His Domineering Lover
Chapter 232

Perhaps it was because Tracey worried about Adam's injuries, she didn't sleep well the whole night since she was afraid that she might accidentally touch his wound. Adam was afraid that his wound would be pressed and bleed again so he slept on his side all the time.

Of course, neither of them slept well. Tracey woke up early, while Adam fell asleep at dawn because of the pain.

She seldom woke up before he did. Most of the time, Adam had been looking at Tracey when she woke up.

Although he slept soundly, he habitually put his arms around Tracey's waist.

After losing too much blood last night, his face was pale now. Looking at his sleeping face, Tracey felt he was a handsome prince.

Tall nose, thin lips, and well-defined cheeks. She thought of last night, he rushed forward and held her in his arms.

She was unharmed, but Adam was injured. She finally understood why women would easily fall in love with the men who saved them.

At the time Adam saved her without caring for his own safety, he was much more handsome than any other time. He saved Tracey by sacrificing himself showing that Tracey was of much importance to him. Having a man like Adam, Tracey felt no regret for her life.

She smiled lightly. In order not to wake him up, she quietly removed his hand from her waist.

If it were in the past, Adam would have woken up for long. Today, he was tired and injured, so he didn't wake up.

Today, there would be a job fair at Xia's Group. As the director of the HR Department, Tracey had to attend it.

Tracey quickly washed up and changed into a professional suit. After putting on a light makeup, she was ready to go out.

She checked the time before going out. It was half an hour earlier than usual. Then she turned back.

"Miss, I'll make you breakfast, what do you want to eat?" Seeing that she was in the kitchen, Jane hurried to follow her.

"Jane, leave it to me. I'll make some breakfast for Adam. When he wakes up, you heat it up for him."

"Miss, you are so kind to your boyfriend. He was so lucky to have you." Jane said, while swepting the floor with her broom.

"I am the lucky one to know him. Well, you can go to do your work. I'll manage here."

Jane went upstairs to clean and left Tracey busy alone in the kitchen. She cooked some porridge, when it almost ready, she simply made two sandwiches.

Seeing that it was almost time to go, Tracey packed a sandwich and left in a hurry.

Recently, it was Adam who sent her to work. Today, she forgot to let Mark to pick her up.

She did not go back to take Adam's car key because she may wake him up, and she did not want to wake him up.

She had to go out first and see if she could catch a cab.

A car stopped beside her and Sean's face was showing up. "Where are you going? I'll give you a ride."

Tracey suddenly remembered that Sean had moved to her next door. She had been busy recently and they did not meet in the community again, she almost forgot it. "There's no need. I'll get someone to pick me up."

"When he arrives, you are going to be late, aren't you? Also, It's not very easy to get a taxi here." Sean said.

Tracey took a look at her watch. She should have been in no rush but she spent much of her time cooking Adam's breakfast.

"Well, thank you." Tracey was about to open the door of the back seat.

"Sit in the front." Sean locked the back door directly. Tracey was hesitant. Seeing that there was not much time, she had no choice but to sit in the front.

When Tracey was still hating Sean, she had been thinking about taking revenge on him. Now she had not hated him, for a while, she did not know how to get along with him.

Sean glanced at Tracey, finding she wore totally different than she did in the past. She was wearing a professional suit, silk shirt, ninth pants, and a pair of seven-centimeter high heels.

She wore a long jacket outside, which had the sleeves just covered to her elbow and revealed her watch.

Now she looked so efficient and competent, which was in a different style than that she was in last night.

As the car going on the road, the scenery outside retreated backward. Sean broke the silence. "When I was in high school, I have thought of what will it be like when we all go to work one day." "Nothing special, just like the ordinary people who work for their lives." Tracey put the hair which was messed by the wind back to her ears.

"Tracey, do you really like him?" Not until seeing the scene last night did Sean understand Adam's love for Tracey.

He witnessed everything, but he was too far away from Tracey when she was bumping into the champagne pagoda and he could not help her out at all.

He was relieved to see Adam saved her. But at the same time, he understood that it was even more impossible for him to reconcile with Tracey.

"President Sheng, I'll say it again. I won't joke about my own feelings. I didn't make up my love when being with Adam. I love him, and he loves me too." For stopping Sean from having more fantasy on the reconciliation, Tracey chose to be direct.

"Tracey, if it were not for that thing three years ago, do you think the person who was with you will be me?"

"There is no 'if in this world." Tracey didn't want to answer a hypothesis.

"Yes, there's no 'if'." Sean murmured. "He... He's good to you?"

"Extremely good."

"Great." Although Sean still had so much wanted to say, he had to swallow all his words back.

They arrived at Tracey's company. Tracey loosened the seat belt and picked up her sandwiches, she was about to leave. "Thank you for driving me here." Tracey said.


"What's wrong?"

"What do you have in your hands?" Sean asked a strange question.

"A Home-made sandwich. What's wrong?" Tracey looked at him in confusion.

"I didn't have breakfast. Can you give it to me? I haven't eaten the sandwich made by you for a long time." What Sean said made both of them fall into memory.

At that time, every weekend after they returned home from school, Tracey would make breakfast for him and called it "Love breakfast". Among the dishes, what Sean liked the most was the sandwich that Tracey made.

She often said with smiles then, "If you like it, then I'll make it for you for the rest of my life."

"Fantastic! I'll eat it even if I lose all my teeth when I'm old."

How childish their pledge was and how changeable the hearts of human beings were. They were too weak to remember a life-long promise.

Tracey and Sean, they met at the wrong time, so what they offered each other was just the endless bitterness.

Tracey suddenly woke up from the memory and handed him the lunch box in her hand. "President Sheng, our story was just a misunderstanding. I am not the right person for you. We shall return to the strangers."

"Tracey, if you are not my lover, can you be my friend?" "No, I can't." Then she left without looking back.

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