His Domineering Lover
Chapter 390

After a long time, the car door was opened. Tracey subconsciously smoothed her clothes and got off the car with Adam. Sean didn't know what Adam had said, but it made Tracey gently beat his chest.

Adam pulled her into his arms and kissed her. Sean was so far away from them, but he could still feel their closeness. He clung to the edge of the windowsill, and blue veins stood out on his wrists. Rachel snorted disdainfully.

"Humph, turns out she's a slut. Car sex? Shame for her."

Rachel obviously forgot how she drugged Sean and undressed herself in front of him before. She was only 18 years old.

"Don't judge her." Sean couldn't stand anyone speaking ill of Tracey.

"Heh, you treasure her, but she doesn't love you anymore. Isn't it pathetic?" Rachel got angry.

She had done so much for him, but all he wanted was Tracey. He was always ignoring her.

"It's none of your business. If you don't stay out of this, I'll divorce you." Sean glared at her coldly and then went back to his bed.

Rachel's heart sank when she heard this. He wanted to divorce her just for a woman who didn't love him at all.

Then, Tracey's voice came from the corridor. "Oh, I hate medicine. Adam, I'm fine now. Can I not take it? It tastes so bitter."

"It's good for your health. Be good, little bunny." Adam coaxed her.

"But I hate it..." Tracey sounded like a spoiled child. No man could say no to her.

Even Sean's heart melted when he heard this. How he wished she was talking to him!

Adam and Tracey stopped at the door. "I'll listen to you about anything else, but you listen to me about this. You go inside, and I'll get you the medicine." "Oh." Tracey opened the door a little glumly.

"Are you feeling better today?" Looking at Sean and Rachel, Tracey put on a calm face.

Although she was concerned about Sean, there was indifference in her eyes. That was to say, she was wary of anyone who was not Adam.

Sean looked at her face with fascination. This pretty girl didn't belong to him anymore.

"Well, yes." Sean suppressed the unhappiness in his heart. He finally knew how she felt when he cheated on her. It must be hard for her to see the man she loved sleeping with her friend. "By the way, Uncle left in a hurry yesterday. What happened to you?" Sean asked.

Tracey shook her head. "Well, it's fixed. Don't worry. I'm fine." Tracey brought the fruit to the bathroom. "I'm going to wash it."

"Leave it to me. I'm Sean's wife, aren't I?" As Rachel said this, she snatched the fruit from Tracey.

Tracey didn't bother to argue with her. She didn't really want to wash the fruit, she just didn't want to talk to Sean.

"Let her be. Sit down and rest for a while." Sean said.

"Okay." As soon as Tracey sat down, Adam came in with medicine. Seeing this, she frowned.

She didn't hate to taking medicine before, but taking it every day made her sick.

Now she was happiest during her period because she didn't have to take medicine.

Adam felt sorry when he saw her bitter face. But what could he do? This medicine was good for her health.

"Stop frowning. You can have chocolate after taking medicine." Adam spread out his palm. It was Tracey's favorite hazelnut chocolate.

"Alright." Tracey compromised.

Adam put the chocolate into her mouth and asked, "Does it make the medicine less bitter?"


Their intimacy pricked Sean and Rachel in the heart. Tracey asked with a frown, "Adam, tell me. How much longer do I have to take this?" "Well, you need to take it until you are in good health. Your body needs some work." Adam answered.

"All right." Tracey didn't think deeply.

"Uncle, what's wrong with Tracey?" Sean thought Tracey looked healthy.

"She's just a little weak. This medicine will strengthen her." Adam answered frankly.

"I see." Only then did Sean feel relieved. He thought Tracey was suffering from a serious illness.

The atmosphere was getting weirder. Originally, Sean wanted to get close to Tracey by taking advantage of his injury, but things didn't work out the way he wanted.

Tracey and Adam did PDA all the time. For example, when Tracey wanted to peel an apple, Adam would do it for her at once.

"The cut on your palm hasn't healed yet. What if you get cut again? Let me do what I can for you."

"Adam, I'm not as weak as you think." Tracey was a little helpless.

At meal time, he would help her fill a bowl of soup, and then get her the food she liked.

When it came to afternoon, he had someone bring her her favorite dessert.

Tracey suddenly felt that she wasn't here to take care of Sean, but to have a vacation. Adam was too nice to her. She didn't need to do anything.

Rachel, however, was as busy as Sean's servant. She needed to help the nurse change his dressing and wash him.

Compared to Tracey, Rachel felt like she was living in hell.

She really wanted to get Tracey and Adam to out of here, but she didn't have to the right to do so.

But there was one good thing about them staying. Sean might give up on Tracey after seeing how sweet she and Adam were.

One day, he would get over Tracey and fall in love with her.

It was late at night. Rachel was so tired that she fell asleep. Sean was doing much better than he did the other day.

Adam said to Tracey, who was about to stay up all night. "Go to sleep. I'll stay by his side."

"You need to rest, too. You are more tired than me."

"I'll wake you up in the middle of the night. You go to sleep now." He was lying, but she bought it.

Sean was more easily tired than before, and he soon fell asleep. The whole ward quieted down.

Adam held Tracey in his arms. Her leg reached out to his thigh.

What a temptress! Adam glanced at Sean, who was sleeping soundly, and came up with an evil idea. He quietly stretched out toward the sleeping beauty.

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