Jana found no reprieve in sleep that night, ensnared in a liminal space where dreams and reality blurred. Haunting her restless mind were images of children, many children—sweet and innocent. Yet, a sinister twist awaited as they turned, revealing metallic threads and grotesque deformations marring their fragile forms. She tossed uneasily in her sleeping bag, a prisoner to her turbulent thoughts.

“Jana, is everything alright?” Mark’s voice broke the silence, his arm enveloping her with a comforting gentleness. His touch was a balm to her frayed nerves.

“No, it’s not,” she sighed heavily, the weight of her worries palpable. “I can’t bear the thought of Valentina doing this... inflicting such horror on other children.”

“Calm down, nothing’s happened yet,” he urged her to consider. “We don’t know if any of this is true, but Valentina believes what she’s doing is right and necessary.”

“To hell with that! It can’t be right,” she whispered fiercely. “How can you remain so composed? I don’t understand.”

The shadow of fear had firmly entrenched itself in Jana’s gaze, mirroring the storm raging outside, in sync with the turmoil within her soul.

“I’m scared,” she confessed, her voice a fragile echo amidst the howling winds. “I see no end to this chaos. The world is crumbling. There’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you.”

“I’ve always been good at keeping secrets.”

Taking a deep breath, as though about to dive into the depths, Jana braced herself.

“I did some research back at the base when she returned. Valentina has been genetically modified. And I’m not talking about recently; there are signs of modifications from years ago! The autoimmune disease was just the first symptom.”

Then, with a trembling voice, she added:

“Years ago I and Val’s father had a big fight. I went to the mountain... alone. I knew I was pregnant, and he didn’t want the child. I was determined to end it all. I spent days alone in the mountains, but even the grizzly bears avoided me in my despair, as if they understood. One night, it just happened. It was like a dream. I saw a figure in a purple cloak emerging from the bushes. I’ll never forget the terror when I saw its face. I woke up the next morning as if nothing had happened, but I knew it wasn’t just a dream!”

Mark’s brows furrowed, a mix of surprise and growing concern evident in his expression.

“Have you shared this with anyone?”

Jana let out a bitter chuckle.

“‘MIT scientist abducted by aliens’? How’s that for a headline? It would’ve ended my career! But it was the truth, I know it now!”

“Do you think they’ve been here before?”

Jana nodded with conviction.

“I’m certain! The famous Reinmuth meteor shower during World War II wasn’t a coincidence. They’ve been here longer than we think, preparing for something! And maybe it’s not just her? You heard what she said about the other children!”

Mark fell silent, intertwining his fingers with hers. Questions swirled in his mind, but he voiced only one:

“They intend for her to stop the invasion... or to aid them?”

Jana didn’t respond. Instead, she raised a hand to touch his face, seeking solace and understanding. Mark held her tightly, his warmth seeping into her shivering soul. Despite the darkness of the night and the looming threats, there was a shared secret that bonded them more deeply than ever. Mark softly said:

“Look at Val, do you think she’s just a normal child? Or performing miracles of bravery to save us is a bad thing? Look ahead, if there are more like her, they could protect us from the aliens! Maybe that’s what Dr. Chu meant when she said she was humanity’s last hope?”

“I don’t want to look into the void, Mark, I’m scared!” she shook her head wearily.

“So am I, Jana, so am I! I’ve seen horrors in my life... I’ve killed people, some of whom might have been innocent. I’ve never felt remorse, but now I’m scared...” he sighed deeply.

“No, I don’t want to hear it!” she interrupted, burying herself in his embrace, feeling the warmth of his body despite the sleeping bag. The soldier’s arms instinctively wrapped around her.

In the quiet that enveloped them, Mark’s gentle strokes through Jana’s hair and his contemplative gaze at the ceiling marked the silence of their shared uncertainty. The world as they knew it was in disarray, no training had ever prepared them for this reality. What was expected of him now? As a soldier, he was bound by duty, prepared to meet his end protecting the child, Valentina, the beacon of hope as Dr. Chu had solemnly declared. That belief had taken root in his mind, replacing the echo of a once annoying tune. He had witnessed her capabilities, yet doubted if she knew the extent of her powers.

Jana had drifted into a restless slumber in his embrace. He dared not move, for fear of disturbing her peace. His feelings for her were complex, a mixture of attraction and something deeper he saw in her—a spark that flickered, fierce and chilling. She was yet to recover from the ordeal, and Mark felt compelled to support her through it, another vow in a series he had lost count of.

The child, Valentina, stirred beside them. Mark looked at her with affection, a feeling that had inexplicably grown within him. She had become important to him, appearing entirely normal through his eyes. He had grown attached, a luxury he had never allowed himself in his career. Emotions were deemed a liability, but perhaps, on what might be his final mission, all rules were irrelevant.

