His Domineering Lover
Chapter 284

Tracey watched the movie alone for the whole afternoon. Without Adam's presence, she felt empty.

She did not finish until dinner was almost ready. She stretched herself and came out, finding Adam was still working at the computer.

Tracey did not disturb him but went outside for a walk. The greening of his community was great and residents could arrive at the seaside in a few minutes.

Tracey had never carefully visited this community since she moved here. She informed Jane of going out before went out.

It was the time for sunset, the warm bright sun was shining on the beach. Tracey wandered by the sea, enjoying the beauty of life.

There were many seagulls. Tracey bought a bag of bread to feed them, then a large group of seagulls was flying over.

The sea breeze blew her long hair, a white dress, and a red veil danced in the wind.

Her smile attracted some of the people passed by. Sean saw her too, and he could never move.

He thought of their sweet past again. Tracey's smile was always bright, the same as what she was having now.

Tracey would grasp Sean's clothes when crossing

the street.

It was not because Tracey was stupid to not know how to cross the road, but because she was almost hit by a car several times. Later, crossing street cast shadow on her heart.

The first time when Sean held Tracey to cross the street, Tracey looked at him with this bright smile.

Tracey was right in the front. For Sean, however, there was already a broad sea that had divided him and her.

He approached her step by step. "Tracey."

Tracey's smile froze on the face. "President Sheng, you should be busy today." He had just taken over the company. How could he appear here?

"I am not interested in social events. I'm looking for a quiet place to get fresh air. I didn't expect you are here," Sean said.

'Tm just going out for a walk. After feeding the seagull, I'll go back. Congratulations, you've finally got what you want." Tracey smiled like a flower.

But this kind of smile was usually the smile for strangers. It was full of politeness and distance, nothing more meaningful.

"Tracey, what I want is you." Sean felt like stabbed by her smile. He wanted to return to the days when they were together happily.

"President Sheng, you are smart, but why are you always talking silly? It has been impossible for us to return. We had already done three years ago."

Tracey smashed the last bread piece and scattered them into the sky, just like abandoning her memory

about Sean, with no slight trace of cherishing.

The seagull quickly took the bread away. She clapped her hands to clean. "I'm going back. Adam is still waiting for me to have dinner."

Sean grabbed her hand and said, "Tracey, don't leave. I have something to say."

Tracey frowned. In the past, Sean was not such a pestering person. Now she was very dissatisfied with him. "Let go!"

"Tracey, I am now the president of the Sheng Group. I can give you what he can give you. Can you return to me?" When Sean saw such a beautiful Tracey, he was even more reluctant to let go. "Sean, do you think all people care about the same as you do? President, So what? I don't care. I'll get what I want by myself!" Tracey snorted coldly.

He used quite big strength to grab. Tracey did not pull out her hand several times, and there was even red mark began to show on her skin.

"Fine, Tracey, tell me, please, tell me if you don't want my title, what do you want? As long as you want, I will give it to you, please return to me, okay?" Sean had never begged a person like this. "I want you to let go of me." Tracey said coldly with her eyes closed.

"Tracey... Do you know that I did all this for you? I want to give you a better life, I think..."

"Tracey Xia! why are you so annoyed? Why are you always stealing other's husband? Why are you so cheap?" Rachel came in a hurry and shouted.

She was supposed to be in a good mood today. She pushed off all her works and specially consulted the cook to make Sean a sumptuous dinner for celebration.

Sean told Rachel to go out for a walk before. She had waited long and didn't see Sean return. She came out to look for him, unexpectedly, she caught the scene that Sean was grabbing Tracey's hand.

In her eyes, it was all Tracey's fault. It was Tracey seducing Sean and destroying her perfect life.

Hearing her vicious words, Sean revealed furious look. "Watch your mouth."

"Steal? Rachel, you won't forget how did you steal other's boyfriend, will you? You are the first-line actress, will you behave well?"

Tracey despised fighting on the street the most. Except for being laughed at, no more good.

Although this was a private sea area and not many visitors here, there were still some people who came to see seagulls every day.

Sure enough, Rachel's shouting soon attracted a few people's attention. "Look, isn't that Rachel? I like the palace drama she performed, her acting was super good!"

"But why is she so angry? Was that man her fiance?"

As more onlookers were gathering, Sean let go of Tracey's hand. After all, he was Rachel's fiance.

At the moment when he let go, Tracey sneered. She thought Sean was indeed ever-changing because he had just promised to not let go but let go soon.

How Tracey appreciated that now her man was Adam. No matter how Old Master Sheng opposed they are together, Adam ignored it and hold Tracey's hand firmly.

If the same thing happened to Adam, he would definitely not let go. Thinking of him, Tracey smiled unconsciously.

So beautiful her sincere smile was!! Even the onlookers were stunned by her beauty!

On the contrary, the screen goddess Rachel looked like a mad shrew, and Tracey looked like standing in the light.

"Let's go, don't embarrass me more!" Sean took Rachel away with a gloomy face.

"That lady is so beautiful, I think she is more beautiful than Rachel. Is she an actress too?"

"Well, if she acts, I will watch any show she performs." The onlookers began to gossip.

Such commenting made Rachel furious. Her face changed drastically, and she turned around and rushed toward Tracey.

Tracey was still thinking about Adam and didn't expect that Rachel would go crazy. She got hit and flipped over the railing and fell into the sea. "Tracey!"

"Go to hell, Tracey!"

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