His Domineering Lover
Chapter 260

Obviously, it was not the first time for Ruth to enter such a shop. She was so familiar with picking those clothes. She looked back at Tracey.

Tracey's face was full of embarrassment. Ruth found it unbelievable. "You never wore this?"

The last time Tracey saw this kind of clothes was Renee wore them to seduce Adam. But she had never worn it.

She shook her head. "No."

"Judging from the hickey on your neck, I thought you are open and already got used to wearing this. Well, in my eyes, men in the world, whether they are poor or rich, once they took their clothes off, they are the same."

Obviously, Ruth had experienced many men. She knew very well what a man needed. She didn't need Tracey to guide her at all.

Tracey looked at the clothes around her, deeply lost in her thoughts.

Ruth quickly chose the sexy underwear to match her. Tracey took a glance at it and blushed.

Ruth was really bold. It was no wonder that Edgar was fascinated by her. The clothes she had chosen was almost transparent!

"Miss, you have good taste. This is the best sold in our shop." The salesclerk praised Ruth's taste hurridly.

Tracey only went to the normal shops and had never visited sex shops. She was confused. "The less cloth, the better the clothes are?" She thought.

Except for the underwear, Ruth also took some other props, which did blow Tracey's mind. She didn't expect that Ruth had so many tricks!

Tracey was totally stunned. Seeing her look, Ruth said, "Don't tell me you haven't used it yet. It's impossible. You have a hickey on your neck."

Although Tracey put on a scarf, Ruth saw the hickey and knew that she had a close contact with Adam.

Although Tracey had sex experience, she only did it in a normal way and never tried those open ways. Ruth looked at Tracey as if she was watching a countrified girl. "Come on, what era it is? Do you only do the traditional sex?" Ruth whispered in her ear.

It reminded Tracey of the first time she watched the adult movie. Her face turned red and her heartbeats got faster. "How did this woman ask everything?" She thought. "Ahem, you choose what you like, I'll pay the bill." Tracey looked away and obviously did not want to continue this topic.

"Look at your cold and arrogant look in the company. I didn't expect that you didn't know these things at all. Let me teach you.

To treat men, you should always give them freshness, including on the bed, so that the man can be needy on you more." Ruth said in a tone of a teacher.

If it weren't for Tracey making trouble this time, Ruth could have gone further with Edgar. It was a pity that things would often go against people's wills.

Sometimes, it was hard to say who would be lucky forever. Luck would not always stay.

"Really..." Tracey suddenly thought of Adam. Did he arrive in the United States? Did he get off the plane?"1 Thinking of him, Tracey was absent-minded again.

"A young lady like you who was born with nothing to worry about usually had no strong sense of crisis. Let me teach you a few tricks to make your man loves you to death."

As speaking, Ruth pushed Tracey out. "Your appearance is good enough. I believe no man can resist you. However, Edgar's wife is also good enough. Why did he still cheat?" Tracey was speachless. If she was asked which stock performed well or which would go rise, she was clear about it.

For this kind of thing, Tracey would only think it was the mistress's fault, she was shameless to seduce men. "Why? It's all because men are born to be cheap." Tracey said. "Partially correct. Of course, another reason is that there is something that his wife couldn't give him."

"His wife takes care of the household work, giving birth to the children, and does so many things for him. Is there anything else she can't give him?" Tracey thought of her mother. She was so gentle and virtuous but was also betrayed.

"I don't want to talk about others. Let's talk about Edgar's wife. She comes from a famous family. She is beautiful. Even if she is a middle-aged woman, she looked not much older than us young people." Since she was so excellent, why was Edgar still not satisfied? Because she often offends him at home, shouting at him, and making him less manly.

This forced Edgar to look for young beautiful girls for fun. You tell me, I was wrong, Edgar was wrong, isn't his wife wrong?"

Ruth's words made Tracey totally speechless. She didn't know what Edgar's family was like. At the same time, she thought of the way she got along with Adam. "Is he already tired of me?"

"I'm just talking about one of the reasons. Every man has different reasons for going cheating. Sometimes, in addition to looking for reasons for men, we should also look for reasons for their women. Although your appearance was good enough, the freshness you give him was not long-lasting.


f you always use the same position when having sex with your boyfriend, one or two times is okay, what about twenty times? do you think he still has a desire for you? Women should be not only shining outside but also should be the same on the bed.

There are clothes for going out, also, there are clothes for the bed. You seem to have never worn them. Do you want to have a try?"

The topic of freshness attracted Tracey's attention, even if she had no idea if Ruth was right or wrong.

Looking at those dazzling sexy underwear, she was a little confused.

"I am sure you have no experience. If he never sees you wear these, you'd better start with the conservative ones." Ruth said and began to pick.

Finally, she picked out a rabbit suit for Tracey. It had more pieces of cloth than other suits. Tracey was completely not sure about what she would be like in it.

"This... will be exposed?"

"Nonsense, how a man has a desire for you if it's not exposed? It's just the appetizer. When he gets used to it, you can change to others."

Ruth took a few more suits over, including nurses, teachers, and even flight attendants. "Sometimes it's exciting to do the cosplay."

"What else?" Hearing Ruth's theory, Tracey wanted to open her head. What on earth is in this woman's brain every day? Why did she know so much about sexual relationships?

"After he lost freshness on you, you can serve him with more exciting suits. Remember, don't make your single step too far, otherwise, he'll get bored soon. You should change the clothes step by step." Ruth took over a few more black lace underwear. Tracey listened to Ruth's class carefully like an obedient student.

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