Chapter 165 Complete Trust” 

If Kallum knew about the nonsensical thoughts going through her mind, he would surely burst out laughing and tell her that what overwhelmed him was his desire for her, and that was why he could only 

vent it on her. 

It was that desire that compelled him to throw all caution to the wind to possess her and pull her into the depths of his obsession, ultimately descending into hell together. 

Kallum held her even tighter, seemingly as if he wished to meld her into his very being. 


He called out her name helplessly. Calista was being held so tightly she couldn’t move, and the utterance. of her name sent a shiver down her body. 

Her body tensed up. What do I do if Kallum needs a woman to vent his frustrations? I can’t possibly offer myself to him, but finding him a woman is out of the question! What a headache! 

The two nestled tightly together on the single–seater couch. In the utterly quiet room, distinctly hear Kallum’s ragged breaths and pounding heartbeat. 

Calista could 

As his grip tightened, he cautiously explored her body as if he were handling some valuable treasure. The spots he touched left her trembling involuntarily, and she figured that if this continued, it would spell danger. 

Calista gritted her teeth and wriggled her body, but Kallum only hugged her even tighter. No matter how many sweet nothings he yearned to whisper, and no matter how deep his desire, it could only culminate in a mere embrace. He felt as though he was on the brink of madness, driven to the edge by his longing for her. 

“Kallum… C–Calm down a bit!” 

I can’t stay calm! There’s no way I can calm down! 

Calista struggled to free a hand and gently patted his back. “Calm down. If you’re feeling uncomfortable, how about I accompany you to the gym?” 

Kallum didn’t respond, but with Calista’s gentle pats, his tense body oddly began to relax gradually. 





I love you. 

He mouthed these three words, not making a sound, but Calista’s head was pressed against his shoulder, so she didn’t see it. They remained in this embrace for over ten minutes, 

Sensing that Kallum’s physical reactions were gradually subsiding, Calista let out a long sigh of relief. Well, 


Chapter 165 Complete Trust 


After being released, she sat on his lap, panting. She felt as if her bones were about to be squeezed out of 

She could’t help but turn back to glare at Kallum, but surprisingly, she found that his face had turned bright red 

Ton’t it a little late to play the innocent newer You brute! 

Catching sight of Calista’s condenning gaze, Kallum surprisingly turned his face away in embarrassment. / almost couldn’t control the surge of passion within me… Luckily, I’m still rational enough. 

“I… I’ll have Paul change your pajamas tomorrow. 

Kallum had come to terms with his lack of self–control. To avoid hurting her in a moment of irrationality. he figured it was best not to hastily grant himself any privileges. 

Calista nodded, feeling that everything that had just happened was an unwarranted disaster. She could only hope that Kallum would continue to stay rational. Although she wasn’t afraid of the K Virus, she absolutely didn’t want to experience its effects again. 

The acupuncture session that followed left the two in an even more awkward situation. 

Throughout, Kallum had his face buried in the pillow, appearing shy. Calista couldn’t help but want to sneer at that. The sick do have a lot of incomprehensible emotions, huh? Hopefully, Old Mr. Yancey can quickly find a cure for the K Firas, otherwise, I feel like I’ll lose my sanity soon, too. 

Kallum, who lay obediently on the bed, was actually holding his breath. 

Being unable to see, hear, or smell, his sense of touch was more than ever sensitive. He felt that he would go insane even before his death came because the mere existence of Calista was enough to drive him to 

A peculiar sense of pleasure washed over Kallum as Calista administered the acupuncture. The way he allowed her to have her way with him, this level of trust and intimacy, was something no one else could ever achieve. Their relationship was the closest one could possibly be. 

All desires, distortions, and madness were forcefully suppressed beneath a veneer of calmness. After administering the acupuncture, Calista was extremely exhausted, so she retired to sleep after briefly instructing a few things. 

energy to Despite being held in Kallum’s arms and having to share a bed with him, she couldn’t find the resist as she was too tired. But before sleep fully claimed her, she was resolute to cure Kallum as soon as possible so that she could escape this room, for she was finding it increasingly hard to breathe. 

What she didn’t realize was, that hael she truly succeeded, she might not be able to escape that room ever again. 

The hour or two following his acupuncture treatment was the period when Kallum found himself in the most comfort, with his physical pain miraculously subsiding. He cuddled Calista in his embrace, his eyes inadvertently straying to places they shouldn’t. His emotions rose and fell unpredictably, much like a roller coaster ride. 

Seeing Calista so peacefully asleep, completely oblius, was a testament to the trust she had in him. After 


Chapter 165 Complete Trust 

all, what else could it be, if not complete trust, that would allow one to relax in the presence of a potentially dangerous patient? 

“I’ve really lost to you…” Kallum pinched Calista’s nose, his expression blissful–looking. 

If it weren’t for the threat of death, this moment would truly be blissful. 

Kallum’s will to live had once again intensified. He couldn’t bear to die just like that, not because of anything else, but solely because of her. 

Kallum planted a kiss on Calista’s forehead, feeling almost like a sacred act of adoration. 


they were basking in warmth and sweetness, a storm was brewing on the other side. 

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