The directive was unmistakable, leaving Mark to forge plans amidst a ticking clock. The coded message took him by surprise. Accustomed to internalizing orders without question, for the first time in ages, he found himself besieged by doubts.

The order was straightforward yet daunting: “Bring the child to the specified coordinates, prevent the Secretary of State from taking her. Protect the asset at all costs!” Clearly, the child, Valentina, was about to become the bone of contention between the military and the intelligence agencies, a familiar scenario of underhanded tactics between the two supposedly allied factions. Each vying for a larger slice of the funding pie, proving their worth over the other. The higher-ups were on edge, sidelined from the operation, their penchant for control thwarted, leaving them to make rash decisions.

The captain made his way to the special forces squad, preparation for the operation was crucial. Left in the dark about the specifics, Mark felt that attacking the site bordered on madness.

He knew his role wouldn’t be in the direct conflict. The escape had to happen tonight, for by dawn, the young captive would be taken. The operation offered a singular opportunity, with all eyes on the impending battle. With Patterson no longer in command, Mark felt no obligation to engage, despite their fraught yet respectful relationship. He planned to invoke his right to medical leave post-action within the site, a strategy to remain at the base without arousing suspicion or, worse, facing charges of desertion.

Contemplating his new mission, escape was a familiar thrill. He’d evaded numerous predicaments and harsh environments; North Dakota’s terrain posed no challenge. The military would likely employ the FBI to cordon off roads, but Mark preferred the forest, his sanctuary. The extraction point wasn’t far.

The more pressing dilemma was what to do about Jana. The escape order included only him and the child, not the mother. Yet, he and Jana shared a bond, a child they must protect. War was a man’s burden. He loathed involving women and children; their place wasn’t on the battlefield. Despite his hardened exterior from countless operations, he couldn’t extinguish his humanity. Separating a mother from her child was a cruelty that gnawed at him like a hidden wound.

Watching the soldiers, Mark pondered their fate in the coming hours - whether they’d return victorious or not at all. A fleeting regret for not joining the fray passed when he thought of the asteroid, sending shivers down his spine. No, not that nightmare again. Despite his facade, the ordeal within the alien structure had taken a toll on his psyche.

Frustrated with his moment of weakness, he resolved to cast aside the dark thoughts and focus on a plan yet to be conceived. Unbeknownst to him, he’d already made a decision - the child and her mother would not be separated. His first step was to speak with Jana, to earn the child’s trust and persuade her to come with him. After that, he was confident the rest would fall into place.

Guided by memory through the labyrinth of the camp, Mark hoped he had accurately recalled the location of her bungalow. After some wandering, he decided he was at the right door. No answer followed his knock, so he allowed himself the liberty to enter. Unlocked, the door swung open to reveal an interior scented with the delicate aroma of women’s creams and a light floral perfume. He was indeed in the right place.

“Dr. Petroff, are you here?” he called out, only to be met with silence.


Mark explored the empty bungalow, then stepped outside, scanning the surroundings until he spotted her. She was seated on a bench, reminiscent of their first encounter. Approaching, he was taken aback by her transformation. Gone was the disheveled, weary woman with a swollen face he had known; in her place sat an exceptionally attractive young lady, her appearance now enhanced by a stylish hairdo, makeup, and carefully chosen attire.

“Dr., may I sit with you for a moment?” he asked.

She eyed him warily before returning her gaze to the horizon. “It’s you! Please, have a seat,” she responded with an even tone.

“I don’t know where to start...” he began timidly.

“Surprised by my appearance, aren’t you?” she interrupted.

“Yes, that too!” he admitted with a smile.

“I’ve come back to life, that’s all there is to it. Before Val’s return, I was adrift between black and absence of color. I stopped thinking, felt present yet absent from this world. The nightmare I endured is beyond any conceivable torment. But now... everything’s changed, knowing the most wonderful being is here... I don’t know why I’m telling you all this.”

“Because I’m a soldier, you think I won’t understand?”

“No, because you’re a man!” she shook her head.

“Yet, believe it or not, I do understand,” Mark sighed.

“Do you?” she smiled wryly, meeting his gaze.

“Jana, listen, there’s something important you need to know... if you want to stay with your child...”

“Yes?” she leaned in, her gaze sharp and protective.

“We need... to escape tonight. Tomorrow, they’ll take her. And believe me... you won’t be on that helicopter.”

She froze, disbelief etching her features.

“You can’t be serious... but the general won’t allow it!”

“Patterson is no longer in charge, haven’t you heard?”