Valentina sat up, her gaze clearing from sleep’s remnants. She retrieved her scepter from beneath the sleeping bag, never parting with it. She glanced at her mother, then at Mark, offering him a faint smile. To Mark, it seemed she was reclaiming her humanity, whatever had been done to her, her nature was prevailing, wanting to reconnect with the human world. But was she still human?

“Did you sleep well?” he asked softly.

“Yes, I’m ready!” she whispered, careful not to wake her mother.

However, Jana stirred at the sound of her daughter’s voice, her head turning in confusion before realizing their surroundings.

“I... might have overslept a bit...”

“No need to get up; we’re not in a hurry,” Mark reassured tenderly.

The monastery was waking up, the noise level rising among the crowded refuge. Sleep was no longer an option.

Suddenly, the peaceful atmosphere shifted. Screams and prayers filled the air as panic spread through the holy sanctuary. People ran for cover inside, as if fleeing from an unseen threat.

Valentina tensed and closed her eyes. They hesitated to interrupt, sensing the importance of her focus, evident in the creases forming on her young face. After a few minutes, she abruptly opened her eyes, now fixed on the wall with a distant gaze, and walked out into the courtyard.

The sight that greeted them was unsettling. The monastery’s walls and surrounding trees were adorned with transformed humans and animals, along with unidentifiable beings. The terror among the monastery’s inhabitants was palpable, yet the creatures remained still, their searching gazes fixated. They were seeking Her. Alien sounds pierced the air as they sensed her presence. Valentina stood at the courtyard’s center, examining them without fear, her gaze filled with an inexplicable warmth. The scene, with people kneeling in prayer, added to the surreal tableau.

The beings awaited something from her, their silent exchange filling the charged atmosphere. Mark watched in awe and pride, unsure of how long the standoff lasted. Valentina raised her scepter decisively, signaling the end of their silent discourse. Reluctantly, the creatures receded from the walls and trees, retreating into the forest.

Mark and Jana watched Valentina intently, not daring to interrupt her thoughts. She turned to them with a grave expression.

“I must go now,” she declared with a seriousness that belied her years.

Mark frantically searched for his missing weapon.

“Are we under attack, Val?” His eyes darted around, scanning for any imminent threat.

“No, sit down!” Valentina commanded with an authoritative chill in her voice.

“I thought... maybe those outside, who follow you, warned you of a danger?” Mark speculated.

“Yes,” the child confirmed. “But they’re not attacking us. They speak of something... far worse.”

Mark and Jana felt a chill run down their spines, wondering what could possibly be worse than their current predicament.

“What’s happening, Val? Please, don’t keep us in suspense,” Jana pleaded, overcoming her initial fright.

A heavy silence fell, charged with fear and dread.

Valentina looked at her mother tenderly, as if struggling to convey distressing news. Jana’s heart raced with the anticipation of fear that threatened to engulf her.

“Mom... I have to go,” Valentina said with a pained look.

At that moment, Jana felt as if she might implode from tension, rendered speechless by the weight of her anxiety.

“What’s going on, Val? Where do you need to go? Is it something Sh`ur told you?” Mark maintained his composure, seeking clarity.

Valentina met his gaze with calm assurance.

“The Others are here!”

“The Others? The asteroids you mean? That’s troubling, isn’t it? And what now? Will they open and release all manner of beings?”

“Yes,” Valentina nodded. “That’s not the scary part. Most things inside are good... and sad,” she added after a pause.

“Then what’s the terrifying part, Val? What happens when they all open like umbrellas?”

Valentina hugged her mother, who was on the verge of another nervous breakdown, then sat back down on the unfolded sleeping bag to share.

“The Gardeners will do something terrible when all the Gardens bloom!”

Mark’s concern deepened.

“What follows, Val?”

She looked into his eyes and said,

“They will move it...”

“Move what?” Mark was bewildered.

Valentina tensed and finally blurted out,

“The Earth.”

It took Mark a moment to grasp the child’s statement.

“What? How can they move it? I don’t understand. Is that even possible?”

“They will activate the engines and move it!” she insisted.

“Where, Val, where can they move it to? Are they taking it to their home planet?”

“No, not like that. They’ll just move it a bit because they’re not comfortable here. It’s not right for them.”

Jana connected the dots and realized what Valentina meant.

“Are you saying they’ll shift the planet’s orbit?”

“Yes, that’s the correct way to say it!” Valentina was frustrated with herself.

Mark fell silent. Just when he thought things couldn’t get any worse, fate showed its sense of humor.

“And where do you want to go, Val? What can you do to stop them?” Jana interjected, regaining her composure from the shock.

“I need to return to the Garden, Mom! I have to stop them... and retrieve something vital.”

“Absurd. You’re not going anywhere; I won’t allow it! I’m your mother, and I forbid you! Enough with saving the world. Can’t you see that everyone is powerless? You’re the only one trying to fight them. Give up; you can’t do it alone.”

