yes, I appreciate the opportunity, but I really can't work with you. If the other companies knew Rachel was the face, they might not have wanted the perfume so much.

"You'd been abroad before, so you might have no idea how much this scandal had affected her. Celebrities care about their public image most. Their careers end the day their image is destroyed. "Actually, I was hoping you'd be more of a profit-oriented businessman."

"Shut up! Don't lecture me! I guess we'll never have to work together again." NE was furious.

was mad because Tracey turned her down.

"Miss Xia, are you sure? To be honest, if it weren't for Adam, I wouldn't have been here. Do you know how many more established companies want this perfume?"

NE was a little angry. He had never been refused before. Tracey was really young and naive. So what if she had Adam's support? She was gonna pay for her arrogance!

"Yes, I appreciate the opportunity, but I really can't work with you. If the other companies knew Rachel was the face, they might not have wanted the perfume so much.

"You'd been abroad before, so you might have no idea how much this Scandal had affected her. Celebrities care about their public image most. Their careers end the day their image is destroyed. "Actually, I was hoping you'd be more of a profit-oriented businessman."

"Shut up! Don't lecture me! I guess we'll never have to work together again." NE was furious.

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