His Domineering Lover
Chapter 212

"Would it be disappointing to know the truth?" Adam saw her expression was calm. This little girl was good at controlling her expression so that no one knew her mind.

"I'm just a little surprised. I thought he was just looking for a girl from a wealthy family to help him get the right of inheritance. Anyway, he had never been sincere. Why should I care about what is his real intention?"

Tracey's smile was very contemptuous. She had already seen Sean's heart clearly. Despite she was disappointed, it had been the past.

"It's good for you to think so. At that time, I knew that he was with you, and I was a little angry. I even planned to break you up.

Until that day, I saw you smiled at him, very gently. At that moment, I knew that you fell in love with him.

If I force you to break up, you will definitely hate me, won't you? I observed Sean for a while and found that he was more and more interested in you.

At that time, I thought God had arranged everything, so I gave up breaking you up. I just stood behind you.

Every time I said that I would leave after seeing you for the last time, but I couldn't control myself. I would always look at you from a distance at where you passed by everyday.

Even if just a view of your back, your laughter, or your smile, it can make me full of joy for the whole day."

Recalling what he did then, Adam's mouth was gently lifted. The secret love was sad yet sweet.

Seeing Adam's smile, Tracey couldn't stand it anymore. She threw herself into Adam's arms.

She didn't know that this man would be so infatuated. Ridiculously, she used to think that he was a big devil.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Tracey murmured in his arms. Although Adam said those words calmly, as long as Tracey thought that during such a long time, there was a man secretly loved her, followed her like her shadow, she felt deeply moved but a little distressed.

Adam could do everything for Tracey, except for coming over to express his affection.

Besides, he had to see the girl he loved acted lovey-dovey with her boyfriend. It was hard to imagine how strong Adam's heart was.

He was happy because of Tracey's happiness, and was sad because of her sadness. However, all this was hidden.

Adam patted her back gently and said, "Silly girl, why apologized to me. I'm willing to do these things."

"I was blind to love a wrong man. Sorry for leting you down. You must be sad to see I was with him every day."

When Tracey knew Adam, she was too young. The vow she promised to marry Adam someday was just a joke. She had already forgot it, but Adam did not.

"Silly girl, I won't blame you. At the age you met Sean, it's normal for you to not understand what is love.

And how many girls could resist a man like Sean? I don't blame you. Not at all.

On the contrary, I have to thank him. He helped you grow up, he also gave you a lesson that how to cherish someone we love."

Adam was always cold and arrogant in front of others, only being gentle to Tracey.

"Then... did Sean know you secretly followed me?" "As a man, if he can't feel it, wasn't he too useless?" He had nothing better than me since he was a child, only being your boyfriend helped him regained confidence.

No matter why he tried to get close to you, it was fortunate that his feelings for you were real. He was more anxious than anyone else to know you were sick.

His kindness to you was the reason why I was willing to give up, I planned to leave you after your coming-to-age ceremony."

Adam was indeed a gentleman. He didn't take advantage of the chaos to speak ill of Sean. Instead, he talked about everything in an objective way.

"Anyway, it all had passed. Don't mention that unpleasant man. Now I only have you in my heart." Tracey put all her annoying minds aside. As long as she was with Adam, everything will be fine. "Okay."

"Young Master, it's time to have dinner." The butler said respectfully.

"I'll be right there." Adam pulled Tracey up and walked to the table. The sun had already set, and the night fell.

The butler had made the fragrance and candles ready, and all the dazzling dishes had been served.

As Tracey approached the table, she drooled. "It smells so good!"

"A seafood feast specially prepared for you. You can eat more tonight. I bet you haven't had a good meal in the company recently." Adam gently pulled out a chair for her.

"Definitely! I have to eat more tonight. So much nice food!" Tracey said and sat down.

Exquisite tablecloth with delicate patterns, pretty goblet, and rose petals.

With the mind fragrance in the air. Eveything made Tracey feel relaxed and happy.

She smiled like a flower in the candle light. Surely, which woman would not be tempted by such a scene?

"Are you so romantic for everyone?" Tracey suddenly asked. Although Sean also treated her well, he was inferior to Adam's romance.

Adam was a man who would extremely dote the woman he loved, and he would also be very considerate about every details.

"How is it possible? I am only good for you in this life. Maybe because I lost you in the past, now I only want to put you in my heart." Adam said sincerely.

"Honey-mouthed." Although it was a little bit nauseating, it sounded so sweet.

"Have more shrimp." Adam said while peeling out the meat in the lobster for Tracey.

"In fact...I can do these things myself." Tracey said a little shyly.

"Shouldn't a man do these things for his girlfriend? You just need to tell me if you like it or not." Adam said seriously.

"I like it."

"Good." Adam smiled.

Tracey raised up the wine glass. "I'll toast you. Three years ago, thanks to you for saving my life. It was you who gave me a chance to reborn, otherwise, I may have been destroyed by Carmen and Renee." Back that night, if Tracey's photo were exposed, she may have been ruined. It was all for Adam's help.

The glass clinked, both of them were drinking the wine up. What a good wine, smooth, pure, and sweet.

They ate while chatting. Tracey told Adam that how she met Steve in America and how did they start their business.

Along with her story, Adam's mood was also ups and downs.

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