His Domineering Lover
Chapter 364

Tracey took the box with doubts. "If it isn't a check, will it be a bomb?" Tracey thought.

For Tracey, President Sheng was an extremely bad guy who was always ready to break her and Adam.

She opened the box little by little. There was a bright jade bracelet in it.

It was a green jade infused with a trace of yellow, red, purple, and a little white when Tracey carefully observed it. This was the most precious treasure among all sorts of jade!

It was very rare to see two or three colors on the raw gem, not to mention containing five colors!

This was called "Five Good Fortunes". The jade was smooth and delicate. Especially when it was put under the light, there was a layer of faint halo wrapped around, which made the bracelet looked warmer and softer.

Tracey was good at jewelry design, but her specialty was mainly on diamonds. She had some knowledge about jade, if a bracelet like this one went public to the collecting circles, it must create sensations. "President Sheng, what do you mean? If you want me to leave Adam, isn't it too expensive?" Tracey was confused. There was not a bomb inside, but an exquisite bracelet. What was the old master planning? If being well kept, this bracelet will be appreciated fastly. For the rich, this piece of jewelry was not just a matter of price but a valuable collection. Nobody would easily show it off. "Try it on." Tracey found it strange when Old Master Sheng suddenly became gentle.

"It's too precious, I can't wear it." Tracey was still aware of the old master's intentions, fearing that if she got plotted to make this jewelry broken, she couldn't find another identical one to make compensation. "It seems that I am a very bad old man in your mind." The old master sighed, raising his wrinkles-covered hand and taking up the jade bracelet, put it directly on Tracey's wrist.

He was too fast to allow Tracey reacted. "President, what do you mean on earth?"

"To tell you the truth, this bracelet was the heirloom of my family. I was going to give it to Adam's mother, but she resisted it all the time.

This bracelet was the symbol of the daughter-in-law of the Sheng family. I give it to you today. I am sorry that I have misunderstood you before.

Adam often goes against me, but I didn't mean to be hostile to you. Now that he has chosen you, as his father, I should accept you as well, and I should thank you." The old master Sheng said with a grandfatherly smile, looking like an ordinary grandfather but not a powerful, serious, and rigid president of a big company. Tracey wondered if he had seen a fake President Sheng. Her grandfather had always said that President Sheng was well-known for being hot-tempered. Especially after hearing Adam's story about his mother's death, Tracey had grown deeper hatred for Old Master Sheng. But he looked not so serious as imagined now.

"Thank me for what?"

"Before I knew your experience and real identity, I thought you were a gold- digging woman. Don't think I'm too snobbish.

I have come to this age, and I have seen too many people, I couldn't help looking down on you at first and even mocked you.

Besides, I and your grandfather often contradict each other, so I vented the anger for him on you. Until that day when Adam proposed to you, I saw something.

I saw Adam smiled! He smiled like he did when he was little. It was so pure and satisfying. Please don't laugh at this.

Since his mother left, I have never seen him smiled like this, which shows that he really loves you.

It's you who brought him happiness and fun. I suddenly felt at ease. Rather than forcing him to do something, I'd like to let him live happily.

I have done it wrong to make his mother died, I can't keep on making mistakes. Adam was an obedient boy since he was born, he was so obedient to make me guilty.

When he grew up, I wanted to give him all the best things, but he ignored my kindness time after time. I know he hates me, but I want to know what can make him happy much more!

Until he proposed to you, I finally understood. What he wanted was you, a gentle wife, and a complete family.

I'm sorry that I once deprived him of his happiness. Since he loves you, please take care of his happiness in the future. As his father, this is my only request for you."

Taking off the fierce appearance, Old Master Sheng was just a father who worried his son. Maybe it was the same emotion that shared by every parent in the world.

Tracey saw the softness in his heart. Although this bracelet was too expensive to accept, she had no way to reject it.

Old Master Sheng proactively put the bracelet on Tracey, which meant that he was determined to send it out. Tracey accepted it was not for its valuation but for a father's priceless blessing for his son. "Thank you. I will keep this bracelet well." Tracey said. In fact, Adam didn't have the heart to reject it either. After all, Old Master Sheng was his father.

Adam hated the old master only because of his mother's death, while as a son, he hated yet loved his father. Year after year, such a complicated feeling grew into a big contradiction in his heart.

If not for love, with Adam's ability, he would acquire Sheng Group a long time ago. Recently, when Sean successfully inherited Sheng Group and wanted to win Tracey back, Adam was taking action to suppress the company for the first time.

"It was amazing, right? In his heart, there was love as well as hate. So, he suffered these years.

He was calm and rational. He always hides all his emotions. In front of others, he was a perfect and arrogant man, but he knew he was painful.

Until you showed up, you dispersed his hatred and taught him how to love. Then he began to change.

You did change him. Little girl, do you know? When I saw he smiled, I thought he must promise to give you a complete family."

In the old master's eyes, there was a brilliant light reflecting the wisdom of human life.

"Old Master, I understand what you mean. In the future, I will slowly resolve Adam' s depression. As many things passed, he should try to release himself."

"I'm so glad that you can understand. Little girl, it's you who let me know his desire. I can't give him more happiness in my life, I'll leave my stubborn boy to you."

"Yes." Tracey could not refuse an old man who had put great hope on his son. "Even if you didn't require, I will do so." Tracey said. "This is the shares transfer agreement I prepared. Little girl, I know that Adam is stubborn, he doesn't care about anything I give him. But this was a father's kindness. People thought that I had 54 percent of the shares, but in fact, it's not.

Over the years, I had gradually collected many shares from other shareholders, so that now I have another 40% invisible shares in hand. You can say I am too partial, however, since Adam was a child, I have owed him too much. These 40% shares are my gift to him.

And, as an elder's greeting gift, I give you 10% of the shares." While saying, the old master took out another share transfer agreement.

The name "Tracey" was already printed on it. She was stunned. What did 10% mean? For a large company like the Sheng Group, what the old master offered was an asset worth more than hundreds of million yuan!

"Old Master, your gift is too big. Besides, I haven't married Adam yet. Aren't you afraid that one day I will break up with him?"

Tracey looked at him in disbelief.

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