Chapter 78 Planned to Go to Chesterburg

The pitiful facade on her face was instantly replaced with shock, her eyes wide open. She stared at me defensively, her voice cold as she said, "Tabatha, what do you mean?"

Walter had already brought out the bird's nest soup. I watched Ashley give a faint smile, "It's nothing, I was just kindly reminding you that if you always walk by the river, your shoes will get wet eventually." "You." She wanted to continue speaking, but upon seeing Walter come out, she stopped. Tears were on her face, still maintaining that pitiful and weak appearance.

Walter placed the bird's nest on the dining table. Seeing that Ashley had stopped talking, he didn't know what I had said to her. His dark eyes turned to me, his voice low as he asked, "What were you two talking about?"

I glanced at him, gave a slight smile, and said, "No, it's just some girl talk. I have something to do later, so I'll leave first."

My relationship with Walter used to be distant and polite. Later, when Ashley came back, I had both resentment and affection for him, so our relationship was never really harmonious. Now, even though he has opened up and asked me to get along well with him, I somehow feel a bit uncomfortable.

I hurriedly left Water Villa and headed straight for the Conner Group. Since Ryan was in Chesterburg, we had to find a way to bring him back.

But this matter was not enough to rely solely on the police."




In the office, upon hearing that I was going to Chesterburg to bring Ryan back, Alexander immediately objected, "No, I disagree. What use would it be for a pregnant woman like you to go? Tabatha, aren't you being too confident in yourself?"

I had anticipated his reaction, so I calmly said, "Of course it's useful. The inland police can't directly arrest Ryan in Chesterburg, but the inland people can bring him back."

He furrowed his brows, looking at me and said, "What do you want to do?"

I shrugged, "Go to Chesterburg, bring someone to tie Ryan back. If I'm not mistaken, Thomas should also be in Chesterburg."

His frown deepened, "You went to tie them back? Just you?"

I shook my head, "Of course it wasn't me. I brought people to do it, I didn't have to lift a finger.'

He pursed his lips, still disagreeing, "No, I thought about it last night. I'll go to Chesterburg and bring the person back. You stay at the Conner Group. It's safer if I go than if you go."

I shook my head, looking at him and said, "I've considered this plan, but as it stands, the Conner Group is more stable with you at the helm. Moreover, I feel more at ease when you make many of the decisions. If I stay at the Conner Group, I'm afraid there will be problems before you even bring people back."

If it weren't for Alexander propping up the Conner Group, it would have probably been in trouble by now. Once he leaves, chaos is certain.

In the business field, I was self-aware. I didn't have the talent for it, and I was helpless when many problems occurred.

With Alexander around, I felt more at ease.




Hearing me say this, he was somewhat embarrassed and said, "You trust me so much, I'm actually quite pleased."

Watching his awkward appearance, which was somewhat irritating to the eyes, I averted my gaze and said, 'So, it's settled then. I'll sort out the affairs of the Conner Group and set off for Chesterburg the day after tomorrow."

He clicked his tongue, knowing his opposition was futile. After a moment of thought, he said, "Don't make such a hasty decision about this. First, tell me how you plan to bring the person back. Tabatha, I'm serious. You're pregnant. Even if I agree to let you do this, you at least have to reassure me."

Knowing his concerns, I said, "Don't worry, I will handle it. You just take care of the Conner Group and wait for my return."

He wanted to ask more, but at that moment, Cory walked in and said to me, "Ms. Conner, there's a situation with Ryan's mistress." Ryan's mistress!

I was taken aback for a moment, quickly turning to Cory, signaling him to continue speaking.

Cory glanced at me and Alexander, saying, "The person I had arranged to keep an eye on sent a message, saying that a man has been frequently visiting the woman's place these past few days. I originally suspected that the man was arranged by Ryan, thinking they were preparing to flee the country. However, the person watching over there said that the man seems to have an unusual relationship with Ryan's mistress, as he has been spending the night there quite often recently."

"Stay the night?" I was a bit surprised, couldn't help but ask, "The woman's new lover?"

Cory wasn't quite sure as he said, "Hard to tell, their relationship




doesn't seem to be a recent one. I had someone watch them for a few days, and it seems like the man is selling drugs, and quite a lot at that."


I paused for a moment, something flashed through my mind, and I looked at Cory, "Do you have a photo of that man?"

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