His Domineering Lover
Chapter 282

The phone was suddenly cut off and the old master was furious. "You b*stard, how dare you hang up my phone. You must regret it. Well, you don't cherish this opportunity, many people do!" He murmured and walked away with a crutch. After he left, Sean came out from another stall.

"Grandpa was still considering Adam." Thinking of the inheritance right was abandoned by Adam and then passed to him, Sean felt a little aggrieved.

But he did agree with his grandfather's words that people shall not go against his own future. Only with a bright future, could he have more he wanted.

Sean washed his hands and dry them with the tissue. He looked at the mirror and tidied his tie, then left the restroom elegantly.

No matter how the inheritance right was passed to him, Sean had acquired it now. With great satisfaction, Sean walked outside with firm steps.

He was proud, while Adam was smiling happily too next to Tracey. Tracey heard what he just said and looked at him. "What's wrong? Did the old master want to give you one more chance?" "Yes, but it's late. When I want it, he refused. Now I don't want it even if it's a free gift for me. I want to take the Group over by myself!"

Adam had already deployed people to suppress the Sheng family. No matter how proud Sean was today, it would not take long for him to know that what he took over was actually a hot potato. "If he doesn't force you to marry Caroline, will you go back?" Tracey asked, leaning against Adam's arms.

Adam scratched her nose and said, "Didn't I leave the Sheng Family without Caroline? The reason why I proposed to go back to the Sheng Family was just for you."

"For me?"

"The little brat Sean has never given up on you. What he wants is nothing more than the inheritance of the Sheng's business. With it, he naturally has confidence, then he may chase you back.

To completely destroy him is to take away all his support. Once he has nothing to rely on, how can he compete with me?" Adam still felt uncomfortable as soon as thought of the sandwich issue not long ago. Tracey did not know that the sandwich was the trigger of all this. Because of being spoiled by Adam, so as Tracey gradually forgot the beast nature of the man in front of her.

When being with Tracey, Adam returned to a big cat. While in front of others, he was always a fierce lion with sharp teeth and claws.

"Adam, I suddenly feel lucky about one thing."

"Hmm?" Adam hugged her and stroked her hair with one hand.

"I'm not your enemy. Otherwise, I would've been gnawed into pieces already, by you." Tracey said.

"Humph, even if you haven't been his enemy, you have already been gnawed into pieces." Steve looked at the two people who had always been unconsciously intimate.

From the last time Steve was here until today, it had not been very long, but Tracey and Adam's relationship was surged.

Although he didn't know what Adam had done to Tracey and made her so loyal, he was pleasant to see Tracey could laughed so happily to a man and believe him wholeheartedly.

"Sheep, don't make jokes about me. Since you have come, why don't you stay for a few more days?" Tracey suggested.

"That's a good idea. Let me host you this time. At least you are Tracey's family."

"I would like to. But I left too hurriedly and did not arrange things well. Next time." Two days ago, when Steve heard that Tracey was sad and didn't eat, he left all his work behind and headed for A City. Tracey felt distressed to see his tired face. "I'm sorry. We set up the company together, but I leave all business to you."

"You didn't! I have my share in this company, I do it for myself." Steve comforted her.

Tracey smiled bitterly. She knew that Steve was the same as Adam. No matter what she did, they would not blame her.

Even if they encountered something troublesome, they would choose to bear it on their own.

"Okay, next time when the company is not busy, I will come over. When I come, you can't even drive me away." Steve comforted her. "In fact, I am happy now to see you are good." "Don't worry, I will treat her well." Adam said.

They sent Steve to the airport. Every time going apart, Tracey would be very sad. This is life, people should learn from separation to know they should cherish reunion.

Adam sighed with relief after seeing Steve off. "Hey, don't look at him anymore. He has disappeared for a long time. Let's go back."

"Okay, let's go back." Tracey held Adam's hand tightly. What Steve wanted to see most was Tracey being happy. She promised him she will live happily in the future.

When Tracey returned to the beach villa, she had a different feeling. The short separation between her and Adam made her feel as if she had spent a year lonely. Now she had realized that Adam had become so important. When he left, she could be so lost as to be sleepless and even having no appetite.

"What's this?" Tracey found there was a new device was in her room.

"The projector." Adam said, "If you want to watch a movie in the future, we can watch it at home."

That night Tracey watched a movie with Carl, it became the cause of their contradiction later. She didn't expect Adam to put a projector at home! "Great! During weekends, if we are free, we can stay at home and watch a movie. Let me see how to use


Tracey thought it was an amazing device and began to learn it. Adam shouted to downstairs, "Jane, is the medicine ready?"

"It's ready, sir, I'll bring it to miss Xia right now."

"Leave it to me." Adam went upstairs with a bowl of medicine. When he came back to the room, Tracey had already set it up.

"Adam, which movie should we watch? There are so many lovely movies." Tracey kept pressing the remote, trying to select a movie to play.

"Take the medicine first, we can watch the movie later."

"Chinese medicine again?! Adam, I've recovered. I don't want to drink it, the medicine was so disgusting." Tracey had unconsciously acted like a little naughty girl.

"Right, you've recovered from the cold, Lance said that you're weak and you still need to be adjusted. Be good, I specially asked Jane to make it for you." Adam coaxed Tracey like coaxing a child.

Tracey looked dumbfounded. "But I think I'm in good health. I'm not sick at ordinary times. It's just an accident this time. How can I be weak?"

"How can you see the weakness of yourself? Don't you have irregular periods?" Adam asked.

"Yes, since I was a teenager, my period had been irregular." Tracey said and blushed.

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