His Domineering Lover
Chapter 253

She didn't dislike Adam's possessiveness before, and she just regarded it as a way that Adam loved her.

But he was even on guard against her cousin, which puzzled Tracey a lot.

Did he not believe in her or was he too wary?

Tracey was a proud person, in her opinion, Adam's following was a great disrespect to her as he felt that she would betray him.

Tracey had never been quarreling with Adam, nor had been quarreling with other people. When she was with Sean, he had never been suspicious of her.

At that time, the school days were relatively relaxed, and there were no such complicated things. Sean was a good-tempered person, and Tracey barely had no fighting with him.

This was the first time that Tracey was angry with her boyfriend. She said with a cold face, "I'm tired. I'll go to sleep first."

For avoiding saying any hurtful words to Adam, Tracey wanted to calm down first.

Adam stretched out his arms and wanted to stop her. As soon as he saw her back, he thought that it was useless to say more at this time.

He could only watch Tracey slowly going upstairs, he loosened his tie gloomily, and lit a cigarette with


He was obvious wanting to love Tracey and protect her, but how could he screwed up?

He dialed a number, and Assistant Jiang's voice came, "President, what can I do for you?"

"How's the investigation of Carl going?" Adam inhaled greatly and spatted out a big smoke.

"President, his stuff is a little bit complicated. I'm afraid one day isn't enough." Assistant Jiang bad been busy with the investigation all day long but hadn't figured him out yet.

As soon as hearing the word "complicated", Adam was assured about his instinct more.

"How complicated?" he asked coldly.

Assistant Jiang could also feel that Adam's voice was different from usual, he sounded a little annoyed.

"I found out that Carl and the Xia family are not close at all. I think there is something strange in it, so I investigated it carefully.

More than 20 years ago, Edgar's child died in the hospital, and in order not to make his wife sad, he found a baby to replace it.

This baby is Carl. I'm sure he's not from the Xia family, but I'm still looking for his real identity.

Things happened long ago there are very few clues left, so I can't give you accurate info now." Assistant Jiang was also a very rigorous person. Adam pressed the cigarette butt in the ashtray, thinking that it was clearer with this clue. Carl was

not Tracey's cousin..

Therefore, from the very beginning, Carl came close to Tracey as an outsider. Tracey was too eager for the order, so she ignored a lot of things.

She did not think too much about her relationship with Carl and regarded him only as her cousin. It was not her fault.

It was Carl's fault. He was the cunning fox. He got close to Tracey and misled her with their ambiguous relationship, and removed all her all defenses.

"Apart from this, did you find anything else?" Adam lit another cigarette. It was useless to just know this.

Tracey was in a bad mood now. If he told her directly that Carl was not Edgar's son, it would be bullshit.

He must let Tracey knew that Carl had a crush on her, letting her be clear about his real intention.

Although Adam was irritated, fortunately, his mind was still clear. He knew very well how to control people's hearts.

"I also found out that Carl attended college in the States. He was Eric's alumni. They were very close, but there is something strange."

Assistant Jiang was not a secretary who just ran errands for the president. Instead, he had his own opinions on many things. Adam was right to keep him aside for many years.

"What it is?"

"Eric is the president of the Light&Shadow A City office, I have made a special investigation and found Light&Shadow had nothing to do with the Luo family.

This company was founded in the United States and had developed its Chinese business this year. Since Carl and Eric were so close, why he did not have any position in this company? Instead, he took the financial director position in Xia' s Group three years ago. Carl's ability is more than that. I can't figure it out."

Hearing Assistant Jiang's analysis, Adam's eyes darkened. "I know what's going on."

"President, do you know?" Assistant Jiang was confused. He checked this man for a whole day, and he didn't even fully know. He just told Adam a little about it, and then Adam know? "The president of the Light&Shadow Company has always been mysterious. What if Carl is the president?

It's not that he does not take a position in Light&Shadow, but that he is the actual controller of Light&Shadow. In this way, everything makes sense." Adam thought of the scene when he saw Carl for the first time.

Carl's eyes sparkled with special light when he saw Tracey was intimate with Adam. It was a look of a challenger.

It was his eyes that made Adam strange. If he was just a financial director, he could not have looked at people in that presumptuous way.

"Yes, why didn't I think of that? I will continue to investigate right now, president. I will definitely find out his real identity soon." Assistant Jiang hung up the phone excitedly.

He was in a dilemma that had no more clues. Fortunately, Adam inspired him. With this clue, it would be much easier to continue the investigation.

Adam hung up the phone, smoking the cigarettes one after another. Although he now knew that Carl had problems, it was still difficult to let Tracey know Carl well.

After returning to the room, Tracey was sulky. She took a shower and saw that her body was full of traces left by Adam.

This crazy man. Thinking of the previous scene in the restroom, Tracey's heart beat faster.

Dam* it, she must have been poisoned by him.

After washing up, she was also cool off. Adam was not evil, he just used the wrong way to express his worry.

Tracey was not as angry as before. She changed her pajamas and went downstairs. He thought Adam was still in the living room.

Except for the pile of cigaratte butts in the ashtray, there was nothing about Adam.

"Adam?" Tracey shouted but found that he had already left.

His shoes were gone, nor a car parked outside. His villa was out of light, obviously, he was not at home at all.

Tracey stood by the door. For a moment, she felt upset. Did he go away because of anger?

Thinking of his careful expression before, Tracey suddenly felt very sad. She didn't want things to go like this.

The night wind blew her hair. She was only wearing thin pajamas, and her body was shaking in the wind. She missed Adam's warm arms for no reason. Was he really angry?

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