His Domineering Lover
Chapter 192

Some people were sleeping well, while others were sleepless all night long, such as Carmen.

In the past 20 years, Ben had never been so rude to her. This was the first time ever.

Recalling his behavior before, her heart sank to the bottom. "Had he discovered what did I do with Edgar?" All men hated betrayal. Even if Ben was kind and gentle, after all, he was a normal man with temper and vigor.

If he already knew it, then why didn't he say it out? Carmen thought for a whole night with all kinds of guesses.

She did not fall asleep, and Ben was even less likely to fall asleep. His mind was floating, and he was thinking about what to do in the future.

If he confirmed that the button was from Edgar tomorrow morning, it would prove the affair between him and Carmen.

Of course, he would definitely drive Carmen out. But if the old master knew about this, he was afraid that his two children would be implicated.

Although Ben hated Carmen, he felt that Renee and Leo were innocent. At this moment, he did not know that Leo owed huge usury because of gambling yet.

What's more, he didn't know that the two children were not his own children at all!

As a father, what he considered first was his children's future. He had made up his mind.

After they successfully entered the company, he would give Carmen a showdown.

He had been thinking about it for the whole night. The first half of the night, he had been obsessed with Carmen's affair, and the second half of the night, he missed Tracey's mother and the old days. Back then, he was accidentally meeting Carmen. He was invited to a party by his friend.

Carmen was also at the party. That night, he drank a lot. When he woke up, Carmen slept beside.

He didn't love Carmen then. Unexpectedly, two months later, Carmen contacted him and told him that she was pregnant.

It was this phone call that totally changed Ben's life. Every time he closed his eyes, he would see Venus's smiled.

She was gentle and never loved showing off materials. Except for attending important occasions with him, she would dress up, in normal days, she only wore comfortable clothes.

Her temperament was good, and everything she wore would make her look pretty. She never spoiled herself. She would accompany him in the morning to run, and to take a walk at night. He could still remember her face, which was as beautiful as a gardenia, but it was all over.

Ben's heart was filled with endless sadness. What the hell did he do? How could he force her to death!

The more he missed Venus, the more he got disgusted with Carmen. During the whole night, both Carmen and he were suffering.

Tracey had a sweet dream. In the dream, she saw her mother again. Venus was as gentle as the moonlight.

She dreamed of playing in the amusement park many years ago with her parents. There was no harm nor misfortune. She was always a happy little princess.

She was riding the merry-go-round, spinning time after time. Suddenly, a teenager in white appeared.

"Little bunny..."

It was not until the alarm clock rang that she woke up from the dream. It was really a wonderful dream.

Tracey stretched lazily and got up. She was soon neatly dressed and walked out of her room. At this time, Renee and Leo were still sleeping in and did not show up.

Ben, Carmen, and Edgar also got up early. Their faces were not very good, especially Carmen and Ben, they all had black circles.

It seemed that Ben was aware of something. Tracey couldn't help smiling and a big show was about to begin.


"Tracey, let's go to the company together." Ben talked to Tracey in a soft tone.


Carmen lowered her head like a child who made mistakes. Ben didn't even look at her. When passing by Edgar, Ben took a glance at him.

The first button of Edgar's shirt was missing. People with the identity of Edgar must be wearing a shirt, a suit, and a tie at work.

Even a very small detail must be perfect, not to mention the first button of the shirt.

"Edgar, where is your first button?" Ben asked casually.

"I'm used to being careless. Maybe I fell off somewhere," Edgar said and laughed.

He showed him the button. "I found this button yesterday. Edgar, is it yours?"

When he took out the button, Carmen's face darkened. Last night, she was worried that Ben would suddenly come back. So she accidentally pulled off one of Edgar's buttons in anxiety.

This was just a small episode, but Ben saw it! Thinking of his wired behavior last night, he was very likely already knew it! This button was used to verify his guess.

Carmen's hands, which were holding the chopsticks, kept trembling. Edgar also knew Ben's intention. At this moment, the button was like a hot potato for him, and he didn't know if he should take it or not. "What's wrong? Isn't this button yours? I saw it should be for your shirt. I picked it up on the stairs yesterday." Ben knew what they were thinking about when he saw their expressions.

Hearing it was picked it up on the stairs, Edgar took it over. "It's just a small button. Ben, you're so careful."

"They are indeed small, but they can reflect a lot." Ben seemed to be referring to something.

Carmen was becoming more and more confused about Ben. If he had already found out the truth, why did he deliberately gave Edgar step?

Anyway, this result was good. To Carmen, as long as Ben didn't fall out with her, there would be still a chance to reconcile.

Tracey watched the show silently. It seemed that Ben knew the relationship between them, so he deliberately used this button to test them.

The show was getting more and more amazing.

Seeing the happiness came out from Tracey's eyes, Carmen suddenly remembered that Ben came back early last night. It must be Tracey who was playing tricks behind! Then, not only Ben knew this thing, but also Tracey!

At the thought of this, Carmen felt even more uneasy. "What on earth is this little b*tch planning?"

"Tracey, let's go." Ben said and ignored Edgar.

Before they getting in the car, Ben said, "Tracey, take the front seat."

He didn't know what Edgar and Carmen did in the back seat. When she got off the car, her face was still red and her eyes were still full of passion.

Ben couldn't feel more disgusted. Edgar was surprisingly quiet. He didn't say a word on the way.

They arrived at the company. After Edgar was leaving for his office, Ben took Tracey to a corner.

"Tracey, did you know anything? You reminded me yesterday on purpose?" Ben looked serious. He was asked to come back earlier by Tracey.

I know a lot of things, which one do you mean, dad?"

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