Chapter 1 Unhappy Marriage

Farren’s POV

“Move aside!”

I pushed my arms back and forth, shoving anyone who dared to block my way. With my legs pumping as fast as they could, my heart raced in my chest, fearing that I might miss the opportunity to speak to and see my beloved grandfather one last time.

“Please, don’t leave without me,” I pleaded desperately.

Finally, I reached the entrance of my grandfather’s room, my breath ragged and my legs aching from the exertion. I wiped away the tears that threatened to blur my vision before I turned the doorknob.

As I stepped inside, I beheld my grandfather lying frail and weak on the bed. His gaze was fixed on the outside world, taking in the breathtaking beauty of the blooming Spring.

With trembling breath, I stepped forward, and the sound of my footfall caught his attention. His weary face seemed to bear the weight of the entire world. He was exhausted with everything, and today would mark the end of his suffering. That’s why I had come here, to say my final farewell.

“Grandpa,” I called out, trying to hold back the tears.

We had promised each other that we would bid farewell with smiles if the end ever came. No tears, no painful memories. But…

“My granddaughter,” he said sweetly, a kind smile on his face, and that’s when I completely broke down. I rushed to his bedside, clutching his hand and sobbing like a lost child.

Even so, I could hear him chuckling softly as he gently stroked my head. “Oh, my dear. Didn’t we agree that we wouldn’t shed tears on the day we said goodbye?”

I lifted my tear-stained face, my heart wrenching with anguish. Sobbing uncontrollably, I lamented, “It’s impossible. I simply cannot do it. I cannot bear the thought of letting you go and facing a life without you.” I pressed my wet cheek against his hand, cherishing its comforting warmth.

Grandpa gently caressed my head, his touch offering solace amidst the pain. He replied, “Darling, I don’t want to leave you either. But this old man has no choice.”

“Why?” I protested, my grip on his hand tightening. “Didn’t you say you wanted to meet your great-grandchild before you go?”

“I did. But you never had a boyfriend.” He chuckled, finding a moment to tease me even in this heartbreaking situation.

Through laughter and tears, I turned to look at him. It was then that I noticed Grandpa’s own tears streaming down his face. And in that moment, my emotions intensified even further.

“That’s why, can you do me the last favor, my dear?” he whispered. “I can’t see my adorable grand grandchild. But at least I want to ensure your future.”

I leaned closer and nodded my head. “Anything, Grandpa. Anything. I will do it!”

He smiled at me and said, “Marry Alaric Ford.”

“Alaric Ford?” I asked.

“Yes. Promise me, Farren. After I die, you should marry Alaric Ford.”

And with his last will, my dear Grandfather died.

** ** **

Following my Grandfather’s will, today marked my wedding with Alaric Ford.

The wedding was pretty standard – I donned my gorgeous wedding gown, walked down the aisle, exchanged vows in front of the Priest, exchanged rings, and was declared married. The only thing that set it apart from other weddings was the grand preparation and the fact that Alaric and I didn’t k*ss to seal the deal.

“Well, I followed my Grandpa’s wishes, so that’s enough,” I whispered.

Currently, I’m in a private room at the reception venue, sitting on a couch, giving my aching feet and tired throat a break from all the talking with guests I barely knew.

“Why isn’t he here yet?” I muttered, gazing at the door, waiting for my husband, Alaric.

We needed to hurry to the airport for our flight to Japan.

Just as I contemplated going outside to search for him, the door swung open, and there stood Alaric, entering the room. I couldn’t help but gasp at his presence.

The first time I laid eyes on him was when I walked down the aisle, but even on the second glance, I was still mesmerized by his strikingly handsome face, well-built physique, and long legs.

With his black hair, thick eyebrows, silver eyes, regal nose, and luscious red l*ps, it was no wonder many women shed tears during our wedding ceremony.


It was a voice filled with anger.

I swallowed my dry saliva as I watched him close the door behind him and walk toward me with a ferocious face.

I shifted in my seat, nervously clasping my hands together. Across from me, my husband sat with his legs crossed, his piercing gray eyes fixed on me with an intense glare.

I couldn’t help but feel unsettled by his gaze, as if it could tear through me. Breaking the heavy silence, I finally spoke up.

“Um, hey?” I managed to say, my voice trembling slightly. “Should we leave for the airport now? We don’t want to miss our flight to Japan.”

Alaric remained silent, not even blinking. His presence alone was intimidating, and the silence only made it worse.

“Is it time yet?” I asked, hoping for some kind of response.

His eyebrows rose sharply as he looked at me, blazed like lava.

