Chapter 339 We Are Still Just Kids 

She clung onto Kallum’s hand and asked repeatedly, “Are my hands all right? Has the injured part healed?” 

Kallum woke Calista from her dream, startled by the panic in her eyes. He quickly cradled her gently, reassuring her. “Your hands are fine. They’re beautiful. It was all just a dream.” 

“It wasn’t a dreani…” Calista rested her chin on Kallum’s shoulder and frowned in pain. “It wasn’t a dream…” 

Even without scars, those events truly did happen. 

“Callie, what did you dream about?” Kallum asked in a deep voice. But this time, Calista did not respond. 

After a considerable amount of time, the feeling of her heart nearly stopped beating slowly faded away. Calista’s breathing gradually steadied, and she gradually regained her composure. 

“Why are you here?” 

She pushed away Kallum. If she remembered correctly, she should have already moved out that night.. 

Kallum found himself in a slightly awkward position. He couldn’t possibly admit that he had been unable to sleep and had unconsciously decided to check on her. Upon entering, he had found her in apparent distress, presumably having a nightmare, so he had woken her up. And just like that, he was caught red- handed. 

His eyes flickered nervously as he said stiffly, “I heard your voice just now… so I came over to check.” 

Calista looked at him coldly, perceiving his inability to lie. However, she realized that if it hadn’t been for him waking her up, she’d have still been trapped in her nightmare. With this thought, her anger began to subside. 

“Now that I’m awake, you can go back to sleep.” 

At that moment, Kallum felt a profound sense of distress. Callie wanted to call off their wedding for reasons he didn’t understand, and he had tolerated it. When she wanted to move out, he had also endured. it. But what he couldn’t bear was her gradual detachment from him, as if she was pushing him toward a precipice. He knew he had to do something, anything to prevent her from just walking away from him like 


“You’re probably having trouble sleeping too, aren’t you?” Kallum suddenly asked, looking at her. “Because I can’t sleep too. For over a year now, I’ve grown accustomed to having you by my side, being able to hold you as I drift off. I don’t believe you can break that habit so quickly.” 

“So what?” Calista replied indifferently, her eyes cold as ice. “I’ve told you before, I can’t accept you again. Even if you hadn’t hurt me in this life, I still wouldn’t want to. No matter how persistent you are, it won’t change anything” 

Her words stirred a faint anger within Kallum. Yet, what overwhelmed him more was a sense of sorrow. Strictly speaking, he had hurt her in his lifetime. It was just that Calista had a high tolerance for pain

“Callie…” He yearned to hold her, to loudly express how much anguish he was in, how much he wished to compel her into marriage. But he couldn’t. All he could do was to continually suppress the frustration in 

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Chapter 339 We Are Still Just Kids 

Calista was puzzled. But she truly couldn’t fall asleep, so she simply decided to follow Kallum outside. 

The early winter chill at four in the morning was intense. Kallum personally bundled up Calista into a ball of warmth, then, accompanied by just two others, he drove off. 

“This is a bit risky,” Calista said, a hint of a headache apparent in her gaze toward Kallum. “I hope you haven’t forgotten that we’re still patients. Doesn’t it hurt? You seem to be in high spirits.” 

Being with her, how could he possibly be aware of any physical discomfort? 

Kallum decisively stated. “Once you get used to the ader in doesn’t feel like much. I’ll take you out for 

some fun. Just don’t be a downer.” 

Fun? Now! Calista thought hesitantly. Did I somehow upset him? Why else would he suddenly act so childishly? 

However, when they arrived at the destination, she realized that Kallum was not childish; he had lost his 


“Why did you bring me here?” 

Before her was the Langley residence. This was a place that Calista never wanted to set foot in again in her lifetime

“I’m taking you to find Yelena. 

Kallum glanced at the house, a cold glint flashing in his eyes. Calista attempted to leave, but he held her 


“What are you doing?” Calista glared at him. “The Langley family means nothing to me now, and Yelena is simply something I could trample into the mud without a second thought. I’m not at all interested in seeking further revenge on her. We’re not even on the same level anymore.” 

of revenge against What she said was true. Before she rose to prominence, she had harbored thoughts Yelena. But now, she didn’t even have the desire to spare her an extra glance. Many things had already happened and knowing that Yelena was not faring well was enough for her. 

“I didn’t say anything about revenge.” Kallum slightly raised his eyebrows. “From this point forward, we’re not adults. Right now, you’re thirteen and I’m seventeen. We’re still just kids.” 

“What are you planning to do?” She had an inkling of something, but she was somewhat afraid to contemplate it. Was Kallum really such a considerate person? 

“What am I planning to do? Since we’re underage, we can do whatever we want, of course!” 

He led Calista, slipping in unnoticed. Previously, the Langley family had been wary of Calista’s rise to power. They had not only abandoned their plans against her but had also been on guard for a while. However, when they realized that she didn’t even bother to contend with them, they felt relieved and embarrassed. They quickly dropped their defenses, allowing Calista and Kallum to enter with ease. Outside, Quintus and Derek stood guard. 

Once they entered, they didn’t head for the main building but instead went to the annex. Calista felt a bit awkward. Why did I get in here so obediently? I don’t really want to be here. 


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