His Domineering Lover
Chapter 206

"What should you do? I don't know what should I do!" Edgar thought but did not say it out. He was worried that If Ben thought that he planed the whole thing and Ben would break with him. Although Edgar was obsessed with women and hated Carmen's vanity, he didn't mean to break up with Ben.

"Leave this thing alone. You'd better delete all the posts."

"Edgar, my post had become very hot on the BBS. It's too late to delete them now." Ruth spent a lot of money to promote the post.

Ruth hired many online ghostwriters to build up impact, all of which cost money. She wanted to push Tracey to be the focus of the rumor.

She wanted this matter could be as fierce as possible so that Tracey became hated by everyone!

No matter how perfect her plan seemed to be, she missed one thing, Tracey was the first miss of the Xia family!

"You're gonna piss me off. Whatever, as long as they don't have evidence, it won't be a big problem. During this period of time, we'd better keep a distance so as not to be caught." Edgar quickly analyzed current situation. He must be careful for avoiding being caught by others particularly Ben. He must wait until it calm down to meet Ruth again.

"Okay, I know." Ruth hoped that Tracey would let it go, but she suddenly thought of what Tracey had said in the bathroom before.

The uneasiness started to expand in her heart, and she always felt that something would happen next.

Those who were eating seeds didn't finish until four o'clock in the afternoon. Each of them had blisters in their mouths. They may never want to eat seeds again in this life. They stood in Tracey's office. "Anne, we finished."

Tracey glanced at the piled up seed shells on the table and said, "Okay, I hope you keep it in your mind. Next time, if you break the rule again, the seeds will double!" "No, no, no, we never break the rule. In the future, we will only concentrate on work and will never gossip during work hours!"

As soon as they heard the seeds will double, they were about to cry. "Where the hell such a ruthless director came from?!" One of them complained in her heart.

"It's better to know your mistake. Go to write a review of ten thousand words and give it to me tomorrow." Tracey said.

They thought that it was enough to finish the seeds, but they didn't expect that they still have to write a review of ten thousand words. They cursed Tracey to death in their hearts. "What's wrong? Is there a problem?" Tracey put down the pen in her hand and looked up at those people, they immediately trembled and shook their heads repeatedly. "No, no. We'll write it soon."

"Okay, you can go out now. Remember to dumb the shells." Tracey waved her hand.

"Yes, Anne." Those people left dejectedly.

As soon as they went out, a man in a black suit came in. He knocked on the glass window, "Director, the chairman wants to see you."

This man was Bruce, the executive secretary of the old master. Although he was young, he had the old master's deep trust. He worked for the old master on behalf of his father.

When Tracey was little, she often played with him. He was a very considerate older brother. They were unexpected to meet again today.

"Okay, wait a minute." Until Tracey finished dealing with the documents, she turned off the computer and left.

Tracey and Bruce left the office together. Seeing they were gone, some people murmured, "Hum, she's too proud, now she is going to be punished."

"Well, she probably will not return. The chairman personally call her in!"

"Look, although she is young, she is as vicious as snow white's stepmother! She'd better be fired so that I don't have to be anxious every day."

"If she is fired, does it mean that we don't need to write the ten-thousand- word review?" Another person asked this question happily.

"Of course we don't! Hey, my tongue hurts so much with the blisters. Now, it's good to see the vicious director to be fired!"

Everyone was gloating. The workplace was sometimes really like a battle field, whether men or women, they have to utilize the strategies and fight against each other.

Everyone should go up hard by stepping others. As long as someone may encounter difficulties, the rest must be cheerful.

"It seems that you haven't had enough lessons. As soon as Anne is gone, you are talking nonsense again." Setlla said.

Hearing more and more unpleasant words about Anne were coming out, Setlla couldn't stand it anymore and stood up to speak for Tracey. But after saying that, she didn't see others take it seriously. "Hey, who do you think you are? are you the little puppy of the director? I used to think that you are a nerd, but I don't know that you are a lackey.

As soon as Anne came, you were flattering her. What if our director was a man? Will you climb onto his bed?

What a pity! she will be fired soon. But you can make your dress shorter. Maybe the next director is a man? Haha."

The person who spoke was a middle-aged divorced woman, Kelly. After the divorce, she was even more vicious. She was always the leader of the gossiping army.

It was unknown that if she got stroke by the divorce, she could not stand that others were superior than her. Previously, Setlla was still a rustically-dressed office newcomer, so she was often bullied by Kelly and worked as her servant.

These two days, Setlla changed her style, so those bad words were coming to her, saying that she must have been raised by a sugar daddy. Setlla could bear these words, but she could not stand to hear they cursed Tracey. Kelly's words made the whole office laughed.

"You are always saying climb on men's bed, Kelly, it seems that you are very experienced? How about you teach youngsters how to do that? Oh, I forgot that you have divorced a long time ago. With your age and look, I'm afraid that no one allows you to climb onto their beds." Setlla was definitely not a sharp-tongued person. In the past, she had heard them talking about others, but today, she couldn't stand anymore. It was others' first time to see Setlla was so bold and was so sharp-tongued!

Kelly was only ten years older than Setlla. Today, what Setlla said was like a huge humiliation of her.

Not to mention of the age, Kelly hated it the most when others mentioned her divorce, which made her felt very embarrassed.

Setlla's every word poked her in pain. "You, you..." She was so angry that her chest was even heaving.

"Kelly, if you don't like being humiliated, then why do you humiliate others? Only you who have the self-esteem?

Please think it over before attacking others. Anne is not the kind of person you said. I know you are just jealous.

"Only respecting others, will you be respected. Don't throw your self-esteem out and let others step on it." After finish saying, Setlla sat down to work again.

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