Chapter 210 I Came To Seduce You 

“Once I’m better, I’ll take you wherever you want to go.” 

Yet, Kallum found himself pondering what if he tragically passed away? 

With that thought, he pursed his lips, then said, “Starting from tomorrow, I’ll take you around. Consider it as keeping me company!” 

Calista nestled in his arms, chuckling lightly. “You must be joking. Given your current situation, how could you possibly go around?” 


“That’s enough. You’ll recover. When that time comes, if you still wish for me to accompany you to explore the world, I would be more than honored.” 

Kallum gritted his teeth, realizing now, more than ever, that he simply couldn’t afford to die! 

“All right, let’s go to sleep.” 

Calista was feeling a bit tired, so she pulled Kallum under the covers with her. Just then, there was a sudden 

knock on the door. 

“Who is it?” Kallum asked curiously. 

Quintus, who was keeping vigil at the door, responded in a dry tone, “Mr. Kallum, it’s Nevio’s granddaughter.” 

Since Quintus was speaking in Chanacan, Seraphina couldn’t understand him

It didn’t take any effort for Kallum to guess what kind of sly scheme Nevio was up to. How unfortunate this had to happen while Calista was with him! 

Calista playfully nudged Kallum. “We’re still on someone else’s turf, and we didn’t bring a lot of backup. Try not to offend anyone with your words again.” 

Recalling how Calista thought he was too sharp–tongued, Kallum felt somewhat wronged. If he had known earlier that he would fall in love with her, he would never have said those hurtful words before

“So what do you suggest I do?” 

Calista glanced at Kallum, surprised by his unexpected compliance. 

You just need to discourage her without her finding out I’m here. After all, we, as siblings, should maintain some semblance of reputation.” 

Kallum found himself contemplating her words. What did reputation matter? If he were to survive, Calista. would become his wife and the mother of his future children. However, if he perished, there would be no hindrance to Calista. She could still marry… 

For reasons unknown, the mere thought of Calista marrying someone else after his death stirred an intense urge in Kallum to keep living, even if he were to become a walking corpse! 


Chapter 101 Caine to Seduce You 

Calista almedicinly ended up under the blanker, bidding herself away. 

heraphina appeared somewhat hesitant, but as the door swing open, she still stepped inside. 

Csomething, you needi 

Before she entered, Kallign had tousled his hair and left his collar undone. Coupled with the noticeable lump on the bed, If Seraphina didn’t know what Kallum had been doing before she came in, she would have lived her years in vain. 

Sandia initially thought that Kallum was a devoted man, yes how could he be so eager to find someone chet Remembering the numerous women who flocked to him at the party, she couldn’t help but wonder which lucky one was sharing his bed now. 

At that thought, she no longer felt guilty about her involvement in the matter and gradually straightened her back with renewed confidence. 

“Mr. Kallum, as you can see, I came to seduce you.” 

alista was mildly surprised. Foreign women were indeed more liberal. Even though it was clear that the object of her affection was not alone in his bed, she was still self–promoting. 

A glimmer of disgust flashed in Kallum’s eyes as he said, “Is this the kind of upbringing the Bushwick family imparts? To intrude on other’s affairs late at night?” His choice of words was as delicate as possible, yet it still stung 

The look on Seraphina’s face turned grim. “Let’s not beat around the bush, Mr. Kallum. You should know that among all the girls at tonight’s banquet, none is more suitable to marry you than me. In terms of family background and benefits, my grandfather has said that if you choose me, I will bring with me thirty percent of his shares to the Fairchild family, not to mention other collaborations and benefits. In terms of appearance, I am of mixed race, and although I don’t have a fair complexion, my looks are not lacking.” 

Her words were candid. Seraphina was a stunningly beautiful woman, and her striking features were truly captivating. Her unique complexion added an exotic charm to her. In Corleon, she was affectionately known as the “Desert Flower,” a title genuinely earned without any pretense. 

