Chapter 67 The Mental Hospital in the South of the City

I pursed my lips, thought for a moment, and said, "Perhaps there's something wrong with the timing of Ashley's pregnancy."

She exclaimed, "Are you saying that Ashley was already pregnant, but she sought out Walter, secretly had a relationship with him, and then told Walter she was pregnant?"

For a moment, I couldn't figure out what was going on. When Ashley told me she was pregnant, she said she was already two months along. Indeed, there wasn't much of a noticeable difference between a three-month and a two-month belly.

It seemed that I needed to find an opportunity to take a look at Ashley's stomach, not knowing if I could discern anything.

After thinking for a while, I shook my head, looking at Rachel and said, "I'm not quite sure what's going on right now, but I'm certain that Henry must have something up his sleeve with his return this time. We need to figure out what he's planning to do by suddenly coming back to River City."

Rachel sneered, "He must be short of money, that's why he came back to get more. What else could he be here for? From their conversation earlier, it seems like they've set their sights on the Hinton family. It looks like Walter is not only going to be a happy father, but he might also end up being treated like an ATM."

After speaking, she snorted and said, "Walter deserved it, ignoring a wife like you and insisting on having an aflair. It's karma. And that Carley from the Ilinton family also deserved it. If she takes Ashley back, it won't be long before she unknowingly causes Ashley's death."



neau, helplessly saying, "My dear journalist, stop

brainstorming, you have more important things to do now."

"What happened?"

I pulled her out of the private room, saying as we walked, "We need to inform the police about Henry's return, regardless of how they handle it, at least let them know about it. But I have other things to do now, so, you'll have to go to the police station yourself."

She asked, puzzled, "Shall we go together? Do you have something to do later?"

"The matter of the Conner Group," I began, looking at her, "The Conner Group's funds were laundered, I couldn't leave, so, you had to go to the police station."

She thought for a moment, nodded and said, "Alright, I'll go there in a bit, I happen to be free later anyway.

After watching Rachel leave, I went to the mental hospital in the south of the city, following the address Cory had given me.

The location of the hospital was somewhat remote, the main entrance was tightly closed, there were hardly any people around, it looked as if it had already been abandoned.

I knocked on the gate a few times, and an elderly man opened it. He looked at me with deeply furrowed brows and asked, "Who are you looking for, young lady?"

I glanced inside and said to the old man, "Grandpa, I'm here to visit a relative. She was brought in here a few days ago because she was sick, and I wanted to come and see her."

The old man clicked his tongue and said, "Didn't I inform you of the specific visiting hours? Come over on the weekends, visits are not

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allowed here during weekdays."

I was taken aback, with a look of ignorance, I said, "I'm really sorry, I just found out about this. Grandpa, you see I'm here, could you let me

in to visit?"

The old man thought for a moment and said, "I can't make a decision on this matter, I need to ask the leader. You wait here, I'll go ask."

After speaking, he closed the door again.

After waiting outside the door for a few minutes, it opened again. The old man said, "Young lady, as I told you, it's not possible. This place is full of severely ill patients. There aren't many doctors today. If one of the patients has an episode and hurts you, we can't be held responsible. Please go home and come back on the weekend."

After speaking, he didn't even wait for me to respond, he just shut the door directly.

I frowned, were they all seriously ill patients?

I couldn't get through the main gate, so naturally, I couldn't find out anything more. But since I was already here, I didn't want to go back empty-handed.

After some thought, I still took a walk around the hospital. The hospital was surrounded by tall walls, and some areas were even covered with electric fences. It didn't look like a hospital at all, but more like a detention center.

Looking at the situation, I called Cory. After the call was connected, I started to speak, "Cory, what's the deal with this mental hospital in the south of the city? Why do they only allow relatives to visit on weekends and why have they installed electric fences around the hospital?"


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After listening, Cory began, "Here's the thing, Ms. Conner, the hospital mainly admits patients with severe violent tendencies, or those with personality disorders but high IQs and criminal tendencies. Most of the patients there have spent time in labor camps, and were sent to the hospital after their mental issues were discovered. Some are even death row inmates, which is why there are special regulations in place. It's mainly for better management."

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