His Domineering Lover
Chapter 354

As Rachels' dirty history exposed, there was someone else exposed in-depth, telling people that the person Rachel pushed was her husband's exgirlfriend. Others even exposed that how Rachel steal Sean


"I thought she was a goddess, actually she was a b*tch!"

"Mistress! You're so ugly! Not only stole the man of your bestie but also pushed her into the water!"

"Look at Rachel's clean appearance, unexpectedly, she was an actual whore. Still can not believe she was so mean to drug her bestie's boyfriend!! Oh, poor ex!"

"I heard that President Sheng's girlfriend was miss Xia. On that day, President Sheng was going to propose to Miss Xia, but they encountered a plot. Miss Xia was heartbreaking and escaped to America later." "Miss Xia is really pitiful. Her boyfriend was stolen, after returning home, she was pushed into the sea. Rachel Nan was too shameless."

"Completely agree!! How can a mistress stay in the entertainment circle? Anyway, I won't watch any show that she acted in the future."

A while later, another set of pictures was released: At the wedding scene, Rachel fell heavily and requested Tracey for her shoes.

"I have never seen a woman like Rachel. How vicious she is! Stealing man of another girl, pushing her into the sea, but sill invited her to be the bridesmaid! Excuse me?!"

"I've seen some bitches, but Rachel must be the bitchiest one. Boycott Rachel Nan! Everybody!"

"Due to her awful character, her shows will only disgust me, no matter how she is good at acting."

The netizens were all furious. They hated mistress, particularly, the shameless and presumptuous one like Rachel.

More and more people exposed Rachel's history anonymously. Tracey read the comments happily, "Good job, Adam, you kicked the enemy effortlessly!"

Tracey understood Rachel well. With her temper, if she read these articles and comments, she must be going mad.

Being a mistress was what Rachel unwilling to memory the most. Now her history had been exposed, the whole world had known that she was a mistress.

She had just changed her clothes and kicked Tracey's shoes away. The assistant rushed in hurriedly.

"Rachel, something's wrong. Look at the news!"

"Is it about I am falling today? Those reporters are so annoyed! For occupying space to make headlines, they never cared about other's feeling! I have given them money in advance!

Forget it. Anyway, I am too quiet recently. My movie will be released next month. It's better to make some noise first. "Rachel was familiar with rules of the entertainment circle, so she was calm for the report. "Rachel, it's not that simple. There are other things. Go check it quickly."

"Why are you so anxious? Okay, I'll take a look.1 Rachel took off her earrings and carefully put them in the box. Then she turned on her mobile phone and checked the news.

As Rachel read it more and more, her face turned more and more terrible. Especially when she saw those sharp comments.

"Bastard, who exposed it to the Internet?" Rachel was in huge anger. She thought the whole world had regarded her as an evil woman now.

"I don't know. It looked like it was posted by an onlooker on the site of the accident. Once this post was made, it had been reposted soon by the main media and was put on the front page. Rachel, is there someone troubling you?"

Smearing a celebrity was common in the entertainment circle. Of course, Rachel had done this kind of thing to her competitors.

"No, this is not done by the people in the entertainment circle. I know who it is!" Rachel frowned and thought of Adam's behavior at the wedding.

"It must be related to him! With his status and power, it was easy for him to do this." Rachel thought.

Ans she thought, If it was really made by the onlooker, he/she would post it a long time ago rather than saving it till today. From the article's style, it was obviously written by a professional writer.

She deemed someone even smeared her with the plot that happened three years ago. This person aimed very accurately at driving her out of the entertainment circle.

"Rachel, who on earth did all this, particularly, on your wedding day? Isn't it too wicked?" The assistant was also angry.

"Contact the company and suppress this matter quickly. The longer they don't take action, the more unfavorable it will be to me!"

"Okay, Rachel, I II go now. You can change your clothes."


Rachel was extremely depressed. It would not be easy for anyone to get involved in such a thing. And she was still be busy with her wedding. This made Rachel much more depressed. When she got changed and came out, the reporters were pouring in. "Miss Nan, did you push Miss Xia into the sea?"

"Miss Nan, since you hate Miss Xia so much, why did you invite her to be your bridesmaid?"

"Miss Nan, it's said on the Internet that you got President Sheng by unfair means. Is it true?"

"Miss Nan, please respond."

"Everyone, please be merciful to Miss Nan, today is her wedding. We don't accept any interviews. We are still busy, please leave." Rachel's agent also showed up.

On the other side, Old Master Sheng read the news from his phone just now and got angry again by the reporting.

Rachel was described as an extremely vicious woman on the internet. "Sean, what is it going on? Do you understand the woman who you marry?"

It was hard to survive the tea serving, however, Sean was troubled by Rachel at last.

"Grandpa, it was a misunderstanding. I witnessed the accident. Rachel was unintentional to push Tracey into the sea, she was just too anxious." Sean had to speak for Rachel. "Unintentional? If you didn't save that girl, that would be murder! How could a killer come into our family? Huh?" Old Master Sheng said angrily.

"Dad, Rachel didn't do it on purpose. Today is their wedding day. Please cool off." Everyone persuaded the old master Sheng.

"It's not that simple. The people outside all scolding her as well as the Sheng family! It's too shameful!"

"They are rude netizens, who often gossip the celebrity. Don't be mad, grandpa, they will soon forget this news."

"Unbelievable!" The old master Sheng left angrily with his cane.

Rachel hurriedly came over, what left for her was the back of the old master. "What's wrong with grandpa?"

"Don't pretend to me. You know what's wrong. You committed the mistake, and you shall make up for it." Sean left directly.

"What's your problem, everyone? How dare you all slid the blame to my daughter? It was clear that someone is smearing Rachel. It's fine if you don't speak for her, don't blame her okay? I am so regretting to allow her to marry into the Sheng family."

Mrs. Nan said. She almost lost her temper too.

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