His Domineering Lover
Chapter 178

She didn't expect that the director would speak proactively. Tracey's voice was not as cold as before, which made the girl a little flattered.

"Yes, Director, thank you for what you did just now."

"Remember, when you are bullied once, there will be a second time. Don't be weak, otherwise, even if you don't want to be bullied in the future, you may already have got used to it."

Tracey spoke slowly. In terms of being bullied, she had experience. If she fought against the bully early, she would not be so miserable in the Xia family.

This little girl lowered her head, looked a bit timid. Seeing her, Tracey seemed to have seen herself in the past.

After saying these words, she turned around and walked into the office aside, leaving the little girl standing there with a confused face.

"Director, my name is Stella. Thank you." Stella was just graduated and was half a year older than Tracey.

It was not easy for her to gothrough one and another paper interviews before getting the offer. Because she was the least experienced, she had been careful all the time and obediently commanded by those so-called leaders.

Suddenly, she was warmed by Tracey's words a lot.

It was a clean and neat office which had no trace of ever being used by another person. Tracey put down the things in her hand, looking around here.

It was said that the former director had gone to other companies, so there was a job vacant. Tracey soon got familiar with her responsibilities.

For the whole morning, she had been reading the reports and the plans that handed in by various managers. For those idle people, a whole morning was too long.

But Tracey only felt that time was too limited. In the blink of an eye, it was already lunchtime, and almost all the people had left for lunch.

Someone knocked on the door and said, "Annie, it's time for lunch."

Until now, Tracey put down the report. It was already half past twelve. She looked at Setlla and asked, "Why don't you go to have lunch yet?"

"I have just sorted out the plan that I will submit to the manager this afternoon. I was about to go to eat, but I saw you are still working, I think you might have forgotten about eating, so I am reminding you." "Yes, I forgot. Let's eat together." Tracey turned off the computer and got up.

"...?" Setlla was obviously surprised. She didn't expect that Tracey would invite her to have lunch together.

After all, Tracey looked indifferent and strict. She should be very hard to get along with.

"What, you are not willing?" Tracey looked at the timid girl, feeling it interesting. Setlla waved her hand. "No, no, it's not that case. I was a little surprised." "Look at you. It's not a big deal. It's just a meal. Let's go." Tracey chuckled.

Setlla was obviously a shy girl. After being teased, she immediately blushed.

"Director, you just came and may not be familiar here. I'll take you to the staff canteen." Stella said.

Tracey originally wanted to go to a nearby restaurant to have lunch, but since Stella would take her to the staff canteen, she changed her mind.

"Well, take me there. I really don't know the way."

"Yes, Director, come with me." Setlla happily walked ahead.

At this time, Tracey's cell phone rang. It was from Steve. As soon as the phone was connected, his scold came.

"You heartless woman! Since you return to A City, you're like vanished! If I don't call you, you will never contact me, right?!"

"I... I am too busy..." Tracey hurriedly explained.

"Yes, you're busy. Busy with what? Are you busy with loving?! You leave the company to me, and now you ignore it. Boohoo..." Steve complained and pretended to cry.

"Okay, okay. I know. I'll call you every day in the future, don't cry, ok? I'm going to get goosebumps to hear it." Tracey couldn't stand his fake cry the most.

"That's good. I heard that you go to Xia's Group to be the director. Is it your first day to work there?" Steve talked on the phone casually, not looked like a president at all. "You're well-informed. I have been exhausted after reading the report for the whole morning." Tracey complained.

"It's good for you to feel tired. I'm afraid that you are a machine and will never know it. I guess you must be very busy today."

You just have entered a new environment, don't be too tired and die, otherwise, nobody pays me! So I especially remind you to eat."

This was the real purpose that why Steve called her. Tracey felt warm. After all, there was a time difference between A City and the United States.

If not cared about her all the time, Steve would not know her habit and schedule so much.

"Don't worry about me. Now I have a little alarm clock here reminding me of eating. I am going to the staff canteen with her now."

"A little alarm clock? A man or a woman? He steals my job!" Steve was jealous on the phone. "You are a betrayer. Tell me, am I still your angel?"

"Of course! You are always my little angel! I arrived at the canteen, I gotta go. It's late your side, sleep early."

"Go ahead. Eat more. If you become thinner next time I see you, I'll stay and feed you until your fat come back." Steve said. Tracey smiled and said, "Okay."

After hanging up the phone, Steve looked into the darkness outside. He held a cigarette between his fingers, the smoke misted his face.

The cheerful angel now turned to a depressed man. His side face was pretty. He spat out a smoke ring, which add him a trace of sadness.

"President, I'm done." A woman with a curvy body and wore sex underwear appeared behind him.

She wrapped her arms around his waist, Steve turned around and looked at this dazzling woman with a hot body and an oriental face.

He gently touched her lips again and again, "President, others say that my lips are good-looking. What do you think?"

She said while invitingly stretching out her tongue to lick her lips, where Steve fully fixed his eyes on.

"Maybe only her lips are similar to hers." Steve thought. He gently lifted her chin and said, "Call me Steve."

Although the woman felt that this cool president was a little strange and wondered why he liked to be called like this, she still followed his order and said, "Steve?" Looking at her moving lips, Steve felt as if she was the woman he was familiar with most.

He kissed her heavily. The woman screamed and her body was even more attached to Steve. "President, slow down. The night is long..."

Hearing her voice, Steve pushed her away. No matter how attractive the woman in front of him was, she had no unique charm like that woman.

He would give his heart to a charming and special woman, rather than the whore who was only good at seducing men.

"Get out!" Steve scolded coldly. There would never be a woman in the world who could replace her!

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