His Domineering Lover
Chapter 250

The reason why Ceaser made this block booking was he didn't want others to bother he and Rose.

He even learned a lot of girl-chasing techniques, one of them was watching a horror movie with her. When the woman is scared, she would look for the man's arms, and their relationship would improve. Unexpectedly, there were so many outsiders with them tonight. He was in a bad mood. But for the sake of Rose, he would not drive her friends out.

He had no choice but to look for cornered seats. On this point, he shared the same thoughts as Carl.

By doing so, nobody would be disturbed. Of course, Bella was taken to the far seats to avoid disturbing her boss.

Tracey came here not for watching the movie, instead, she just wanted to have more communication with Eric, however, she did not get any opportunities. What's more, for not letting Bella misunderstood, Tracey did not talk to Eric proactively all the time.

"If things are going like this, tonight will be wasted." Tracey felt a little disappointed. When she was about to sit down, Rose sat down between her and Carl. "Little bunny, I'm afraid of horror movies. You have to be with me." Rose pretended to be nervous and grabbed Tracey's hand.

Caesar's cold eyes were fierce. "What the hell is going on?" It took him a lot of effort to invite Rose out, but now he couldn't even touch her hands!

Carl was even more depressed than Caesar. He also made efforts to take Tracey out, for making this scene happen, he even brought the outsiders Eric and Bella!

Carl was having the same purpose as Caesar. In his opinion, Tracey and Adam did not know each other for long and they could not have strong feelings for each other.

Carl's goal was almost achieved, however, Rose was sitting in the middle! "Will tonight be wasted?" He thought.

Caesar stared at Tracey, while Carl stared at Rose. Caesar simply went straight to Tracey and looked at Rose coldly.

"Sit by my side."

Caesar thought he had lowered his status to sat with these people, and now he only needed Rose to exchange seats with Tracey.

Rose was usually scared of Caesar's cold eyes, but today, she had the responsibility to guard Tracey.

Tracey was the woman that Adam only loved for his whole life. Rose must protect her well from being stolen by other men, otherwise, Adam may be heartbreaking to death. When she thought of Adam, she became not scared. "This position is comfortable, so I'll sit here." Rose said.

Caesar was still glaring at her, with his eyes that

could kill people.

Tracey was uncomfortable by Caesar's eyes. She did not know why Rose insisted on sitting here, but if she really sit here all the time, Tracey would not be able to enjoy the movie.

"Well, Mr. Peterson, I'll change seats with you." She changed the seat with Caesar, as long as he can sit together with Rose.

Caesar's face finally looked a little better. For Rose, as long as she could separate Tracey and Carl, she was fine to sit with Caesar.

Seeing he was getting farther and farther away from Tracey, Carl simply went to Tracey's side. "Tracey, I'd better sit next to you, we can discuss the movie."

Seeing that Carl was restless, Rose quickly went to stop him. "Don't move." Caesar ordered with coldness.

According to her several years of understanding about Caesar, Rose had already felt his great anger. If he had been in the past, he would have gone mad. But recently, he controlled his temper a lot. If Rose kept going against with him, Caesar was possible to fall out. Rose was not afraid of falling out, however, with the outsiders' presence, she would be embarrassed.

Once this man was angry, he would not care about the occasion and location. Rose blinked her eyes to winked at Caesar.

She was trying to express her mind of helping Adam, she even grabbed Caesar's hand to let him to feel at ease.

However, her blinking eyes and holding Caesar made him misunderstood.

It had been a long time since she touched him last time. He enjoyed the feeling of her fingers sliding in his palm. How could Caesar be angry more?

Just like a tamed lion instantly became a quiet kitten. He took Rose's hand and sat down. "Don't move again. If you don't want to watch the movie, we can do something else."

He whispered in Rose's ear. At this moment, the screen was playing advertisements, and Caesar's voice was covered.

In the darkness, Rose flushed. This man had always been overbearing, now she also did not dare to challenge his dominance.

Seeing Rose and Caesar were good, Tracey sat with ease next to Carl.

When the movie was about to start, someone came in from the back door. Adam stood in the corner and looked at Carl, who was sitting side by side with Tracey.

He had never been so jealous as he was tonight. He noticed every move of Carl, figuring out what he was going to do.

Everybody was holding their own weird thoughts, and the movie started in a weird atmosphere. The beginning of the movie was not horrible, it was talking about something happened in a deep forest. Rose was fully focusing on Carl as she feared he would take advantage of Tracey.

While Caesar was fully focusing on Rose.

But he was confused about why Rose always paid attention to others. He was sitting beside, how could she ignore him?! She looked at another man, why?

Carl had been paying attention to Tracey. Tracey was the only one who watched the movie seriously among all people.

However, she was not scared by this movie at all. Bella saw Carl and Tracey, she felt upset and looked away from them to the screen.

Unexpetedly, a horror scene came. Bella subconsciously screamed, "Ah!"

Without thinking, she threw herself into Eric's arms. Eric was accidentally becoming the biggest winner of tonight's movie scheme.

"Don't be afraid. It's all fake." He comforted Bella in a low voice.

Rose did not watch the movie all the time. She did not startle by the scene but by Bella's screaming. Caesar had been waiting for this moment long.

So he hugged Rose proactively without she was asking for his help. Tracey was still calm to watch the movie, even not blinking her eyes a little. Tracey's calmness made Carl's plan failed. A while later, Tracey felt bored. "HI go to the bathroom."


Tracey sneered on the way to the bathroom as this movie was not scary at all.

Soon she was in the bathroom. Suddenly, a black

figure flashed and brought her in.

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