His Domineering Lover
Chapter 219

When the result of the votes came out, everybody was shocked.

"The vote for them is...tied." After the last vote revealed, the votes for Tracey and for Carl were the same respectively.

It was a little embarrassing. Generally speaking, if there was a big decision going to be made, the shareholders should vote. Before Edgar was dismissed, the number of shareholders was odd. Now that he left, the number became even. There were some people who were Edgar's friends, some who really supported Carl, and some who did not trust Tracey.

Even if the chairmen voted for Tracey, he could not add too much weight.

"Chairman, the vote is tied, and I think it's better for Carl to take over the position. Carl has been in the company for a long time, and he is skillful in business and has a wide connection. As for taking over the position of vice president, Carl it's the most suitable person. We'd better choose him."

"I agree. We should take this thing seriously."

"I think Tracey is good too. She should be qualified for this position."

In this way, things were circling back and everyone continued to argue over this question.

At this time, Tracey said calmly, "Since the votes are even, it seems that this is God's arrangement."

"What arrangement?" The old master looked at her with confusion.

Tracey's mouth curved into a smile. "Just now I heard from Chairman that Xia's Group may do a big business. Why don't you use this business to give us a test?"

"Tracey, you confused me more. What kind of test?"

"I think Tracey's intention is to let me compete with her. Whoever win this business will be the vice president." Carl had not talked all the time, after hearing Tracey's words, he said.

"Tracey's idea is great. Anyway, our company's reputation has been damaged. Light&Shadow is a large listed company in the United States. They have just begun to establish a branch company in City A recently.

They valued credibility the most. After we going through the things recently, their impression of us may be bad.

So why not let them try? If they succeed, they will prove their ability."

"I agree."

"So do I."

All the shareholders nodded with agreement. Everyone looked at the old master. After all, he was the biggest shareholder, things are feasible only after he agreed.

He looked at Tracey. "Girl, do you know how big is this deal?"

Although Tracey told him that she had a company, the old master had no idea how big her company was, so he was a little worried that Tracey couldn't complete this task. "How big is it?" Tracey asked.

"This is the first deal ever since Light&Shadow moved into A City. They took a fancy to the sea area and the barren mountains of West Mountain and wanted to build a top rich area there.

In recent years, the real estate industry was heated. As long as they invested in it, they will surely make profits. They had invested tens of billions this time, and now they were looking for a contractor.

Our company's biggest product is the steel materials. If we sign a contract with them, it will be a matter of billions of yuan." The old master said.

This was indeed a big deal, which was also a huge challenge for Tracey.

She was not worried or scared. On the contrary, she was a little excited. If she accomplished this task, it would be a brand new stage for her.

Tracey said, "Chairman, I will try my best to get this order."

"Carl, what about you?" The old master turned to look at Carl.

"I'll try my best too." Carl saw the excitement in Tracey's eyes. He adjusted his glasses and replied calmly.

"Well, then it's settled. I officially announce, whoever can sign a contract with Light&Shadow will be the vice president." The old master seriously announced.

"Chairman, what if neither of them made it?" One of them asked.

"Well, it depends. I believe them. Well, today's meeting is over. Inform the public relations department to suppress the matter of Edgar and to hold a few charity events to divert people's attention. Edgar, please complete the resignation procedure immediately. We don't require you to compensate for the loss we suffered. From now on, take care."

Edgar had totally drooped. He had lost all his energy. He replied dumbly, "Yes."

"Well, Bruce, give them the information about the Light&Shadow later. Tracey and Carl, you should confirm this issue with the sales department.

From today on, you can use all the resources in the sales department at any time. That's it for today's meeting." the old master said.

"Yes, Chairman." The shareholders were leaving, Tracey felt the time was limited so she also left in a hurry.

As soon as she went out, Carl caught up with her. "First miss."

Tracey was confused that why Carl always called her first miss. He was her cousin, so he should call Tracey by name, why did he do that?

Her foot paused slightly. "What's the matter, Carl?"

"Do you want this position?" He suddenly asked.

"If I don't want it, why should I compete for it?" Tracey didn't know what he was going to say.

"I can give up the position and give it to you. but I hope you can promise me one thing." Carl said and took a step forward. Their distance now was within a step. This distance was a bit too close. Carl's eyes and smile suddenly changed, becoming a little evil.

"No need. I'll get it by myself." Tracey took a step back and kept a distance from Carl.

He adjusted his glasses and stopped smiling. "Why you don't even ask what is it?"

"I'm not interested. By the way, I'm very busy. I'm leaving now." From Tracey's intuition, Carl would not leave any good words.

So she would not guess nor ask. She always wanted to rely on herself and she didn't care anything free given by others.

Looking at her back that quickly turned away, Carl sneered. "First miss..."

Tracey went directly to the sales department, wanting to know about this deal. She believed that only by knowing the enemy was it possible to win every battle. Before she reached the sales department, she heard a burst of harsh scold of a woman.

"You shameless old thing. Do you know how the people outside are talking about you? Where is that b*tch?"

Tracey walked toward the voice. It was Edgar's wife. She was not easy to deal with.

She had a very good family. Back then, she married down. But she did a lot to push him onto the vice president position.

Now that Edgar's scandal spread and his wife came to avenge!

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