His Domineering Lover
Chapter 359

Children were the most precious for Carmen. But now her son had been sent to the police station, and her daughter was raped.

Indeed, people who owned must pay it back. Carmen stole twenty years of luxurious life from Venus, so, she had to take another twenty years to make up for her sin.

She knelt on the ground and said, "My God, it was me who did all this, even if there is retribution, please let me bear it, and please let my children go."

"Mom, stop talking." Renee' s eyes were swollen due to crying long. She took out the emergency contraception, taking a deep breath then swallowed them.

The pills had no flavor, but in Renee's mouth, it tasted bitter.

Her memory soon went back to last night, the beggars shamelessly stuck their tongues into Renee's mouth. Suddenly, her stomach surged with disgust and she vomited again.

She didn't eat anything since last night, so she was just dry retching. The filth on her body could be washed away, but the filth on her mind could never be cleaned.

"Fine. Renee, I've cooked porridge, you should eat some food and take a rest. Just sleep, I am here with you." Carmen was also helpless, after all, being raped was a nightmare for every woman.

Renee now knew how disgusting it was to be raped, but she had never considered what Tracey may felt if the same thing happened to her.

Renee took one more pill but couldn't sleep well at all. As soon as fell asleep, she would dream of the warehouse and the beggars who crawled onto her body.

"No, no! Don't touch me!" Renee shouted. Carmen was by her side, sighed with sorriness.

"Renee, I am here. You will be fine." In Carmen's comforts, Renee closed her eyes again.

The next morning, Tracey went to the company spiritedly. Today what she had to do was to select a new director to take over her position.

When she was in the lobby, she saw Carl was arriving at the same time. But he didn't drive his own car. He was taken here by a woman.

"Little Carl, I'll pick you up when you get off work." Clara said loudly. Carl felt embarrassed and wanted to hide.

"I must be crazy to agree her to be my girlfriend for one month." Carl thought. Thinking that he must spend one month with Clara, Carl felt a headache.

"I told you don't call me like that!" Carl shouted. He couldn't figure out how stupid Clara was to give him this stupid name.

"If I don't call you little Carl, what else should I call you?" Clara seriously thought about it, and when she looked up, she saw Tracey who was standing not far away.

Her eyes lit up and she quickly ran to Tracey. "Hello, Miss Xia. I am Clara from Su's Group. We're going to cooperate on a project soon, I want to thank your help in advance."

Tracey had a good impression of Clara. In fact, Tracey preferred the girls who freely expressed themselves, but she found this kind of girl was getting fewer. "It might be a good thing if she and Carl can go together." Tracey thought.

Tracey stretched out her hand. "Hello, I'm Tracey."

"Miss Xia, you look so beautiful. How do you maintain your skin? My father always said that I don't look like a girl. If I had your skin, I would be happy to death."

Tracey inherited her mother's skin quality. She was born to be whiter and more delicate than other women. Clara's skin was not dark while comparing with Tracey, she looked not so white.

Even so, Clara was still good-looking enough. Despite not inferior in appearance at all, Clara still praised Tracey in a quite generous way.

"You are beautiful too, why being envious of me?"

"Because I heard that you won the contract with Light & Shadow! We're about the same age, but you are so much more competent than me! I admire the people like you.

My father said that Light & Shadow is a big listed company based in the U.S. How about... Can I be your apprentice?" Clara was full of enthusiasm but looked having no hypocrisy, her words were all her real feelings.

Tracey didn't dare to agree, if she said yes, maybe Clara would kneel to thank right in the lobby. This girl always behaved so straight.

Besides, Clara probably didn't know yet that the real boss of Light & Shadow was Carl. Thinking of this, Tracey took a glance at Carl.

"Miss Su, I still have a lot of shortcomings. If you want to learn, I suggest you can learn from Carl Xia. I have a meeting to attend. I have to go." Tracey quickly went away, fearing Clara would really kneel and call her "Master".

"Miss Xia, hey! Why are you leaving so fast?" Clara was confused. Carl was speechless on the side. "What a stupid girl." He thought.

"I am busy, too. I have to go." Carl said.

"Remember to come here after work. I'll wait for you." Clara happily said goodbye to Carl.

Tracey felt that something strange yet romantic happened between these two people.

In the same elevator, neither Tracey nor Carl spoke. They wanted to say something, however, all biting their words back.

Since the last time Carl set a trap on Tracey, her impression of him had totally collapsed. At most, they just nodded heads to each other when met up.

Tracey arrived at the office and glanced at Renee's seat. It was empty. Tracey still not knew that what Renee had gone through.

Of course, being driven out of the Xia family, and Leo was now kept in the police station, all would be a heavy blow to Renee.

She was a face-saving girl, knowing that she was never the miss Xia, she may no longer be confident to work here.

Tracey didn't think much about it. She began to sort out the files on her desk.

"Director Xia, drink some water please." A woman's voice sounded. She barely had contacts with Tracey before, but she heard that Tracey would select the new director among the existing office staff. She was one of the people that scolded Tracey hard at the usual time. Now for being selected, she began to please her leader.

"Thank you, put it down." Tracey pretended that she didn't know her mind.

At this time, Renee showed up with a pale face. The story of her identity had been spreading throughout the whole company.

Nobody thought she would appear again. What a surprise, she came!

Even Tracey was a little stunned. This was not Renee's style. "She still has the courage to come to work? She doesn't afraid of gossip?" Tracey thought.

Renee had lost the protection from the Xia family, with her awkward identity, the office sophisticate won't be polite to her anymore.

Renee ignored everyone's eyes and went straight to her seat. She didn't make a fuss, nor spoke a word, just like playing a silent movie.

Seeing Renee's haggard face, Tracey thought she looked terrible must because she experienced too much. Tracey looked away and told the water giver, "Okay, you can go."

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