His Domineering Lover
Chapter 402

Carmen put down the fruit basket and knelt slowly, then she began to slap herself. "I am sorry, Adela, it's my fault, I shouldn't have messed around with Edgar when I knew that he has wife." "Speak louder. I can't hear you." Although saying so, Adela's rage would not disappear because of Carmen's apology.

Adela had a hot temper, but she was loyal to her husband and cherished the family. She vaguely knew that Edgar enjoyed having affairs, she had never known that he messed around with Ben's wife, and their children had grown to this old!

What hurt Adela was not Leo's stab, but the truth revealed. The wound was not on the heart, but her heart was bleeding. She even could not shout her pain out as nobody could really understand the pain she felt.

"I'm sorry, I was wrong. I'm a b*tch. I shouldn't sleep with a married man, and I shouldn't break your family." Carmen slapped her face hard, and the slapping sounded loud in the room.

The slapping wouldn't change anything that had happened, it would at most make the Lin family a bit more comfortable.

Within a few moments, Carmen had slapped tens of times. For showing sincerity begging for mercy, she slapped really hard on herself.

From the beginning, she could feel pain. Gradually, the sense of pain faded as her face went numb and there was only heat left.

Back then, Adela would grasp the opportunity to enjoy Carmen's slapping while cursing her. Now she had just experienced death. With a calm heart, she said nothing.

She just looked at Carmen silently, as if Carmen was a funny stranger. Without Adela' s permission, Carmen didn't dare to stop.

"Enough, it's me who created the mess. If you want to punish, do it to me!" Edgar finally couldn't bear to see this scene and he rushed in to stop Carmen.

As said, Edgar held Carmen tightly in his arms. Adela blinked her eyes. If she was not hurt, she may rush toward this b*tch couple and separate them.

Now she found it unnecessary. Although having been accompanied by Edgar for twenty years, Adela had never owned this man's love.

Edgar married Adela was for borrowing the power of the Lin family. On the surface, Edgar was obedient to Adela. In fact, he never did this out of love.

None of them had ever faced the truth, especially Adela, she had always pretended that Edgar loved her so much.

"What? Are you distressed?" Adela looked at Edgar indifferently. She had officially started the divorce process, but she knew clearly how reluctant to let go.

"Adela, I'm sorry for you. I'm a bastard. Leo is my son. I can't watch him being locked up in prison. Please forgive him for the sake of me and my service to you these years. I would like to bear any punishment."

Edgar was usually a waggish guy, but he made a very serious plead just now, however, not for his family members but for the outsiders.

Especially he called Leo "son". Adela got hurt much by this word. Somewhere hidden in her heart cracked again with a huge amount of blood spilling out.

"Your son! Good! What about Carl? Isn't he your son?" Adela gnashed her teeth.

Edgar clenched his fists with a twisted look, opening and shut his mouth.

"Okay, since things had become like this, I think it's time to tell you the truth." Edgar was struggling to say it out for not making Adela as sad as Ben when he knew a long-buried secret suddenly. "It's better to tell her now. It would expose sooner or later." Edgar thought.

Like murder will out. Edgar had already been divorced. He thought he should let her know it.

"The truth? What else truth that I don't know?" Adela said. Edgar's words made the Lin family confused.

"Many years ago, when you delivered our baby, you suffered excessive bleeding. The baby died when he was coming out.

I know you loved babies, even would like to risk your life to give him birth, I can't imagine how sad you may be to know our baby is dead.

I was afraid that you couldn't withstand the blow of losing a child, so I had to pick up a child from somewhere else. The baby is Carl."

"What...? You mean that our child is gone?" Adela couldn't accept it for a while.

She got more shocked than knowing Edgar had two children with Carmen. She thought she had a perfect family, now she divorced her husband, their only child was not her own baby. "What nonsense are you bastard talking about? We accompanied Carl to grow up. How is it possible that he is not our child?" Mr. Lin was shocked too.

"With the paternity test, you will accept the truth more easily. Adela, I don't want to lie to you forever, you have the right to know."

"I would rather you lie to me forever!" Adela was furious, and she directly threw the pillow to Edgar.

She was taking the IV drip, and a needle was inserted in the back of her hand. With the strong movement, the needle was pulled out, and the blood was soon spouting. Edgar didn't escape, and the pillow hit right on his face.

Carmen was stunned. She came here begging for forgiveness, but she knew a big secret by the way that Carl was not their kid!

She had seen Carl several times, no wonder that he didn't look like Edgar and Adela at all, from the look to his behavior and temperament.

Even though feeling wired, Carmen had never doubted the reason. Surprisingly, it was so incredible!

"Edgar, I need your explanation. What the hell is going on? Tell Adela that you were lying just now, weren't you?" Lin's father grabbed Edgar's collar aggressively. "What's wrong?" Another two people appeared at the door.

Carl was holding a bunch of flowers, while Clara was holding his arms. As soon as arriving at the ward, they heard a burst of fierce quarrel.

"Carl, you should know something." Edgar threw caution to the wind. He planned to announce everything today.

"No! You are not allowed to say!" Adela's face was as pale as the paper.

Carl stood at the door and pushed up his glasses, saying calmly, "If you are meaning I am not your son, I had known it long ago."

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