His Domineering Lover
Chapter 222

Once a person had fallen in love, he/she would have obvious changes, for example, from being extremely cold to being warm and sweet.

All of them still remembered that there was a person whose phone just vibrated in the meeting, he was demoted by Adam right after the meeting.

Since then, everyone who came to the meeting would turn off the phone or turn on the silent mode. To their surprise, Adam, who valued discipline the most answered the phone after it rang.

He didn't use this phone at all when he was working. The phone he used for work was kept by Assistant Jiang. This phone was his private mobile phone.

His behavior shocked all people, fine, he was the president.

Everything may happen when he fell in love.

After listening to Tracey's brief description, Adam knew what she wanted. "It's just an order of Light &Shadow. I'll get it for you."

Tracey nodded on this side of the phone. "Adam, I didn't call for begging your help. I just want you to give me some clues and information.

You have been in A City for long and you have a lot of connections. You can get the information I want."

"Little girl, you are beautiful, all you have to do is to maintain this beauty and leave all business stuff to me. Why you have always been so hardworking? How I wish you let me just spoil you." Through the phone, Tracey could feel Adam's sincere. Tracey's face softened a little.

"No matter how I maintain beauty, it will fade at last. Then what can I rely on? Only my ability."

Tracey didn't understand this truth three years ago until the night she was framed and almost lost everything.

The weak were only stepped and used by the strong, so she must be strong, not intending to bully others, at least preventing others from bullying herself.

So she enjoyed her current life, even though she may face a lot of challenges every day.

"No matter how you change, you will always be my little bunny. It seems that only when you have my children will you be able to stay with me at ease."

When Adam said this, he thought about what would happen if they had a baby one day. Would the baby be a man or a woman? Would she look more like Tracey or himself?

For a moment, his thoughts flew far away and even ignored what Tracey was speaking.

"Adam, are you listening?" Tracey spoke quite a lot but she did not get any response.

"I like boys and girls." Adam answered inexplicably. Tracey now knew why she did not get a response.

She flushed. "Ahem, who asked you about the children? I mean, I want you to give me the information!"

"Okay, okay, I'll ask someone to inquire about it right away. By the way, do you like boys or girls?" Adam led the topic to the child again.

Tracey looked at the computer which had already blank. She looked at her face and slowly spat out one word, "Boys."

Adam felt strange about this answer. If he could only choose one between boys and girls, he would choose the girl.

It was best to have a girl as beautiful and lovely as Tracey. He still remembered that her delicate facial features looked like a doll when she was a child.

At that time, Tracey was still alive, so that he remembered Tracey's voice for a long time.

"I didn't expect you to prefer boys." Adam said.

Tracey smiled dryly, she just thought of what was Ruth like.

She ended up being kicked by Edgar and called a cheap thing regardless of whether he had a true love for her or not.

However, even if Ruth was a woman that Edgar did not love, he should not treat her like this, not to mention they did love each other.

Whatever, Ruth deserved this ending and she did not worth any sympathy.

Other than Ruth, Tracey also thought about Rachel, Renee, and herself. Among these people, some were born in a good family, some were not.

It was true that happy people's happiness was similar, but the unfortunate people's sadness was various.

No matter in love or in other aspects, women were usually vulnerable, such as the post issue these days.

There were lots of people scolding Edgar, but those who scolded Ruth were more. Such a thing almost happened every day, men could soon get other business to do if he lost his job while women would be disdained everywhere they went.

When thinking of this, Tracey became emotional. "I'm not preferring boys. I just think that boys will be stronger. It doesn't matter if they suffer a little.

But the girls are delicate. I don't want my daughter to suffer anything, but how can it be possible?"

Even if she had made a lot of achievement, Tracey knew that it was not easy. She didn't want her daughter to take the same pains as she did.

"Whether a boy or a girl, I won't let my children suffer any grievance in the future," Adam said. Although his childhood was different from Tracey's, he had suffered a lot too.

He hoped more than anyone else to give his children a stable family and let them grow up happily. He did not want them to experience his past.

"Even though I wished so, they still have to endure hardships. Otherwise, the children will become fragile if they are spoiled too much. Just like Leo and Renee, a little difficulty can kill them." Tracey said. "Okay, I'll listen to you in the future. I will support you whatever you want to do."

"Hey, hey, I made this phone call was not for talking about the children." Tracey found that their topic had gone too far.

"I remember. I will inform you as soon as there is news. Don't worry."

"Okay." Tracey hung up the phone and she put her smile away. Talking about the children, she thought of something.

She did not do the contraception these times she had sex with Adam because she was in her safe period. But from now on she had to pay attention to it.

She was just 22 years old and she did not want to be a mother at such a young age, she may consider it a few years later.

After making this decision, Tracey started to work again.

Tracey felt good that Ruth had left, otherwise, there would always be someone tried to frame her. Next, Tracey had more things to do.

Not only she had to get ready to deal with Light&Shadow, but she also had to hold a job fair for the company's recruiting recently.

She had not collected Renee and Leo's hair yet, she was also busy with her own company's setting up. She was almost busy to death. Another busy day had passed. When it was around six and most of the staff had left, Tracey got Adam's call.

Now it was Adam who drove Tracey, Mark had been idle for long. But Tracey was happy.

"Sorry to keep you waiting."

"It doesn't matter." Adam could not wait to pull Tracey into his arms. It was another day of missing her.

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