“No! Those morons who kicked me out, are they in charge now?”

Mark laughed genuinely before turning somber. “Yes, ‘morons’ is a good word. They gamble with soldiers’ lives, deciding fates with a button press or a phone call.”

An awkward silence ensued.

“Why are you doing this, Captain? Why do you want us to escape? What’s your goal?” she probed sharply.

“It’s complicated, but let’s just say I have my reasons. I’m not keen on testing my luck on that asteroid again. We have no business there; we’re not ready. And it’s cruel, I know what they plan for the child. She’ll be locked up, studied for life, never to see freedom again. They’ll dissect her, cell by cell, to uncover what ‘they’ did to her! You’re a scientist; you understand perfectly.”

“Absolutely!” she nodded in agreement.

“Besides... I have my reasons, ones I’d rather not share, at least not now.”

“Tell me, please... I can understand!”

In his mind’s eye, a haunting image emerged, one that no amount of drink could blur. A child darting across the street... followed by the screech of brakes. A sound tolling like a church bell, echoing his own powerlessness and remorse.

“It’s hard for me to say, Jana... there was a time when... never mind. It’s irrelevant.”

“You won’t get off so easily. I’m all ears; the night is ours. Please earn my trust!” Jana insisted, her piercing gaze shimmering in the darkness.

“ feels like it all happened in another lifetime,” Mark confessed, the words heavy with effort.

Silence enveloped them, Jana’s patient waiting seemed eternal, ready to last until the end of time to hear his reasons for saving the child.

“Jana, I once had a family,” he whispered, the words barely escaping his lips.

“What happened?” she sighed, her voice laden with sorrow, recognizing his pain.

“I couldn’t save her... I should have been there... I couldn’t...” Overwhelmed, he made to flee from the torment.

Quickly, she leapt up, her grip on his hands firm and reassuring, as if her touch could anchor him amidst the storm of his emotions. For a moment that stretched into eternity for both, they were enveloped in shared grief.

“What will happen if they catch us?” Jana broke the silence.

“To you, nothing. Me? I’d face a firing squad for desertion,” Mark stated calmly.

Outrage tightened Jana’s lips and fists.

“And yet, you’re prepared to take that risk?” she asked.

“At this juncture, cowardice is a luxury we cannot afford. For me, it’s the last chance to retain my humanity! Remember the late Dr. Chu’s words – she is our only hope! And those weren’t the delirious ramblings of a dying man. She knew something but couldn’t finish. Now, our paramount task is to ensure the child’s safety, far from the predators lurking here and beyond,” Mark gestured towards the timeless asteroid.

In that moment, Mark’s sincerity was palpable.

“Are you with me, Jana?”

She looked down, her mind racing. Suddenly, she locked eyes with him and declared, “I don’t know if you’re hiding something, but yes, we’ll come with you! We have no other choice if we’re to stay with Valentina. She is my life, my destiny.”

Then she inquired, “Do you have a plan, Captain? How do we intend to extricate her?”

“I haven’t figured that out yet,” he admitted. “But our odds are favorable. The operation tonight will leave the base almost deserted.”

“Operation?” Jana puzzled.

“I forgot you’re unaware,” he said, tilting his head slightly. “You don’t know about the impending battle. They’re going to assault the site.”

“That’s madness; we know nothing about them!” she protested.

“They believe they can destroy it, which would be best for everyone...”

A brief silence fell upon them.

“You were... there, weren’t you?” Jana ventured.

“Yes, I suppose I was,” Mark responded thoughtfully, “and I never wish to return. That place is not for us; we have no business there.”

“I didn’t mean to remind you,” she hurried to say.

“It’s alright, I’m trying to overcome the terror. I’ve lingered here too long,” he stood up from the bench.

“I’ll figure out our next steps tonight. Prepare a backpack, nothing more; we need to stay agile. Stay in your bungalow and act as usual.”

“Don’t worry about my behavior; everyone already considers me mad and keeps their distance,” she said with a faint smile.

“Still, act natural. Trust me; we’ll manage,” he nodded reassuringly and walked away.

“Wait!” Jana’s voice caught up to him.

Their eyes met again.

“I’ll try to trust you, Captain, but please, don’t betray us! Whatever they think of Val... she’s just a child!” Her eyes welled up, seeking his assurance of their protection.

“I’ll protect her, Jana!” he declared solemnly, and in that moment, feeling a lump in his throat, he knew he intended to keep his word.

He walked away briskly, whispering to himself, “This time, I will protect her.”

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