His Domineering Lover
Chapter 344

Tracey could ignore the knife in Leo's hand, but she couldn't ignore the woman in black who was in strong coldness.

Within only one move, she had successfully subdued Leo. Such a good skill made her look like an agent. For the first time, Tracey felt inferior for her defense ability.

And Tracey had no time to do reasoning whether she was her mother or not, at the moment she saw her, Tracey rushed over immediately.

"Mom, you are still alive, you are really alive!" Tracey hugged Tina tightly like a child, just as the koala bear hugging the tree as if once she released her arm Tina would leave again.

People were getting more confused. They knew that Tracey's mother had died for many years. Why Tracey suddenly called a strange woman mom, besides, this woman looked only more than thirty. While when they saw their faces, the two faces were like a copy of each other, Tracey and this strange woman looked like sisters.

Old Master Xia had just recovered from anger. "Venus, where have you been these years?"

"Mom, please don't leave me again, okay? Mom, I miss you." Tracey's tears fell down. At this moment, she felt like she was in a dream yet was not. Her mom was back, really back, it was not a dream. Tina looked at the girl whose face was tearful. Her heart was churning already, however, once decided to leave forever many years ago, she could not easily go back on this decision.

She was very restrained and did not show any emotion. She pushed Tracey away coldly. "Miss Xia, you have mistaken me for your mom."

"No, you are my mom. Even if I mistake others, I will not mistake you. What's wrong with you? I'm Tracey. Have you lost your memory?" Tracey's mind was messed with all kinds of thoughts now. "She must have lost her memory. Otherwise, why hasn't she come to see me all the time?" Tracey thought.

"Miss Xia, I know I look very similar to your mother, but I'm sorry. I'm not her. I heard that she has been dead long ago. It's reasonable for you to mistake me for her." Tina was still cold.

Tracey observed this woman, carefully looked at her dress, her styles, she was indeed not so like Venus. Venus would not stare at Tracey like this, more importantly, she would never push Tracey away. "Are you my mother's sister?" Tracey did not believe that there would be two identical people in the world unless it was twins. Even if they were twins, the lachrymal mole couldn't be in the same position on the face and in the same size.

"I don't have a sister, and I've always been living in the United States." Tina took a step back. "Erica, bring me the gift I prepared for Old Master Xia."

"Yes, Master." A woman in black who was the same cold came over and handed an exquisite box to Old

Master Xia.

From the package, it could be seen that the gift was a tea set. Tracey grasped Tina's hand, "If you are not my mom, how do you know my grandpa likes drinking tea?"

"Miss Xia, I think you misunderstood. I came to A City this time for talking a business project we cooperated with Xia Group.

I and President Xia had preliminary reached an agreement on our plan. I heard that Oriental people do like tea, that's why I prepare this tea set." Her answer sounded reasonable but indifferent, as if she didn't want to be related to the Xia family at all.

"Mom would not be so indifferent, and she would not deny me either." Although Tracey was suspicious, she quickly returned soberly.

And there were too many strangers around, even if Tracey wanted to figure it out, it was not a proper occasion to talk further. "Sorry, madam, you look quite similar to her, because I miss my mom so much, I made mistake you for her."

"You and your mom must have a deep relationship, I can understand. Well, I am tired and I have to go back." Tina turned around to leave, but she was grabbed by Tracey once again. She wanted to break free, but she spotted the hand that Tracey grasped her, was hurt and bandaged.

"She didn't get hurt when she was proposed, it's just been a while, how was she hurt so badly?" Tina thought. She saw Tracey had a wound, and her dress was also stained with blood. She didn't dare to move rashly. She was afraid to touch Tracey's wound and let Tracey kept grabbing her.

"Anything else I can help you with?" She turned to look at Tracey.

"Madam, since you looked like my mother so much, can I make friends with you?" Tracey was smart to keep in touch with Tina in this way. "Yes, but I've booked the plane for tomorrow morning. I'm afraid we won't have any chance to meet again." Tina's words were full of distance.

"Why? I can go to America to visit you." Tracey didn't mean to let her go.

"Erica, give my name card to Miss Xia." Tina was a little helpless.

It was an exquisite card in a simple design. Tracey took it over, didn't find any information about Tina's company.

There were only her name and a phone number on it. The logo on the card was the same as the symbol on her ring.

"This woman was full of mystery. Was she really not my mom?"

Hearing that she soon returned to America, Ben quickly said, "Tina, I've checked out our plan today, I think there's something we should discuss more."

"What?" Tina frowned.

"I'll make an appointment with you when we are free." Ben didn't know why he wanted to keep her stayed so much. Tracey praised Ben's delay strategy in her heart. "Dad is getting smart on women!" Tracey thought. Correct, if Tina was gone today, they probably would never meet again in this life.

Even if they had cooperation, Tina could send a representative over instead of coming personally to avoid meeting up.

"Okay. Well, Miss Xia, can you let go now?" Tina looked at Tracey helplessly.

"Miss Tina, I like you as soon as I saw you. Where are you living? I'll give you a ride." Tracey was unwilling to let go anyway, like the child who was asking for snacks from parents. Adam's eyes were cold to see all this. He had already checked Tina's background. Although she had erased the past, he still found it out.

She was highly probable to be Tracey's mother. No mother would not love her child.

Adam could tell Venus's love for Tracey on the ship that year. What on earth had happened to make her abandon Tracey for so long and refused to admit the relationship? There must be more complicated facts behind. Anyway, what she was doing was out of protecting Tracey. Otherwise, she would not react promptly to save Tracey.

Her love should be too heavy to bear, not to mention expressing it out. She could only hide this love under her cold face.

As an onlooker, Adam was clearer than Tracey that it may not be appropriate to go closer to Tina at this time. However, Tracey may not be able to understand his sense.

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