His Domineering Lover
Chapter 230

Tracey quickly got up from Adam's arms and said, "Adam..."

Adam's head was hurt by the fragments. Blood flowed out instantly. Tracey panicked when she saw bloody Adam.

"Fortunately, I'm not late." Adam didn't take care of himself and was checking if Tracey was injured.

"I told you not to come. What are you doing here? Did you get hurt?" When seeing Adam was bleeding, Tracey's tears fell down.

Since she changed, she had no tears, but at this moment, she cried helplessly like a child.

She was complaining while nervously to check Adam's situation.

Her tears fell on Adam's face. It was the first time for Adam to see Tracey in such a panic.

"I'm fine, don't cry, I'm really fine." He sat up from the ground, even though there were a lot of glass fragments stabbed into his back, he was just holding Tracey and comforted her. "You're lying, you are bleeding!" Tracey was afraid that he was in danger.

"You need to go to the hospital." Someone of the crowd reminded.

Tracey didn't react until this moment. "Right, go to the hospital. We'll go there right away." She was so anxious that she forgot such a common sense.

Adam took off his blazer, which was full of broken glass. Tracey's heart was broken when she saw the blood spots on Adam's back.

"Let's go to the hospital...'


"No rush." Adam let go of Tracey's hand and walked toward Caroline.

Caroline was scared by Adam's eyes and stepped back unconsciously.

"... I, I didn't mean it. Adam, please allow me to explain."

Adam looked at her coldly and said, "Caroline, I have told you many times that you have nothing to do with me!"

"Shut up! Stop talking nonsense!" Old Master Sheng and Old Master Luo were all attracted here.

Old Master Sheng felt sad for Adam's injury, but he thought that it was all Tracey's fault. Adam should stay away from her!

Hearing what Adam was saying, Old Master Sheng quickly interrupted. In his heart, Adam and Caroline were a perfect match. "The Luo family is in the limelight now. Such a good marriage can't be ruined by Adam!" Old Master Sheng thought. Adam knew his intention, he didn't speak more but just glanced at him.

"What's going on?" The Old Master Luo was confused.

"Caroline, me, Adam, will never like you in my life. The marriage between you and me was made by

my father.

And I have never admitted it. If you really want to marry into the Sheng family, it doesn't matter if you marry my father."

Adam said word by word in front of everyone. Their conversation confused many people. "Why did he say that? What was the relationship between Adam and Ms. Luo?" "Isn't Young Master Sheng who engaged with Ms. Luo?" Many people did not know Adam's identity.

Even many people were confused, Adam's words were heartless enough to embarrass Old Master Sheng.

"Adam, you can't do this to me! I love you! I love you for so many years!" Caroline couldn't accept this reality.

"She is the only person I love." After saying that, Adam grabbed Caroline's hand. Before Caroline could react, she was thrown out.

She was thrown into the eight- layer cake. Adam said coldly, "This is the last time I warn you, don't touch my woman! Next time, I won't let you go so easily!"

Everyone was stunned. It was the champagne tower just now, and now it was a big cake. Caroline's scream came from deep of the cake.

Adam took Tracey left directly. Old Master Sheng was so angry that he knocked on the ground with his crutch. "You b*stard, come back now. Come back and apologize to Ms. Luo!" Adam answered him by speeding up his footsteps. Although he and Tracey were in a mess, no onlookers thought they were embarrassed.

They left without hesitation. Adam was covered in blood, but he still held Tracey tightly, which aroused many girl's envies.

"If you go one more step forward, you are not my son anymore!" The old master thought this threat was his trump card.

Adam stopped. Everyone thought that he should be afraid. After all, they are real families.

Unexpectedly, Adam didn't even look back and said, "You seem to have forgotten one thing. Ten years ago, I broke the friendship with you and even gave my surname back to you.

I have nothing to do with the Sheng family for a long time. I am Adam Xiao, not your son. Please don't make any decision for me next time. You don't deserve it."

After Adam finished speaking, he directly took Tracey away. This time, they did not stop, and soon disappeared in the eyes of everyone.

"B*stard! You b*stard!" Old Master Sheng was so angry that his face turned red.

At this moment, there was a person who suddenly laughed. "Haha, Old Master Sheng, it's better that you cut off with your son. He will go to my family and be my grandson-in-law." Old Master Xia laughed happily as if nothing had happened.

"Who can tell me what's going on?" Even though Old Master Luo was already fuming, after all, he was the host, and he had been holding his temper for long. "Grandpa, please help me..." Caroline, who crawled out of the cake pile, crying and begging to the old master while wiping off the cream and chocolate on her face.

"You... go wash yourself, Don't make trouble here." The old master drove Caroline away.

Carl looked away from where Tracey and Adam disappeared. He took back his bitter smile, thinking, If Caroline didn't impede him, he would be the person who saved Tracey.

Tracey's crying look seemed to be still alive, "what if she cried for me?" Carl thought.

Unfortunately, a lot of things were not happening exactly as wished. He walked out of the crowd, lifted his glasses, and said in a clear voice, "Let me tell you."

He told the whole story in full detail. Old Master Xia was the first person to get angry. "Mr. Luo, my granddaughter came to celebrate your birthday. Is this the way you treat your guests?" Old Master Luo was a little embarrassed as he didn't expect that Caroline would do so.

"It's all the kid's joke. Caroline didn't do it on purpose!"

"Not on purpose? Nonsense! If it weren't for Adam's protection, my granddaughter was already scratched by the broken glasses. Caroline is so vicious at such a young age, how dare she treat Tracey like this! Do you really think that our Xia family is easy to bully?" Old Master Xia was usually a hot-tempered man, now he was waving his crutch and going to teach the host a lesson.

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