His Domineering Lover
Chapter 340

When Adam came over, he saw Tracey was leaning against the car. Her white dress had been stained with bright red blood.

It looked like a few plum blossoms fell on the snow. The blood flowed down along her fingertips, dripping on the ground drop by drop.

"Little bunny, what's wrong with you!" Adam had been absent from her for just a while but she got hurt! Adam was anxious to check if there were other wounds on her body.

"Brother Adam, I am okay and have no other wounds. I cut myself. It's not a big deal. Don't worry." Tracey comforted him hurriedly.

"How can you be okay with such a big wound? I'll send you to the hospital first." Adam was flustered. If there wasn't anything strange happened, would Tracey cut herself?

"Brother Adam, it's too late to go to the hospital. I remember there was a clinic nearby. I'll get myself simply bandaged there. I have a big plan to implement soon."

Renee's doing had fully simulated Tracey. Originally, Tracey was not going to carry her plan out today.

She didn't want to destroy her grandpa's birthday party. But since Renee shamelessly repeated her trick of three years ago and Tracey was ignited, she decided to not tolerate any more and release the sins of Renee and Carmen today.

"I'm sorry, grandpa, for driving the trash out of our family, I must do this. Please forgive me."

"Okay." Adam understood Tracey's persistence. Her injury could not be delayed, so he promised to go to the nearby clinic with her.

Tracey dialed Ruth's number. "I want you to do me a favor."

Ruth smiled proudly and said, "Well, have you figured it out? Today is the best time. If you miss this opportunity, even if you disclose it in the future, it won't have a good effect."

"Shut up. I have decided. I have edited the video. I will send it to you immediately. Go and arrange it. I have something to do now and will come back soon."

"Okay." Ruth and Tracey were allies. Tracey was for sweeping Carmen out, and Ruth was for separating Edgar and Adela.

After watching the romantic proposal, Tina's heart was filled with emotions. Tracey was the one she owed the most in her life. She certainly recognized that Adam was the young man on the ship. She did not expect that they had this amazing fate. She relived to see Tracey had met her Mr. Right.

While she was deep in thoughts, Carmen had approached her silently. "Venus!" Carmen shouted.

It was Tina's old name, if being called the old name without cautions, generally, people would react surprised and revealed themselves. But Carmen underestimated Tina.

After she returned to the US, nobody ever called her in that name. She had lost all feelings to the old name, so she didn't respond to Carmen at all.

"Mrs. Xia, are you calling me?" Tina looked at Carmen with confusion, as if she didn't understand why Carmen called her like that.

"Mrs. Xia? Don't pretend. Venus, do you think you can come back with a new identity and intervene with me and Ben? Go dream it! You were defeated by me more than ten years ago, even if you come back, you would lose again!"

Tina smiled and played with the glass lazily. "Mrs. Xia, I don't understand what you're talking about. You said that he is your husband, but why are you so afraid that your husband will be stolen?" What, was it because you stole other's husband, so you are afraid to be avenged in the same way, aren't you?"

"Nonsense! You're shameless! Why did you come back after so many years of death?"

"Mrs. Xia, I've been living well. Who said I'm dead? I heard a piece of news. You seem to have been driven out of the Xia family now, haven't you? I don't know if this news is true?"

Tina was the same as Tracey to wear a layer of thorns and kept others away, including Carmen.

"If you are not Venus, why do you care about these things? I warn you, you should stay away from my husband, otherwise...1 Carmen threatened fiercely.

Carmen said and confirmed the woman she faced was Venus. Besides, she confirmed even if disappeared under the fake death news for many years, Venus was still weak and still not matched for her. Tina's smile grew bigger. "Otherwise what? Mrs. Xia, would you like to know do Ben believe me or you?"

"What... what do you mean?" Carmen suddenly found that she couldn't figure Tina out.

"Nothing. I just want to play a game with you." Tina suddenly loosened the glass to make it fell to the ground. With a "bang" sound, people around were soon attracted.

Ben was not far away. When he heard that the glass was broken, he rushed over and saw Tina covering her face with her hands. "Tina, are you okay?"

Tina shook her head. "President Xia, please take care of your wife. Just now, she came to me and warned me not to touch you, and she slapped me..." "Did she hit you?!" Ben never doubted her words, no matter if she was Venus or Tina.

"I didn't, honey..." Carmen finally figured Tina out and she clearly saw Tina's bright smile enemy behind Ben's back.

"Bang." Ben directly slapped on Carmen's face. This slap shocked everyone.

Ben had always been known for his moderate and gentle personality in high society circles and nobody would link his image with the jerk who beat their wives. With the passage of time, people had gradually forgotten the look of Venus. Plus the drastically changed appearance, no one in the field recognized who was Tina.

Old Master Xia was also disturbed by the quarrel and looked at them.

When he saw Tina's face, he was shocked and fell his glass to the ground.

"V... Venus!"

"Mr. Xia, what's wrong with you?" Old Master Luo, who was standing by the side, looked confused.

At this moment, Carmen had collected everyone's attention. How she wished to bury herself! She finally understood what did Tina mean.

"B*tch, I have said that I have nothing to do with you. Why are you still here? I am telling you, I don't want to see you again in my life. Please don't dirty my eyes." Ben's face was pretty cold.

Thinking of what Carmen had done to Venus in the past, he felt even more guilty to Tina. "Tina, are you okay? Is your face painful?"

"President Xia, I'm fine." Tina took a step back and kept a distance from Ben. Although she did want to avenge Carmen and she had succeeded for the first time, it didn't mean she forgave Ben's betrayal. When Carmen had become the focus, the screen of the hall suddenly bright and a woman's moan loudly soudned.

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