Mine. All mine and ready for the taking.

With her blue eyes wide, she stares up at me from the bed, more vulnerable than I’ve ever seen her.

I make quick work of discarding my trousers and boxers and stand above her at the edge of the bed.

Adrenaline pumps through my veins as I fist my painfully hard cock against my stomach.

Her eyes dart between my face and my hand moving up and down my length.

My expression must be unnerving her because her eyes grow to twice their size. “You okay, beautiful?”

“I’m not sure.” She gnaws on her bottom lip. “It’s fucking enormous.”

I laugh huskily and climb onto the bed, caging her in with my legs and arms. It’s not the first time I’ve had that reaction. “You want it, sweetheart?” I breathe against her mouth. “Take a good look at what’s on offer. I know you’re craving it. Fucking take it.”

Her hands flatten over my chest and glide over my muscles. “Your body is amazing,” she purrs as her thumb plays with my nipple ring. Something rumbles in my throat as she slowly makes her way down my stomach to my erect cock.

“Oh, my God,” she whimpers, curling her fingers around me, a hint of fear in her eyes.

“See what you do to me? I’ve been obsessing about you since the wedding. I’m dying to be inside of you.”

Long before the wedding, if I’m honest, but I don’t want to scare her off.

Her hand tightens around my cock in response. “Yes, Jack,” she whimpers. “Please. I need it. Now.”

I palm her slit and thrust two fingers into her. She’s soaked.

Her ass lifts off the bed so her beautiful wet cunt can ride my fingers harder.

Removing my fingers, I sit up and grab my wallet from my trousers.

“No,” she moans. “Don’t stop.”

“Impatient little thing, aren’t you?” I chuckle, sheathing myself up. “Ready?” I growl. “As soon as I start, I can’t be gentle. I’ll make love to you all night but not this time. This time is going to be a hard and fast fuck.”

“Please,” she moans, spreading her legs wide for me as I come down on top of her, holding my weight with my arms. “I need you inside me right now.”

Fuck, she’s so ready. Her breathing comes in shallow bursts. Her mouth hangs open as she curls her back, dying for attention.

I line myself up at her opening and thrust hard inside her.

A deep rumble vibrates from my throat as nerve sensations spring to life up and down my cock.

Damn, she feels amazing.

She yelps and I will myself to stay still for a second as she adjusts to my size.

When she lets out a breath, I pull out and slam into her with another deep thrust.

“Bonnie. Fuck,” I say as she clenches around me. “You. Feel. So. Good.”

I suck in a harsh breath. I’m not going to last here.

I thrust in and out of her sweet tight wetness, grunting against her lips.

Feeling every quiver of her muscles clamping around my cock.

Owning my cock.

Owning me.

Each thrust makes those beautiful breasts jiggle. I can’t get enough. It’s wet and messy and carnal.

She’s so needy too. Clamping around me with her heels digging into my butt and her fingers clawing my back, she moans every time I fill her to the hilt.

I could come listening to those soft feminine whimpers alone.

“Jack,” she cries. “I’m close, Jack.”

Everything about this woman is going to break me. How my name rolls off her tongue in desperate cries again and again. That look she gives me that tells me I’m the only man that can make her come like this. The feel of her pulse quickening when I touch her. Her scent, her touch, her breath. Everything is fucking intoxicating.

“Do you hear that, sweetheart?” I breathe against her as the slapping sound of our bodies joining intensifies. “You’re so fucking wet for me.”

I hitch her hip up so I can drive in deeper. Harder.  Making sure I hit her clit with every thrust.

“Oh my God, Jack,” she blurts out. “This feels so good. I want you inside me forever.”

She gasps. “I didn’t mean—”

“Shush,” I growl. “Don’t take it back.”

“Jack.” She arches her back and digs her nails into my shoulders as her body shudders in pleasure with the orgasm ripping through her. Her muscles clench around me, milking me for everything I have.

“Look at me when you come,” I hiss, gripping her jaw so she’s forced to look at me again. “I love your face when you come. I need to see it, Bonnie.”

I can’t hold it any longer.

Every muscle in my back and biceps tenses as I choke out her name, exploding inside her with a few final jerky thrusts.

Holy. Fucking. Shit.

“That was,” she starts softly.

“Unbelievable,” I finish, panting hard in her hair.

We lie there, my body covering hers until our breathing slows. She can’t see the huge grin splitting my face.

There’s no going back now.

“Jack.” She laughs softly against my neck. “You’re still inside of me.”

I pull back to look at her and wink. “And that’s where I intend to stay. I’m just getting started with you.”


I wake up with the alarm clock of the London garbage collection. The lorry’s loud automated message drills through my head, ‘This vehicle is reversing.’

It means it’s 6 a.m.

I’m absolutely wrecked but it’s a good type of exhaustion. The kind I feel after I run a marathon or, in this case, a shagathon.

I haven’t had a night like that in . . . well . . . never.

I reach for Jack . . . and feel the bed cold.

My eyes snap open. He’s not here.

Jack is too big and the flat is too small for him to be here making that little noise.

