Her Sensational Return with Triplets After Six Years
Chapter 100 Bethany Realized She Could Only Rely on Herself

Chapter 100 Bethany Realized She Could Only Rely on Herself

Bethany just stared at Adriel. Looking at his aloof eyes, she suddenly understood why he pretended as if he didn't know her before. Although he was now Raymond's business partner, apparently, Raymond was the dominant one in the cooperation.

If Raymond learned that he was her ex, he might get annoyed and terminate the cooperation with him. Therefore...

In the eyes of these men, women and love were nothing compared to the rights and dignity they'd been fighting for.

The pitiful thing was that she had put a lot of feelings into them.

It was ironic, pitiful, tragic, and infuriating!

As Bethany guessed, Raymond was standing before the floor-to-ceiling window of his office and watching them at this moment. He was so furious when he saw them staring at each other that he drew the curtains.

"Mrs. Zavala, where do you live? Let me send you home," Adriel continued.

"Don't bother," Bethany replied in a resolute tone and turned around in strides. She didn't want to see these men anymore.

She ran back home and directly slammed onto the ground as if all her strength were drained out when she walked into the house.

"Lisa, you're back?" Hearing the sound from the doorway, Ainsley walked over and asked. She was startled when she saw Bethany sitting on the ground like this. She asked with concern, "What's wrong? Do you feel uncomfortable?"

Seeing Ainsley's worried expression, Bethany couldn't hold back anymore and hugged her like an aggrieved kid and then burst into tears.

Ainsley was caught off guard by Bethany's sudden emotional outbreak and asked anxiously, "What's wrong, Beth?"

Bethany only shook her head and replied in tears, "I miss my father..."

Missing her father?

Ainsley was bewildered. Today was not her father's death anniversary, but why did she suddenly...

"Although my mother died when I was young, I still thought I was the lucky one because my father and my boyfriend loved me very much and I thought I would have a happy future. I wanted to marry him, give birth to his children, and let my children have a complete family, which I couldn't have before. It was a beautiful dream, but the reality..."

Bethany paused and choked, shedding more tears. And her voice became low and husky as she continued, "I could still bear it when Adriel abandoned me because I thought my father would not leave me alone no matter what happened. However, he chose to kill himself. He was well aware that our family owed a lot of debts, that I would become an orphan if he died, and that I would be chased by our creditors every day like a stray dog thereafter. He must have thought about all of this before committing suicide, yet he still chose to kill himself. My father's death really gave me a big blow and it took me years to get rid of the shadows it brought. Later, Tyrone and Shayla appeared in my life and I felt hopeful about my life again. Then I returned to the country and met Raymond. In the beginning, I firmly believed that we would be a loving couple, but now I began to doubt it. After meeting him, I began to dream about my happy future again. I fantasized that forming a blended family with Raymond would bring us happiness but, in the end..."

Bethany thought herself a total loser. She was so lame.

She looked at Ainsley with teary eyes and asked, "Ainsley, am I very awful? Am I so detestable? Why can't I have true love? Why did my own father abandon me?" She couldn't figure these out, really couldn't.

Ainsley had no idea about what had happened, but she felt so distressed for Bethany when seeing her pitiful look. She hurriedly comforted her, "Lisa, don't say these! I know you, my girl. You are always the pride of the Hamilton Family You're outstanding in every aspect. Don't cry. You're still recovering and you can't disregard your own health like this. Think about Tyrone and Shayla. They're so thoughtful and love you very much. And their elder brother... You haven't found him yet. You can't be dejected.."

Bethany wished so much to beat herself to death at the mention of her eldest son. That car accident had ruined her plan and she was pursued by Raymond later, who even tried to force her to marry him. At that time, she was blinded by love back then that she even forgot to look for his son.

She was really an awful mother. A terribly awful mother!

After Ainsley's persuasion, Bethany returned to her bedroom and lay in her bed, but she couldn't fall asleep.

It was the first time in her life that she was so disappointed in herself. And it was also the first time that she doubted herself to such an extent.

She reflected on these days since she returned back, she seemed didn't succeed in anything.

She failed to find her son. What was worse, she had a car accident and lost her job in the hospital. She wanted to let go of her past by starting a new relationship, yet it failed again.

She didn't have any deposit. Instead, she owed Raymond a lot of money.

"Bethany Caldwell, why are you such a trash?" She questioned herself inwardly.

She took a deep breath and then closed her eyes, scolding herself again and again in her heart.

After a long while, she finally opened her eyes again. She turned to look at the sunlight outside the window, feeling its warmth on her body.

She felt it was a waste of the sunlight as it was shining on a useless person.

At this moment, she finally figured out a thing - that she could only rely on herself.

Bethany gave herself a hard slap

and said to herself, "Melisa

Hamilton, you can't be so

despondent anymore. Nor can you focus on those men anymore. You must find your eldest son and establish your own career. You must be someone who can speak with confidence and back up yourself with your career. Do you understand?"

Bethany vowed in her heart that she would only allow herself to be despondent today and that she must cheer up when the sun rose from the east tomorrow. "Ainsley, where's Beth?" Right at this moment, Bethan heard the kids' voices. She hurriedly adjusted her mood, got out of bed, and walked out of her bedroom.

"Beth!" Damion and Shayla ran over

excitedly with awarding papers in

their hands when seeing Bethany.

"We want t


to show you our certificates of merit. We both won

some awards. Attention, notonly one!"


The two little kids stuffed several awarding papers into her hands. Bethany felt proud of and happy for them when she saw the papers.

"My babies are so amazing! I'll cook some dishes for dinner as a celebration," said Bethany.

However, when she finished the words, Damion perceived something. Looking at her eyes, he asked, "Beth, did you cry just now?"

Shayla hurriedly looked into Bethany's eyes when she heard the words. She said anxiously, "Yep. Your eyes are red and swollen. Beth, why did you cry? Did anything happen?" Bethany thought she had hidden it well and didn't expect her kids to...

"Nah, I had a nightmare just now and woke up with red and swollen eyes. My little adults, please don't think too much. Go to do your homework first. Igo cook something delicious for you." With that, Bethany walked into the kitchen.

Damion and Shayla looked at each other in confusion. Shayla looked at Damion and asked, "Crying in her dream? Is... Is it possible?"

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