His Domineering Lover
Chapter 342

Tracey stood in the center of the crowd, about to tell the story. Tina was behind Ben and Tracey didn't see her yet.

"I used to have a happy family. My mother was the most gentle woman in the world, and my father loved us so much.

It was Carmen who broke all this. She was born humble, for chasing a wealthy life, she became a bar girl.

She hated living poor, so she kept looking for someone to rely on among her customers.

By chance, she met my uncle Edgar, who raised Carmen with his own money. But she was not satisfied.

Later she knew my father and found him gentle and loyal to his woman.

She took a fancy to my father's integrity and background and took advantage of Edgar to approach my father.

She forced my father to drink a lot that night. When she woke up, she claimed to have had sex with him. A month later, she informed my father of her pregnancy.

My dad was soft-hearted and guilty for Carmen. Just because he was hesitant, Carmen saw it as a crack to penetrate in my family and implement her series of plans until my dad and mom broke.

She lied to my father that she had a pair of lovely twins in her belly and they were my father's children. Later, she began to destroy my parents' marriage step by step.

My mom was kind and tolerant, she never fought for anything but guard me. After gained my father's trust, Carmen tasted blood and she required my parent to divorce.

She used many ways to stimulate my mother and finally caused her death of heart attack. Not too long after my mom's death, Carmen came into my family with the so-called younger brother and sister of mine.

The arrival of them was the beginning of my nightmare. I never knew the little children could be the devil.1'

When Tracey said this, she laughed at herself. Tracey still remembered that when Ben took them home, she was told that they were the younger brother and sister, and as the older sister, she should respect them and be generous.

Although Tracey was a little unhappy, she had always been an obedient child. She promised to take good care of this new pair of brother and sister.

However, her kindness got rewarded by Leo and Renee's evilness.

"What did they do to you?" The people around were fascinated by Tracey's story and hurriedly asked for details.

Tracey continued to speak, "They were instigated by Carmen to force me to leave. Only in this way can they get all the shares of the Xia Group prepared for the younger generation without sharing with me. My younger brother would poke my hand with the compasses, but he complained that it was me who poked him so that I was punished to not eat.

He often put spiders and worms into my schoolbag, which scared me to death when I open it.

They would also deliberately break my father's precious collection and framed me for doing it. All they did was to make my father hates me, thinking me as a bad girl, and estrange me.

I spent my whole childhood being threatened and framed by them. At that time, what I feared most every day was going home.

I don't know what awaits me at home. I spent every day in fear.

More than three years ago, I was 18 years old. According to the rules of the Xia family, I should have gained 20% of the shares, but they worked together to prevent this from happening."

"What did they do?" Everyone didn't even dare to blink their eyes for fearing missing one word of Tracey's speaking, maybe because felt hard to believe Leo and Renee's evilness. Some adult's eyes were drenched in tears.

They all felt sorry for Tracey. Sure enough, the child who lost the mother at a young age would suffer, just like Tracey.

"They put drugs in my wine and arranged people to rape me, and they would take photos of this to create a scandal. Fortunately, Brother Adam saved me that night and helped me avoid disaster.

From then on, I understood that I couldn't stay in the Xia residence anymore. Otherwise, I would be killed by them sooner or later. For instance, I was often hardly got hit by the cars rushed out from the corner. Without evidence, I had to take their plots as accidents. I thought if I go to America, their killings won't come along.

During the past three years I stayed in the US, Carmen deducted all my financial supports secretly. I lived alone and had no money to buy food. Can everybody imagine what kind of life I had abroad?" "Tracey, why didn't you tell me?" The old master's eyes were full of tears.

"Grandpa, I didn't have evidence! Even if I tell you, maybe dad won't believe it. In his heart, I was a bad girl. So, I choose to be silent.

Even if you helped me, it would be temporary help. You would only punish her lightly at most, she would continue living in the Xia family and arrange more people to harm me.

In the first year I spent in the US, I lived a hard life. Fortunately, all this had passed.

After I returned recently, I spotted the relationship between her and Edgar. And, Renee and Leo, are not my dad's daughter and son.

This woman is a big liar! That night my father was drunk, they didn't do anything! But my father had lived in her lie for more than twenty years!"

Everyone was shocked by what Tracey revealed. Perhaps they never knew Carmen was such a scheming woman.

But they sympathized Ben more for being deceived for so long due to his hesitation. He was not only betrayed but also raised the kids for another man, how miserable!

Tina didn't know the truth until this moment. She could not imagine Carmen would be vicious like this to harm Tracey seriously after she left under fake death.

"Nonsense, you made up all this to slander us! It's you who want to drive us out of the Xia family. Don't believe her!" Renee saw that she was involved and hurriedly interrupted Tracey from exposing more. "Yes, I want to kick you out even in my dreams. You've occupied positions not belong to you for so many years! As for the evidence, don't worry. It's coming."

Tracey took out her phone and played a recording. "Don't think that you can change anything even if coming back from the states.

Tracey, I can make your mom dead and force you to go to America, I can drive you out right now as well.


f you are obedient to me, I will give you some money to live outside safe, as long as you promise me not to come back."1

This was the recording made on the day when Tracey came to the Xia residence for the first time after she returned from abroad. Everyone heard Carmen's voice that she admitted that she killed Tracey's mother and threatened to drive Tracey out.

"Carmen, how you are so heartless?!" Ben slapped her on the face again for venting the hatred to be cheated.

"By the way, here I would like to provide more evidence, I have also made another recording, let's listen to it and see how shameless this pair of mother and daughter are." Adam began to play the recording. "Mom, Tracey is good at seducing men and she had seduced many, I am not like this cheap."

"If you are skillful like her, Adam will be your prey. If you can acquire his heart, not to mention the shares of Xia Group, his money, which is much more than Xia family's wealth, will be yours." "Mom, you mean... you want me to steal Tracey's boyfriend?"

"They didn't get married, it's okay to steal. Even if they have married, you can still do that. Look how I stole your father? Do you need me to teach you the means?"

"Bastard, you dare to rob your sister's boyfriend!" The old master Xia couldn't stand anymore and used his cane to whip Renee. These people were too cruel to bully his loved granddaughter for so long!

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