“I’m not alone!” Valentina shook her head.

“Well, even the three of us together are powerless!” Jana threw up her hands in exasperation.

“She doesn’t mean us,” Mark interjected.

Jana began to understand what her daughter meant.

“You’re not talking about... those things outside following you, are you?” she guessed uncertainly.

“Yes, Mom. There are only a few now, but I will gather many more, lots and lots!” Valentina asserted confidently.

“This is madness, Valentina! It’s not a child’s job to save the world!” Jana was frantic, her voice laced with irritation.

Valentina looked at her in surprise.

“You can’t stop me, Mom! You shouldn’t! I have a mission, and I know how to do it! The Sh`ur prepared me for this, I... I have to try. I must leave! Right now!”

Valentina was meticulously folding her sleeping bag, her face set in a mask of grave determination. Jana watched her with a mix of fear and awe, while Mark pondered their next move.

“Val!” Mark broke the silence, “I’m coming with you. I can be of use in the fight ahead!”

Valentina paused, seemingly weighing her options, before making a decision.

“Alright,” she consented, “but Mom stays here!”

Jana sprang up, aghast at the notion.

“That’s not happening; I’m coming with you!” she exclaimed.

“No, Mom, it’s too dangerous for you there!”

“And it’s not for you?” Jana countered, her frustration evident.

“Mom, I can take care of myself!” Valentina gestured to her staff, her makeshift weapon of choice.

“What about Mark? He doesn’t have what you have!” Jana persisted, her fear palpable.

“He can handle himself; he’s a soldier! I’ve seen him in action, we’ll find a proper weapon!”

Mark swelled with an unexpected sense of pride at the child’s endorsement. Never had he imagined that the praise of a child would mean so much to him.

“Jana, it’s best if you stay. I promise I’ll look after her.”

“No, don’t leave me behind... I’ll go mad with worry... please!” Her voice softened into a plea, “How can I live not knowing where you are, what’s happening to you? Please, Val, don’t do this to me again... what if... what if I never see you again?” Tears overwhelmed Jana.

Mark wrapped his arms around her gently. Valentina joined, encircling them both with her small arms. It was a poignant moment, their collective strength and vulnerability on full display.

They remained in silence for a while, the weight of the impending departure hanging heavy. Finally, Valentina stepped back.

“It’s time,” she said, her mother’s eyes puffy from crying.

Jana took a deep, steadying breath, fighting back tears.

“I don’t know what to say, my precious child. Words fail me.”

“Don’t, Mom, it’s hard for me too!” Val countered, “But you know I have to do this. I can’t not try.”

“I know, my dear, and... I’m proud of you! Whatever happens, know that your mom has always loved you, endlessly!”

As they approached the monastery’s entrance, they encountered the old priest who had welcomed them the day before. Unaware of their mission, he seemed to sense its gravity and approached them.

“Wherever your journey takes you, we will pray for you. The Lord hears us, He is always with us and understands us, never forget that!” He then turned and disappeared.

Mark and Jana exchanged a meaningful look. Then, unexpectedly, Jana embraced the soldier and kissed him.

“Take care of her, Mark! I beg you!” Her gaze bore into his.

“I’ll be with her till the end, you can count on that!”

“Val, promise me you’ll come back for me!” Jana held her daughter close.

“Yes, Mom, you’ll see! We still have time together!” Valentina smiled and headed towards the forest, with Mark following without question. Soon, they vanished from Jana’s tearful view.

Alone in the forest, away from prying eyes, Val let out a peculiar sound. Before long, a formidable sight emerged from the woods. Transformed animals and humans formed a circle around them, as if seeking to touch their goddess.

“What do we do, Val? How will we get to... what was it, the Garden? It’s a long journey. And our car is in the opposite direction,” Mark inquired, slightly anxious.

“I know!” Val responded. “We’ll return to the car; I wanted to speak with them! To calm them, tell them to gather the others and prepare for battle. A great battle!”

Mark wondered whether to ask. Overcoming his hesitation, he ventured,

“And what did they say to you?”

Valentina’s smile tilted mischievously as she tilted her nose.

“They want to die for me; you should know that!”


Faint light illuminated the giant hall. The ten-foot giant moved slowly in the dark, carefully examining the plants around. His every move radiated love and care.

The Gardener, a figure imposing both in size and knowledge, stopped at a strange-looking structure. His eyes, like bottomless black pits, seemed to see something more than just a beautiful plant.

“We know! She is coming! Alone? Or maybe not? We want her, we need her, or do we... not? The Garden awaits!” his voice boomed, deep as the earth and rough as a knife sharpener.

His words echoed through the hall, waking the creatures from their slumber, who stirred and seemed to tremble in anticipation. The air was filled with the moisture of the earth and the scent of mysterious magic.

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