Chapter 96 Six Weeks, There Was a Fetal Heartbeat.

I pursed my lips. Abagail had previously told me some things about her and Ryan. They were DINKS, without children. She had been with Ryan for ten years, and all the money she earned was taken by him. Now she was murdered, left alone in the world. With her departure, she truly had no worries left.

I looked up at the gray sky, glanced at Alexander, and asked him, "What do you think marriage really means to humans? Abagail was with Ryan for ten years, endured ten years of hardship, and when they finally had money, Ryan went out and had a child with another. woman. Not only was she killed, but no one even collected her body. Do you think her life was worth it?"

Alexander raised his eyebrows, indifferently saying, "Whether she thinks it's worth it or not, I don't know. All I know is that I don't think it's worth it. This Ryan is really not a man, people like him deserve to be struck by lightning."

He amused me and I laughed, saying, "I thought you were all men, who would speak a few good words for him from a male perspective!"

He gave me a glance, "I am indeed a man, but I am more of a human. being. People like Ryan, they're not even human, they're worse than beasts."

I glanced sideways at Alexander, couldn't help but smile faintly. Although this man occasionally acted lowly, deep down he was extremely righteous.

Perhaps because of his words, my mood improved slightly.

He got in the car and started driving, while I stared blankly at the



scenery flashing by outside the car window.

After a while, noticing that the direction was wrong, I glanced at him, "Aren't we going to the Conner Group?"

He nodded, gripping the steering wheel and looking at the road ahead, "Auntie Eileen said you were vomiting too severely yesterday, she asked me to take you to the hospital for a check-up." Went to the hospital!

When I hesitated, Alexander had already parked the car in the hospital's parking lot.

After getting off the car, he accompanied me into the hospital. Seeing that I had registered for the gastroenterology department, he furrowed his brows, "Why are you registering for the gastroenterology department? Why not the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department?"

I smiled and said, "I had a stomachache, so naturally, I went to the gastroenterology department."

With a puzzled look on his face, he muttered, "Morning sickness in pregnant women is a hormonal issue. Going to the gastroenterology department won't do much good. It would be better to see a doctor from the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department and get some folic


I smiled lightly, looking at him and said, "You seem to know quite a lot."

"I had a friend who was pregnant before, I know a bit."

I paused, suddenly intrigued, "A friend was pregnant? A girlfriend?" The fact that he, a grown man, knew about this, was hard not to overthink.

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Probably realizing he shouldn't have said so much, he clicked hist tongue and said, "Just ordinary friends, your turn, go ahead."

Indeed, someone was calling my name at the department door, so I got up and entered the department.

Going to a big hospital for treatment was indeed troublesome. After the consultation, various tests were required. By the time the tests were completed, it was already evening.

Having received the examination form, I entered the doctor's office again. The one who examined me was a middle-aged woman. After reading my examination report, she slightly frowned and said, "Ms. Conner, dry heaving is a common reaction in pregnant women. Your stomach doesn't have any problems, it's very healthy."

"Pregnant and dry heaving?" I furrowed my brows, paused for a moment, and said to her, "Doctor, I'm not pregnant, you..."

"Not pregnant?" She frowned at me, looking down at the paper in her hand, saying, "The blood test shows that you're already pregnant..." At this point, she looked at me, saying, "You didn't know you were pregnant?"

I was stunned, it took me a while to react, was I pregnant?

When did it happen?

Coming out of the doctor's office, Alexander saw my dazed expression and approached, asking, "What's wrong? What happened?"

I shook my head, handing him all the medical reports in my hand, and hastily registered at the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department...

"Six weeks, the fetus was developing well, and there was already a fetal heartbeat. If you decide to keep it, you need to come to the hospital as soon as possible to create a medical record and have a


pregnancy check."

Listening to the doctor's words, I was still somewhat bewildered.

After responding to the doctor in a trance-like state, she left the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department.

In the hospital lobby, I held the ultrasound report in my hand, trembling uncontrollably. I... I was really pregnant.

How did I get pregnant?

Six weeks...

I remembered, a month ago, it was that time on the mountain top, Walter didn't take precautions. After coming back from the mountain top, I was called away by Carley. Afterwards, so many things happened, I also didn't take precautions. It was that time I got pregnant.

"Tabatha, what's wrong with you? What happened?" Alexander saw me tightly holding the ultrasound report without speaking, thinking something had happened, and anxiously paced around me.

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