Chapter 81 You Don't Want a Divorce?

If it weren't for the dire circumstances, I wouldn't have wanted to see that devil-like person again. But I also knew that if he continued to be above the law, countless people in this world would suffer from his persecution. People like Ezra simply didn't deserve to live.

I feared I might hate him more!

Looking at Lucas, I nodded and said, "Okay."

Seeing my agreement, he seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, looking at me and saying, "Thank you, Ms. Conner."

I shook my head, recalling the matter of Owen, and looked at him, "Lucas, why would Owen's lover get involved with Ryan?"

Logically, the woman sought by Owen, a desperate fugitive, and the woman sought by someone like Ryan, could never possibly be the


Lucas slightly furrowed his brows, falling silent for a moment before saying, "Owen's lover is not simple. I've arranged for someone from the station to keep an eye on her. If anything happens, I'll notify you."

I nodded, the matters of the Conner Group were pressing at the moment. Although I was curious about a woman of the world, there was no need to expend too much energy to understand her.

As for Owen's side, I looked at Lucas and asked, "So, are you guys ready to close in on Owen's side?"

Lucas shook his head slightly, "The station plans to close in on Ezra after his party, otherwise it's easy to alert the enemy Ezra is a cautious


man, we can't make a move on the inland side for now."

After hearing his words, I pursed my lips and nodded slightly. It was just a matter of waiting a few more days, I had the time to wait.

The truth about what happened that year would eventually come to light, and Ashley wouldn't be able to escape the punishment she deserved, not even a bit.

"Right!" Thinking of Ashley, I looked at Lucas and said, "Lucas, what are your plans regarding Henry's return to the country?"

I had asked Rachel to communicate with the police station about this matter before, they should have known about it.

Hearing my question, Lucas looked puzzled for a moment, frowning at me and asked, "Did Henry return to the country?"

I nodded, seeing his somewhat puzzled reaction, "You didn't know?"

He shook his head, a frown creasing his brow, then asked, "How did you know Henry returned to the country?"

Hearing him say this, I was somewhat puzzled, but I still told him about meeting Henry in the small building.

After listening, he nodded slightly and said, "Henry's case is not within. my jurisdiction, it needs to be handled by the provincial department. We in our department have no right to intervene." "I didn't understand all this. Hearing him say that, I was slightly taken aback and asked in confusion, "If such a major criminal returns to the country, is the higher authority planning to ignore it?"

He shook his head slightly, "We can't ignore it. The higher-ups might be making arrangements. All we need to do is wait for orders."


Alright, that's the situation in the country, I couldn't say much more.

Didn't ask any more questions.

After saying goodbye to Lucas, I didn't rush back to the Conner Group, but sat in the tea room for a while.

I sent a message to Rachel, asking her to come and chat with me.

She arrived shortly after, noticing that I had chosen a tea house as our meeting place. She sat down next to me and asked, "Since when did you start liking tea?"

I poured her a cup of warm tea and said, "Lucas just asked me to come over."

She paused for a moment, asking, "Which Lucas?" But in an instant, she remembered, saying, "The Lucas who was in charge of your case back then?"

I nodded and told her about Owen's matter.

Knowing that Owen appeared again, she happily said, "Great, this bastard is finally going to get his comeuppance, Tabatha, after all these years, the dirt you've been carrying is about to be washed away."

I nodded slightly, looking at her and said, "Once Lucas closes the net and lets Owen confess everything, the truth about what happened that year will be revealed."

She nodded repeatedly, "Exactly, once things are clarified, people outside will stop harping on this matter. And as for the Hinton family, they won't say anything about you anymore."

Speaking of the Ilinton family, I felt a bit of a headache. I looked at Rachel and said, "Carley gave me two months to divorce Walter because of this." Now, almost a month has passed.


"What?" Rachel frowned, "What's wrong with this Carley? The Conner Group is in a tough spot right now, and she's forcing you to divorce Mr. Hinton. Isn't this kicking someone when they're down? How despicable!"

pursed my lips, no longer speaking, feeling extremely agitated inside.

Seeing my troubled expression, Rachel frowned and said, "Tabatha, do you not want to divorce Mr. Hinton?"

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