From this perspective, she and Kallum seemed rather well–suited for each other. Of course, that was only on the surface. 

Kallium scoffed. Just because he hadn’t set foot outside in a year didn’t mean he was out of the loop. 

“Firstly, your father has passed away. Due to the favoritism you receive from Nevio, your uncles have held grudge against you for a long time. Even though marrying you could bring me some benefits, I would rather not risk offending the future head of the Bushwick family. It’s a case of the potential loss outweighing the gain. Secondly, your grandfather is no longer the influential family head he once was. I’m well aware of how much of his shares he’s secretly distributed over the past year. Hence, the value he can bring to me is still up for discussion. Thirdly, I’m not fond of women with tanned skin.” 

Of course, the most important reason was that he already had someone he loved. Everything else was just an excuse he had come up with. 

Seraphina was taken aback by Kallum’s words. She hadn’t expected him to know their family’s affairs in such detail, even in Chaniaea. He was indeed a form ble opponent. 


Chapter 2101 Came To Seduce You 

“Come in.” 

Calista obediently curled up under the blanket, hiding herself away. 

Seraphina appeared somewhat hesitant, but as the door swung open, she still stepped inside. 

“Is there something you need?” 

Before she entered, Kallum had tousled his hair and left his collar undone. Coupled with the noticeable lump on the bed, if Seraphina didn’t know what Kallum had been doing before she came in, she would have lived her years in vain. 

Sandia initially thought that Kallum was a devoted man, yet how could he be so eager to find someone else? Remembering the numerous women who flocked to him at the party, she couldn’t help but wonder which lucky one was sharing his bed now. 

At that thought, she no longer felt guilty about her involvement in the matter and gradually straightened. her back with renewed confidence. 

“Mr. Kallum, as you can see, I came to seduce you.” 

Calista was mildly surprised. Foreign women were indeed more liberal. Even though it was clear that the object of her affection was not alone in his bed, she was still self–promoting. 

A glimmer of disgust flashed in Kallum’s eyes as he said, “Is this the kind of upbringing the Bushwick family imparts? To intrude on other’s affairs late at night?” His choice of words was as delicate as possible, yet it still stung

The look on Seraphina’s face turned grim. “Let’s not beat around the bush, Mr. Kallum. You should know that among all the girls at tonight’s banquet, none is more suitable to marry you than me. In terms of family background and benefits, my grandfather has said that if you choose me, I will bring with me thirty percent of his shares to the Fairchild family, not to mention other collaborations and benefits. In terms of appearance, I am of mixed race, and although I don’t have a fair complexion, my looks are not lacking” 

Her words were candid. Seraphina was a stunningly beautiful woman, and her striking features were truly captivating. Her unique complexion added an exotic charm to her. In Corleon, she was affectionately known as the “Desert Flower, a title genuinely earned without any pretense. 

From this perspective, she and Kallum seemed rather well–suited for each other. Of course, that was only on the surface. 

Kallum scoffed. Just because he hadn’t set foot outside in a year didn’t mean he was out of the loop. 

“Firstly, your father has passed away. Due to the favoritism you receive from Nevio, your uncles have held. a grudge against you for a long time. Even though marrying you could bring me some benefits, I would rather not risk offending the future head of the Bushwick family. It’s a case of the potential loss. outweighing the gain. Secondly, your grandfather is no longer the influential family head he once was. I’m well aware of how much of his shares he’s secretly distributed over the past year. Hence, the value he can bring to me is still up for discussion. Thirdly, I’m not fond of women with tanned skin.” 

Of course, the most important reason was that he already had someone he loved. Everything else was just an excuse he had come up with. 

Seraphina was taken aback by Kallum’s words. She hadn’t expected him to know their family’s affairs in such detail, even in Chanaca. He was indeed a formidable opponent. 


Chapter 210 | Came To Seduce You 

What if I don’t require you to marry me?” Seraphina gritted her teeth before suddenly proposing, “I could be your lover and offer you shares. In return, you protect me.” 

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