His Domineering Lover
Chapter 379

When Tracey woke up, she heard the phone ringing. She answered the phone in a daze, speaking in a gentle tone produced by waking up. "Hello."

"Tracey, haven't you come back yet? Your mom is arriving soon." Ben said, and Tracey instantly fully awake.

"I'm home soon. Dad, please wait for me." Tracey sat up from the bed hurriedly.

"Don't worry, take your time." Ben knew Tracey took a week off just because of having something urgent to deal with, so he didn't urge her.

Tracey put down her phone, and Adam was awake too. "Little bunny, are you leaving?"

"Yes, Adam, I'll come back tonight." Tracey kissed him on the lips habitually, just like they did every time when they going to be apart.

"Come back early." Adam held her head and gave Tracey a deep kiss before letting her go. The harmonious picture of them strongly stimulated Sean and Rachel.

They didn't behave intimately for stimulating, they just behaved as usual. It was just the normal way for them to get along with each other.

Adam had slept enough. He got out of bed and tidied up Tracey's skirt. Then Tracey walked out of the door.

Looking at Tracey's back, Rachel's eyes were full of envy. "Why can't Sean treat me like this?"

She didn't require too much, only hoped that Sean could practice half of Adam's sweetness on her. As the lady of the Nan family, she should be getting everything she wanted easily, and she didn't have to be so aggrieved to be Sean's wife.

In Rachel's life, what she had chased hard these years was only Sean's love. "Can I get it in my life?" Rachel questioned herself.

After Tracey left, Adam returned cold and even totally ignored Sean and Rachel when dealing with his work. After finishing working on the last document, he ordered Jensen to take it away. "President, are you sure you're going to work in the hospital recently?" Jensen was confused as he never saw a president took the hospital as the office.

"Temporarily, but I will attend the important meetings. As for those contracts or documents that need my signature, please bring them here." Adam said and he had made the decision to accompany Sean for long.

"Okay, is there anything else you need me to buy for you?" Except for the business aspect, Jensen would also take care of Adam's daily life.

"I will call you when I need it. You can get off work. I still have some emails to check." Adam ordered.

"Okay." Jensen left with a pile of documents.

Sean felt more and more distant from Adam. The busier Adam was, the higher position he must be in. Within a short period of time, Adam had read many contracts and documents.

Adam had many secret businesses. Until now, his real value remained mysterious, and it was hard to estimate. Nobody knew how rich on earth he was.

As approaching closer to the Xia residence, Tina felt more nervous. She clenched herself tightly, as well as her handbag.

It was said that time could heal all wounds, but it's been more than ten years, the sorrow on Tina's heart never faded away.

The wound was still graved there and it was covered by the dust. When Tina thought she had let go of the past and she could return to the Xia residence in peace, a gust of wind blew and removed the dust, exposing her wound out.

She was supposed to be happy to see Carmen was avenged. But Tina didn't feel any happy.

Maybe it was just a lose-lose situation. Who really got the benefits?

She had already booked the flight ticket for tomorrow and she would leave after meeting Tracey tonight. Once choosing this way, Tina would not ask for the chance to go back.

"Master, we're here." The driver said.

Ben opened the door for Tina. He dressed in a very decent suit, feeling nervous as if going to meet an important politician.

"Auntie, what a coincidence, I just arrived too." Tracey's car was behind the car of Tina, as soon as she got off, she greeted Tina with a bright smile.

Tina noticed Tracey's tired face. "Didn't you have a good rest last night?"

"Well, something happened last night, but it has been settled. It's all right now." Tracey smiled and did not tell them about the horrible thing that happened in the Sheng residence to make her parents worried. "Let's go inside." Ben hurriedly invited Tina in.

Walking in the courtyard, Tina saw the big difference from when she was here. She used to plant a lot of things, but none of them were still existing.

After breaking into the Xia family, the first thing that Carmen did was to clear the traces about Venus, including these plants, and ordered the workers to plant the flowers or grass that she liked.

Without Ben's explanation, Tina understood. Women were usually narrow-minded, and it would be more for the women like Carmen.

It was the same for Tina as she would never forgive Ben no matter what he did to make up for his mistake. All Tina could remember were only those hurts brought by him.

They went into the villa together. The house was fresh and redecorated to a style that Tina was strange about.

She could still remember Ben's voice, "You can decorate our house in the style whatever you like. This house is going with a big yard, and you can freely grow plants there."

Ben treated women extremely well. Even though when the woman became Carmen, he treated her the same well.

Tracey had been observing Tina. But with special training, Tina could conceal any emotions.

"Auntie, take a seat. Dad bought mango for you, it's your favorite fruit. I'll cut it." As the daughter, Tracey certainly wanted her parents to reconcile.

Even though her dad once hurt her mother seriously, now he regretted his mistake, Tracey still hoped to have a complete and happy family.

Of course, Tina knew this clearly as well. But things could be complicated sometimes. "I don't like mango, do you have cherries?"

"Yes, I'll wash them for you right away." Tracey was smart to ask Ben to buy more kinds of fruit in advance.

Tracey went to wash fruits, leaving only Ben and Tina in the living room. Ben was nervous to think about topics to chat with her, after thinking for a while, he was still shy and didn't start any topic.

"I'll go back to America tomorrow. There would be someone else to take over our business project and I'll never be responsible for it."

"What? You totally leave it?" Ben was very surprised.

"Yes, he'll be here soon. I'll introduce you to each other, and he'll replace me to manage this project."

"Who... is he?" Ben was still surprised. Originally, he wanted to take advantage of this project to improve the relationship with Tina, not the only chance would be soon cut off.

"He is a very important person of mine."

"A very important person..." Ben muttered, wondering how important this person was.

When Tracey finished washing the fruit, Tina answered a phone call. "He has arrived, do you mind having one more guest?"

"Of course not." Ben said quickly. Tracey was confused about their dialogue.

"Is there another guest coming?"

"Yes, he is Tina's friend. From now on, the project we are cooperating on will be taken over by him."

"He's right outside, and I'll go to pick him up." Tina opened the door and went out. As the hosts, Ben and Tracey naturally had to greet the new guest.

For some reason, Tracey had an uncomfortable feeling for this guest, thinking that the newcomer would damage her plan.

A burst of car's sound heard, soon a fancy sports car appeared in everyone's eyes. It was a Koenigsegg CCXR and there were only six cars in this model around the world. This person seemed not simple.

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