“Listen, Farren Daughtler – or should I say Farren Ford now. I agree with this marriage arrangement, but there are certain expectations you shouldn’t have. Financially, I’ll take care of you. You’ll have a comfortable life ahead. However, don’t expect me to fulfill any marital duties. That means I won’t go to Japan with you for our honeymoon.”

It’s difficult to connect with a husband I just met today. I understand that this whole situation is awkward since our grandfathers arranged it. But does he really have to be so cold?

‘He could have at least explained it more kindly,’ I thought to myself, gripping the fabric of my wedding dress.

“Things like affection, love, and attention, I cannot provide you with that,” he said as he observed me from head to toe. “If you’re fantasizing about a blissful marriage, snap out. I wouldn’t even consider touching you, Mrs. Farren Ford. And you better stay away from me, too.”

He stood up and straightened his suit. Alaric glanced down at me as if he didn’t want to waste more time talking to me.

Can I even call this a conversation?

This man never let me speak.

“If you’re interested in going to Japan, feel free to go. However, I won’t be able to join you as I have important plans to attend to. He casually tossed a black card onto the table. “You can buy whatever you want with it. Don’t bother getting me a gift, though; I might just end up throwing it away.”

Alaric turned away but then turned back as if he had remembered something crucial. “Oh, and one more thing. I won’t be coming home for weeks. You’ll have the place all to yourself. Don’t wait for me, don’t bother cooking for me, don’t wash my clothes, and please, don’t ever greet me with that creepy ‘Welcome Home.’ Do you understand?”

Feeling belittled by his words, I bit my lower l*p. However, arguing with him at this moment wouldn’t resolve anything.

My grandfather had always hoped for my happiness in marriage, but it appears that I am unable to achieve that.

“Understood,” I replied to Alaric.

“Good.” He gave me a curt response and walked away, leaving me alone. After that, we really didn’t cross paths for the next two weeks.

Finishing my solo vacation in Japan, I continued to spend my time alone in my new house, doing everything by myself – eating, sleeping, and having fun. As Alaric had mentioned, he didn’t actually come back home.

But honestly, I wasn’t bothered by it because I had already anticipated it. So, I returned to my regular routine, which involved going to work.

As soon as Jasmine, a colleague and friend of mine, saw me with the ring on my finger, she greeted me with a playful remark, “Hello, newlywed!”

We both grabbed our hot cups of coffee when she started teasing me about my new marital status.

With a chuckle, she asked, “So, how’s life as a wife?” I couldn’t help but recall that I had once vowed to never get married, so I understood why she was teasing me like this.

My marriage isn’t exactly what people think it is, so there’s not much to share with her. I barely had a sip of my coffee before shaking my head.

“Why did you suddenly decide to get married? And don’t even get me started. I was so disappointed you didn’t invite me,” she said, continuing the conversation.

“I’m sorry. It was a spur-of-the-moment decision,” I explained.

“A spur of the moment? Oh my god!” She glanced at my stomach, giving me a suspicious look that made me laugh.

“Silly! It’s not what you’re thinking. No matter how much you pray for it,” I chuckled, “I won’t be a mother.”

“Then why did you rush into marriage? Who’s the lucky guy?”

I paused.

Lucky guy?

Instead of thinking that Alaric was lucky for marrying me, I have to admit that I was unfortunate to come across a rude guy like him. I mean, out of all the men out there, why did my grandfather choose someone as cold as Alaric?

Jasmine interrupted my thoughts, saying, “If you can’t tell me who he is, I’ll seriously get angry.”

“Oh, sorry,” I replied. “It’s Alaric Ford.”

“Alaric Ford? You mean THE Alaric Ford?”

Jasmine’s loud voice caught me off guard, almost causing me to spit out my coffee. “Geez, Jasmine. Lower your voice. By the way, do you know him?”

“Well… I’ve heard a few things about that man. Some good and some bad. The good part is that he’s very influential, wealthy, and handsome. The boss’s daughter is head over heels for him.”

“And what’s the downside?”

“He’s absolutely terrible. I mean, it’s not about his appearance, but his attitude. Many people have expressed their reluctance to associate with that eccentric guy, and he’s such a perfectionist at work. Definitely not someone you’d want as a boss. And guess what? I heard Mr. Ford will be collaborating with our company. But I’m unsure if it’s just a coincidence with your husband’s name. Anyway, seriously? How did you even meet that man?”

Upon hearing this, I gazed into the distance and pondered about Alaric.

Ever since our last encounter, I hadn’t had the motivation to dig deeper into who he was. But now that I knew he was famous and potentially going to work with our company, my curiosity was piqued.

‘Maybe I can investigate about him once he comes home.’

If HE WILL come home tonight.

If he will.

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