His Domineering Lover
Chapter 215

As soon as Adam came down, he heard Rachel's abuse. He looked at Tracey with distress, "Are you hurt?"

'Tm fine." Tracey hurriedly comforted him.

She put the messy hair behind her ear. It was just a simple action, and many women would do it.

However, this unconscious action touched Adam. This small action was charming and gentle. Compared to the past, the biggest change of Tracey should be her aura. She was sometimes gentle, sometimes cold, and sometimes charming. She was ever-changing.

Tracey looked quite gentle in Adam's arms, which totally different from what she reacted to Sean this period of time. Seeing she was like this, Sean got envious.

He had never seen Tracey like this three years ago. At that time, she was too young and tender like a bud.

Now, she had fully bloomed and was giving off her charm. However, the flower guard was never Sean but Adam.

Tracey turned to Sean and Rachel but kept staying in Adam's arms.

"I did hate you for what you did to me, but now I already found my love, and you are also engaged.

I hope our resentment ends here. As for buying the house, It's purely a coincidence and I never ever planned to buy the house together with you two.

Anyway, I don't know you will buy it here. Fortunately, we are busy, and we won't see each other at ordinary times.

In short, I didn't owe you anything, so I hope you don't disturb me in the future. Now we're square."

Tracey made her point clear and she thought it should be good to everyone. She did not want to have anything to do with Sean at all.

Her calm voice made Sean disheartened. He had always misunderstood Tracey that she went together with Adam only because Adam was his uncle.

He thought Tracey must doing it for revenge, and they don't absolutely have a true love for each other. However, reality went against his will.

Tracey's eyes were full of love for Adam. A person may lie by words but never by eyes.

They were still wearing the sleepsuits, obviously, they slept together last night, and It was easy to imagine what they could have done.

Sean had long known how much Adam loved Tracey. Now that Tracey had also confirmed Adam was her love. Sean was afraid that he could never take Tracey back in his life. Tracey's words were more like a farewell. Sean also found that Tracey had no hatred nor love in her eyes to himself.

But Sean would rather Tracey was still hating him so that he could at least take a small position in her heart.

Her tone of the speech was like to announce that Sean was not her enemy nor her friend but a stranger who she did not want to have anything to do with in the future.

Thinking of this, Sean felt like being stabbed by a knife. If he could protect her like what Adam did now three years ago, would things not go on like this?

"Tracey, I..." Sean wanted to explain but he did not know where should he begin.

It turned out that Tracey was also drugged that night and she was almost raped by others, besides, being taken photos.

He could hardly imagine how Tracey felt that night. She had just experienced the betrayal of her boyfriend and bestie, there was something even more horrible waiting for her ahead. "What am I doing that night? Being drugged and having sex with Rachel?!" Sean thought.

All of a sudden, Sean felt strongly guilty as he was not be with Tracey when she was in danger and needed to be protected the most.

"I'm sorry... Tracey, I'm sorry..." He finally realized that why Tracey left so firmly. Maybe it was not because she wanted to avoid Sean, but because she must leave.

"Sean, you don't have to apologize to me. I have also schemed against you. We are square. I just don't want to have anything to do with you.

Rachel, don't worry. I won't have anything to do with him in the future. Please leave my room. I don't welcome you here." Tracey ordered them to leave.

"Get out of here, you b*tch couple." Jane got a big broom and waved it to them.

She threatened them like sweating the rubbish away. Even though Rachel was full of anger, because Sean was still here, She could not vent it but to drag him away. "Why are you looking at? She had driven you out!"

Then Sean was dragged away. Jane slammed the door shut. "Miss, don't worry, I'll be at home. I promise that the b*tch couple won't be able to enter any inch of the villa!" "Okay... Jane, what did you call them?" Tracey was just focusing on Jane's action and did not notice what she called Sean and Rachel.

"B*tch couple! To be honest, I think Sean was a jerk! He could never compare to Mr. Xiao.

Mr. Xiao is much more gentle and romantic than him. Last night he carried you back, he was afraid that I woke you up." Jane was a chatterbox.

Tracey wast just asked what she called Sean and Rachel, she answered such a lot and praised Adam by the way. Her praise made Tracey a little embarrassing. "He doesn't..."

Before she spoke anything, Adam interrupted. "Jane. You did a good job. I'll pay you more this month."

"Thank you, Mr. Xiao." Jane smiled so happily.

"If Sean harasses Tracey again, you can wave your broom and drive him out. Don't worry, I support you." Adam was a master who bought people's hearts.

Tracey had seen how he bought Old Master Xia's heart before, who knew he bought Jane's heart so easily too.

Anyway, it seemed to be good to have Jane as a helper. She was right, compared to Sean, Tracey would definitely choose Adam and would marry him in the future.

"Jane, prepare breakfast. I'll go wash up." Tracey turned around and walked up the stairs.

On the other side, after Sean and Rachel had just entered the house, Sean directly slapped on Rachel's face.

"Tell me, everything, word by word, what the hell did you do that year?"

"Sean, don't listen to Tracey's nonsense. She deliberately said that to break us.

Didn't you just promise me last night that you would start over with me? Don't get angry because of these trivial things, okay?" Rachel said, without caring about the grievance of being beaten.

All she wanted was Sean not blaming her! It was not easy for her to be together with Sean and she did not want it to be ruined by that b*tch Tracey.

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