I sit up, suddenly apprehensive.

Did he leave without telling me?

I feel the pillow beside me. It’s cold.

The last thing I remember was melting into his hot body and falling asleep naked in his arms.

After I made him a massive pot of potatoes, steak and carrots, because, in his words, the pizza wouldn’t fill a bird, we fucked again, this time slower and lazier. And then again, and again until he finally dragged me into the shower and washed every inch of my body like he worshipped it.

Somehow, he managed to be romantic and fierce all at the same time.

I walk out into the living area pulling on a T-shirt. The living room is deathly quiet as if he was never there.

My heart sinks as I scan the flat. Yup, all his stuff is gone. All I have left of the evening is his scent on me.

Who leaves before 6 a.m.?

Does he regret it? Or is that how a night with Jack works?

He treats you like a queen, then disappears before you can assume it meant anything.

The cold hard reality of the morning sinks in with the drizzling grey London sky outside the window. I slept with our most important client. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea, even if it was the best sex of my life.

It was worth it, a little voice inside my head screams.

“Get a grip, Bonnie,” I say out loud, sinking into the sofa. “Get some coffee and get ready for work.”

The wine bottle from last night is still open on the coffee table, uncorked. Beside it there’s a note I hadn’t noticed before.

I had to go to the office early. You looked too peaceful to disturb. By the way, I deleted all your dating apps. You should put a pin on your phone.

PS. I know you’ll look after it for me because I trust you.

Followed by a wink.

I grab my phone and my jaw hits the floor. My home screen is a lot less cluttered. He deleted my dating apps!

He better not have looked at my photos or messages.

I grin to myself. What a cheeky bastard. It’s funny how if anyone else did this I would be raging but with Jack, his arrogance turns me on.

This morning just got a whole lot better.

I know you’ll look after it for me because I trust you. I read it out loud.

What is he talking about? Look after what?

Who knows.

Yawning, I trudge to the bathroom. There’s no steam, meaning he didn’t have a shower here this morning. I wouldn’t use this shower either if I was a billionaire.

Something gold around my neck sparkles in the mirror.

What the hell?

It can’t be.

With butter fingers, I fumble with the chain around my neck until the clasp releases and it falls into my hands.

I stare down at the solid gold chain with the distinguished Knight crest pendant, blinking rapidly.

Archie T Knight.

It’s engraved in small writing on the underside. His father’s name. It’s the chain that Jack always wears.

He must have put it around my neck when I was sleeping.

In the quiet of my small flat, all I can hear is my out-of-control heartbeat.

Max wouldn’t even let me touch his gaming laptop.

I slap cold water on my face, drop some tissue into the toilet, flush and . . .

Holy crap, the toilet flushes properly, as if by magic.

I don’t need to dump tons of water in the cistern like I’ve been doing since I moved in, because my landlord is the worst in London.

I laugh to myself because that’s what you do when you live alone. I don’t know if I’m more ecstatic about the chain or the working toilet.

I grab my phone from the living room and text him.

Me: Did you fix my toilet?

Jack: I give you my dead father’s chain and you ask about the toilet?

Another wink.

Oh shit.

Me: I’ve already put it on eBay. And sold my story to the papers that a billionaire property tycoon fucked me senseless then fixed my toilet.

I have to joke; the situation is too damn intense.

Me: I’ll look after it for you. Thank you for everything.

Jack: Told you I knew a few tricks. I’m not one of those useless billionaires that has people tending to their every need. I’m a handyman.  By the way, your bathroom sink needs unblocking.

I smile.

Me: That you are. A Jack of all trades. I don’t know if I can afford your services, though.

Jack: Where do you think the term came from? We’ll work out a payment plan in blow jobs.

Cheeky bugger. The dots appear again.

Jack: Hope you are not too sore this morning.

My smile morphs into a face-splitting grin. I feel tender and stiff like I’ve had an electric drill between my legs all night, but I’ll wear it like a badge of honour. It’s a nice reminder.

Me: It’s okay, I knew what I was getting myself into. I knew you weren’t a chocolate and foot rubs kind of guy.

Jack: Try me. I can be that guy too. I’ll give you whatever you want, Bonnie.

Goosebumps break out all over my skin. Those are strong words for a fling.

Is this a game to Jack?

I can’t reconcile these two sides of him. If I’m to believe the press, Jack has a different woman in his bed every night, yet here he is being the sweetest man alive.

I’m not used to holding someone’s gaze so intently during sex but Jack wouldn’t let me look away.

It was as if he were trying to reach into my soul.

Does Jack do this with everyone?

I’m in danger here of falling hard and after Max, I can’t afford to leave myself open. My heart won’t survive any more lies.

Me: I don’t understand. Why did you give me your father’s chain?

I watch the dots, my heart beating wildly. The message flashes up immediately.

Jack: Because I’m a construction guy. I need to lay foundations.

I frown, not understanding.

Me: ??

Jack: Because I trust you. And I want to prove to you that you can trust me.

Another message quickly follows.

I hold my breath reading it once, twice, three times.

Jack: And my nan always said trust is the foundation to love.

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